Sunday, May 12, 2013


We made it back, safe and sound and I am in no pain at all. I finally took Mr. Moon's suggestion and made a nest in the back seat and stretched and lounged and I am good as good can be and happy and even unbelievably, can still talk after reading out loud all day long. This trip I read one complete Robert B. Parker novel and part of another book to Mr. Moon as he drove and thus, I did my part.

Lily had set me up the sweet Mother's Day gifts there in that picture above which I saw immediately when I walked into the kitchen. A Virgin of Guadalupe candle, a pineapple, some mangoes, an azalea, a fancy cupcake, a Mexican soda, and a card. She knows me well. May always used to make me an entire altar of Mexican lovelies when I came home from Cozumel to help make the transition easier and Lily has taken the custom and made a beautiful Mother's Day offering which in this case, only made the return sweeter.

We've unloaded the car and I went out to feed the cat and shut up the chickens. "I'm home," I crooned to my six hens and my handsome rooster. "Mommy is home," and I felt ridiculous but also, ridiculously happy. I collected four eggs from the nest and two from Miss Honey's nest out in the garage.
More gifts.

Home. And I have talked to all of my children and Mr. Moon just picked two squash and reports that the tomatoes have grown a foot taller and here I am, on my own, my very own back porch and I have also talked to Owen who said, "Happy Mother's Day!" and whom, I hear, when he was staying here this weekend said more than once, "I love this new house!" which cracks me up and makes me happy. They set up the old pool for the kids and I think Lily and Jason felt a little bit as if they were in a resort, a funky resort perhaps, but I do believe they enjoyed themselves and the house looks beautiful and well, quite frankly, I could not be happier.

I should go unpack but before I leave here, let me say Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are not only mothers with children but also all of you who mother me and we all mother each other, even you sweet, brave fellas who come here, thank you, and if there is anything I would like blessourhearts to be it would be a place where we can all feel nurtured, can all know that we share so much, that we think of each other as we all travel away, as we come home, as we share our homes, our hearts, our days and our doubts, our troubles and our dreams.
As we carry home within us, as we unfold in the sweet spaces of whatever, wherever, we call our homes.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. You have succeeded with nurturing us all Ms. Moon. Happy Mother's Day to you.

  2. You are always so good at acknowledging all the other kinds of mothers, and the ways we mother each other. Thank you for your posts each mothers day -I always love them.

  3. Ah yes, welcome home Mother Moon.

  4. Dear Mary-

    Happy Mother's Day, which is after all, every day.

    XXXXXXXXX Beth a fellow mother

  5. I am so glad you are home and that the drive was not as bad as the going. Happy Mother's Day to you, one of the finest mothers and grandmothers I know. This was such a beautiful post. Thank you. Sweet Jo

  6. I love the Mother's Day altar! I sent my mom and stepmother e-mails, but that just seems sadly inadequate. (I couldn't send cards because Mother's Day here is much earlier in the year and I did not have the foresight to buy cards when they were available.) Anyway, I'll make it up to them when I visit in July.

    I'm glad your Mother's Day turned out well!

  7. I always love coming home. getting all this work out and being in the city three days of every week has been hard. here at the tail end, we are spending all week in the city this week. already I can't wait to come home.

  8. Your girls are so sweet. What a beautiful arrangement.

    Thanks for being here.

  9. I must have the weepies today. This post made me cry, third one in a row. I'm turning to mush in my old age.

    Welcome home, thanks for creating this place that feels like a second home to so many of us.


  10. Jill- And I receive nurturing back, multiplied geometrically. So. Thank you.

    SJ- You know I love you, girl.

    Elizabeth- Haha! The Old Crone returns.

    Beth Coyote- You, I feel, are probably as womb-centered as I. I bet you love bowls and bags too. And baskets? Maybe?
    Kisses, sweet woman.

    Sweet Jo- I sometimes wish I knew more about YOU. You are mysterious but always sweet.

    Steve Reed- Look- either you love your moms or you don't. A card does not prove shit. That's how I feel about it.

    Ellen Abbott- It may be the biggest cliche in the world but...there is no place like home.

    Ms. Vesuvius- My girls are precious. And so are yours. And my son is too. We are lucky.
    I am glad we have met here. I truly am.

    Mel- Oh, that makes me happy. Come on in. Have a seat. Always.

  11. Looks like a good Mother's Day for you. We just loved each other and were grateful for the mother's that we had. Otherwise, we would not be here. I was a week early on the date anyway.

  12. Happy belated Mother's Day!!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.