Saturday, October 9, 2010

Home And In Pajamas

Well. We did it. We went to a party.
It was fun.
The party was for Freddie, the world-acclaimed film-maker and one of my recently adopted children. His birthday is officially on Oct. 1 but there is some confusion and it was celebrated today. Actually, there is no confusion. I'd tell you the story but I'd have to kill you.
Or, someone would kill me.
I met his Papa tonight. "Doesn't he look like the Cuban Mafia?" Freddie asked me right after he introduced us.
"Yeah," I said, studying his dad. "I see that Desi Arnaz thing." Not that Desi was in the Cuban Mafia. That I know of. But really- what do you say to a question like that when Papa is standing right there?
(I saw it. I did.)

There were a few of us old folks at the party. We sat on the formal couches in the formal living room of the house Freddie shares with his mama and his grandmama and his sister (three beautiful women) while the young people stood around the dining room table in the formal dining room, scarfing down delicious party foods. We all recognized each other from one film of Freddie's or another. We were like a living, breathing photo album from the films of FC Rabbath! It was awesome!
And Mr. Moon gave Freddie's grandmother a beer! That was like the most awesome of awesomnest! Freddie should put his grandmama in one of his films.

Ms. Jessie Moon came and I proudly announced to everyone that I was her mother. She is so beautiful, that girl. Freddie tried to get me to call Ms. May and force her to come to the party. He hasn't met her yet and I think he is intrigued by her. And most likely wants her to act in some of his films.
"May never goes out," I told him.
He didn't believe me but it's true. Well, I hear she went to a party that Hank had last night so she's had her social event for the year.

So it was fun. Freddie blew out the candle on his cake (one candle) and I hope he made a wish and I hope it comes true. If luck is on the side of those who work hard and are very focused, it will.

When we left, they were showing his films and we had just watched one called Road Rage. I would post it here because it's very funny but in spite of the fact that I just signed up for a fucking youtube account, I can't figure it out.
If you want to see Road Rage (and it's really short) go here and just scroll down until you find it.

I would have loved to stay for longer and watch more of his films but Mr. Moon wanted to come home and watch the FSU game on TV. And really? How much party can this woman take?

It's been a day. And I can sit right here in my pajamas and watch all the FC Rabbath films I want to on youtube while Mr. Moon watches FSU on TV.

Happy Birthday, Freddie. I am grateful I met you. You have given me the gift of friendship and also, of showing me a new way to define myself and who I am. People told me tonight that I did good work on those films of yours and I have to give you the credit. You told me what to do and I did it and if it turned out well, it's all your doing.

And I hope that all your dreams come true. I have a feeling they will, so make sure you are very careful about what they are.

And think about putting your grandmother in one of your films. Really. She's darling.

Many more. Many more. And don't let your brain explode.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Glad that you had a good time.

  2. Elizabeth- Yeah. I'm thinking Meryl Streep needs to watch her back. Seriously, though? Of all the things I've ever yearned to be, an actor was way down the list. Isn't that funny?

    Syd- I did. And thank-you.

  3. I agree with Elizabeth. YOU are a star! Amazing, isn't it?

  4. It must be wonderful to hob nob with movie stars.

    I enjoyed the pirate movie I saw yesterday very much.

  5. Freddie's the lucky one. And how could he not be intrigued by Miss Maybelle. I am.

    I love that picture of you in your nightie.

    Sorry. That sounds kinda weird. You know what I mean.


  6. Angie M- Maybe a teeny, tiny glimmer-prick of a star in a far-away galaxy and we ALL are that, at least.

    Elisabeth- Funny how all of us actors look just like regular, awkward people.
    Glad you liked the pirate movie!

    Michelle- That wasn't weird. If I'd been wearing baby doll leopard print jammies with a thong, it would have been though. Don't worry. You'll never be put in that position.

  7. Glad you had fun. I figured you would.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.