Saturday, July 3, 2010

Just Bite The Damn Pepper

Wow. It's already been a long, long day. But, not a bad one. Not too bad at all.
I'm looking at things like this- whenever I start to feel panicky about Kathleen, I switch over to thinking about Mr. Moon's infected toe and then when I start to feel too panicky about that, I switch over to thinking about Kathleen.
In between I think about Owen and how much I miss him, Jessie and her trip tomorrow to North Carolina for the Swanannanoa Gathering, and then the rest of my children (because when I am in anxious-mode I have to be anxious about them too because, well, I just fucking do) and oh yes, what we'll be eating for supper tonight which is venison cube steak with portabella mushrooms and mashed potatoes.

Can I have a martini yet?

No. I cannot.

We woke up this morning to a flat-out beautiful day. Cooler and less humid than it's been in months and Kathleen was up and looking beautiful and amazingly cheerful and Mr. Moon was up and sitting in his chair looking somewhat worried and Jessie was still asleep upstairs. She heard about things going on here and had to come over after work to spend the night to make sure our world didn't spin out of control without her in it.
And thank god she did because our world did NOT spin out of control.
Phew. Bless our mean Jessie.

So I did what I do which is to keep people hydrated and fed. There were smoothies and cheese and egg sandwiches and tea and coffee and muffins and blackberry preserves.
Sweetie came and got Kathleen and took her back to her house and Jessie and I hovered over Mr. Moon's foot. By eleven I was totally focused on freaking about IT and so we called the doctor and he sent us to an Urgent Care place and they gave him a shot and a different 'script for antibiotics (that makes four kinds in all if you count the shot). One of the nurses also gave me a male urinal when I joked that the only thing I couldn't do for Mr. Moon was to pee for him. I told her that really, I didn't need one, but she insisted so I took the damn thing.
Why not!
It was free!

And within an hour, the toe was feeling so much better and now it's even LOOKING better and we're going back tomorrow to follow up. I mean this is a serious infection, folks. The kind that before antibiotics would probably have ended up being deadly. Mr. Moon's grandfather died after getting an infection in his foot back in the olden days in Bug Tussle, Tennessee.
I did not make that up, either.

Kathleen had lost her wallet so I was looking everywhere for it but then she found it IN HER PURSE in a zippered compartment which she had not known was there. In her defense, it is a new purse, Sweetie had put he wallet back in the purse yesterday, AND SHE'D JUST FOUND OUT SHE HAD CANCER!
I mean really. Give the girl a break. None of us had the brain power to figure out a screw top by the time yesterday's torture session at the hospital was over. Believe me.

So okay, I can still joke, I'm all right. I am. And I'm trying to not to prod myself into any more anxiety than I need to feel. I'm grateful I get to take care of my loves. Kathleen's home now but will come back tonight and it makes me just feel so needed to know she wants to sleep here. And damn. I NEED to feel needed.
And Mr. Moon lets me bring him yummies to eat and drink and hell, I'd even tote the urinal if he wanted.

And I know that really everything is fine because I have all this love around me. My kids who keep checking in and Kathleen and all of the people who love her and all of YOU, and I know we're going to get through all of this just fine.

That pepper up there? That very large jalapeno? Well, we grew it, it was in a bowl on the kitchen island, and my dog Buster got up there, grabbed it and took to the library rug which is where he eats his contraband food and ATE THAT MUCH OF IT!
And not even a Mexican chihuahua. He's a poodle-mutt who loves vegetables.
So look- we're a bit strange here at Casa Luna but dammit! WE ARE NOT AFRAID TO BITE THE PEPPER!

Or something like that.

Have a lovely evening.
Love....Ms. Moon


  1. love to you,
    Mr. Moon's healing,
    and to your incredible Kathleen,

    that's all I have for now...
    may it count as something

  2. Honey lady, you just watch the other end of that dog, because you have enough to worry about without having to deal with the Great Pepper Aftermath!

  3. So glad about the toe. And so glad we live now, when there are toe-shots to be had. And the internet for making us a little more sane.

    I span out of control with one of my anxiety things between five and six last night, until I watched enough crappy tv to forget about it a bit, so I am feeling for you. Anxiety is the worst.

    And Jo is a very wise dog-owner. You watch that bum now.

  4. The right antibiotics working fast, and a lost but then not-lost wallet---good signs!

  5. deb- It does count, believe me.

    Jo- It's been several days. I think we're safe. But you know I thought about that. Burns going in, burns going out...

    Mwa- WHY do we have to suffer this bone-deep anxiety? It sucks. At least I can drink. TV helps. It does. And I don't care how stupid it is- if it helps, if just fucking helps.

    A- I agree!

    Karen- Oh, thank-you, you croissant-eating, stair-climbing woman!

  6. Bug Tussle???

    I say go ahead and have that martini ~ it'll probably work wonders!

    So glad Mr. Moon is feeling better already and glad that Kathleen will be in your comfy home tonight ~ sweet dreams to all and safe and happy travels for Jessie.

  7. lulumarie- Yes. Bug Tussle. They probably didn't even have a doctor there and there wouldn't have been money if one had been available. Two generations and here we are. Amazing, huh?
    Your sweet words comfort me. Thank-you and love from me.

  8. I too am amazed at how close we are to dying of an infected foot in Bug Tussle, Tenessee. I'm sure it was hot. Tragic and epic!

    Infection and a less advanced world - it does make me think. I got mastitis with my second child, for a couple of stupid reasons, just as I was due to leave for the airport at 4.30 am the next day with my 2 month old baby in tow - I heard a lot about how dangerous it is and was getting scared, but I did the hot and cold water and cabbage leaves - two homeopathic remedies took away the chills and fever instantly - I still got the scary red line of infection but another remedy sent it away, the swelling went down, and it was gone in24 hours. It was great. Was glad I didn't have to take antibiotics because it was thrush that caused it in the first place.

    The Bug Tussle story makes me wonder if there are cures for things like this so close to us, and we just don't know. A couple months of no electricity or fuel and we'd be back there pretty fast, wouldn't we? Scary.

  9. Crazy dog.

    I'm glad to hear about the healing toe.

  10. Jo- My heal-all for infection is golden seal root and I would have used it to treat this foot but Mr. Moon is horribly allergic to it. DAMMIT! You're right. The human race would be culled and weeded right smart without modern medicine.

    roserain- Thank-you. You have the best name in all of blogworld.

    Elizabeth- Crazy dog is right. And this was not the FIRST jalapeno he's eaten! He actually likes them!
    The toe is looking so much better. Thank-you, honey.

  11. Bite the pepper! I like it.

    So, damn. What did the Mr. do to his damn toe that got it so infected? It sounds very uncomfortable... poor dear. Glad he's healing up.

    If you wanna send that melon home with Kathleen, that would be fine with me. Sounds like she has people who will eat it!

    I hope that Buster doesn't get the trots from biting the damn pepper. Good luck!
    Good post. xo

  12. Glad that Mr. Moon is going better. It is nothing to mess with. Take care of yourself and all the loved ones. It was nice here today also.

  13. Thank you for always taking care of me too, Mommy.
    I'm so glad to hear that Daddy's toe is feeling and looking better already. I hope it stays going in that direction.
    I'll call you tomorrow while on the road.
    And Lulumarie, thanks for the happy travels blessing. Wish you and Lizzy were going with me.

  14. Syd- Thank-you, dear boy. The foot is looking so much better.

    HoneyLuna- Your daddy is doing VERY well. I wish you were going to be here tonight because I always sleep better, knowing you are here, but I am so excited for your adventure! Dance, sing, and play music. That will make your mama proud!

  15. Boy, it sure isn't boring up that way! What would the world do without women who know how to take care -- and you're one of the best! :)

  16. Lopo- You know (and I know you know)- when it gets right down to it, what else is there?

  17. I just found this, this morning. I hope it posts ok. He has asked that it be shared not posted, but I don't know how to do that in a comment....please read it, it will make your day, or at least a few miutes of it!
    Love to you and all those you are loving!

  18. Love you Ms Moon

    My best prayers continue to travel to Lloyd

  19. bless you heart.
    as you bless countless others.

    sending peace.
    perfect toes.
    miracles and believing.


  20. This post is a piece of life-saver writing. The only unsolicited advice I have for you is to Breathe. Breathe.
    I find that the deep, long, soft and gentle breath is the first step to calmness. Then I remember the words of one of my teachers, "In this moment, All is Well." I don't know why that resonates so deeply with me, but when I say it to myself, again I reach another increment of calm.

    What you have in your life right now is so heart-wrenching. Of course you are anxious! I know that you are surrounded with love, and that you extend such abiding love and care to those around you.

    And so many out here in the ethers of blogland send loving thoughts, words and energy your way.

    Mr. Moon is on the mend. Kathleen is a miracle. Keep writing my dear woman, you are a part of it all!

    Many hugs.

  21. Sometimes life is just that: Biting a damn hot pepper. Looks like this is in order right now for you and your loved ones. Hold on to the grass, and I will send good vibes. You never know if they will work... They might!

  22. Justme- Buster would totally eat sweet potatoes. Raw green beans are another favorite. Good link!

    Michelle- I feel them. I do. Thank-you.

    Rebecca- I do believe in miracles because I see them every day. Healing will happen, it is happening. I believe that. Thank-you.

    Swallowtail- "Mr. Moon is on the mend. Kathleen is a miracle."
    True words. Loving thanks.

    Photocat- I discount nothing. Holding on here.

  23. read this last night, and loved the whole pepper thing, made me smile. and i needed that, i was feeling really disconnected and weird.

    i was worried about what Jo said, i hope you had not aftermanth from the dog.

  24. Ms Moon,
    I am way behind on my blog reading and commenting...but I wanted to say I'm sending healing vibes your way. Hopefully they'll find their way to Kathleen and Mr. Moon and a few will bounce around and hop into your heart to calm you. Love to all of you!

  25. I hope old Buster didn't get the shits. I would have.

    I'm old now. The stomach is sensitive.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.