Friday, October 15, 2010

Come On. Laugh. It's Funny


  1. I can't enjoy it! My mother's heart is worrying about them out in the traffic! :D

  2. I saw this the other day...I got it...and enjoyed it..secretly wondered if I have an odd sense of humor. Guess I am not alone!

  3. I watched that a few days ago, and it is hilarious!

  4. Applause! I was too sleepy to laugh aloud but I grinned.

    As for deer livers, you and Mr Moon are welcome to the buck that's sleeping right under the kitchen windows at this moment. I guess that wouldn't be very sporting. I'm so impressed that he uses a bow and arrow.

  5. Pretty cool--at first I thought that the guy was trying to light a fart.

  6. I have those kind of days too. Your stew looks delicious! xx

  7. Jo- Oh. They all lived. But I understand.

    Ellen- I love Freddie's weird sense of humor.

    Lora- Especially when they get pulled, right?

    Mr. Mischief- I'm glad you do.

    Christina- Hey! I assume you came by via Ms. Bastard-Beloved's blog. If so, you are family! Welcome!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.