Tuesday, October 19, 2010

All Righty Then!

Do you ever wake up from dream and go, "What the fucking fuck!"?

Yeah. Me too.

Last night in Dream World I was at some sex resort. How did I know it was a sex resort? Those old ladies wearing girdles in the lobby was a major clue. Also the hot dude playing the accordion in the...accordion-playing room?
And that giant swinging bed with curtained partitions. Yeah, that was another indication.

Now what my children and grandson were doing there is beyond me. And why I was shopping for used clothing and bought a tacky green plastic purse for five bucks is another mystery.

Mr. Moon was there too. He kept chatting up other people and ignoring me.

HONEY! I'm right over here- wearing used clothing and carrying a tacky green plastic purse! Why are you ignoring me?

So yeah. I'm in a great mood this morning.


  1. Ms. Bastard-Beloved- I knew you would understand.

  2. Your dream certainly tops mine from last night! I dreamed my ex-husband died and it was strangely upsetting since I don't like him much. He is the father of my children though and they would be devastated, so that would not be good.

  3. i dreamed funnily of may a while ago..your daughter..not the month..that is...i dreamed she has accidently send me something and i had bring it back to her and when i finally found her at work she opened the package and it was full of typical german things..very weird...

    so..you went to a sex resort..damn...wild wild wild:-)

  4. I can certainly understand how that would be a disturbing dream to wake up from. But it was pretty funny to read about.

    WV: restomat

    Like a laundromat but for sleeping.

  5. Taylor used to wake up mad at me for things I did or said in her dreams.

  6. That would grandly fuck up a day, at least until the afternoon. Have a beer!

  7. I am mightily sorry, Dear, if this dream left you with a bad hangover. But I, too, found it very funny.

    "HONEY! I'm right over here- wearing used clothing and carrying a tacky green plastic purse! Why are you ignoring me?"

    Every time I read that I laugh. So funny, knowing of your purse addiction, that you saddled yourself with a tacky green one in your dream.

    I'll bet you are feeling better by now. x0 N2

  8. These are these are such trippy images for me! Thanks for that.

    Maybe your anniversary, trips to Goodwill, family doings and those sexy retro French pictures from Danielle's place have been all tossed about in your subconscious.

    It sort has the feel of David Lynch or Baz Luhrmann. Woo hoo!

  9. I found it hilarious too, but I'm sorry Mr Moon was ignoring you, especially at a sex resort! The nerve of that very tall man.

  10. Lois- The moon must have been in weird dreams last night.

    Danielle- How wild could the resort have been with the grannies in girdles and the accordion player? Really?

    Stephanie- Build a chain of restomats and get rich.

    Elizabeth- I KNOW!

    DTG- I have done the same with Mr. Moon. It is not logical, but powerful all the same.

    Mwa- I was afraid to have a beer today. I thought I might start sobbing and never stop.

    N2- I'm glad it was funny. I wanted it to be. Because really, it was.

    Ms. Fleur- I think you are right.

    Bethany- The funny thing in the dream was that Mr. Moon was not nearly as tall as he usually is. I actually noted this in the dream.

  11. I have had that kind of dream--the ignoring part. And perhaps it had some sex in it too. But I am really bad at interpreting dreams. Haven't a clue other than perhaps I think that I am overlooked at times. Who knows?

  12. Syd- There was no actual sex in this dream. Which is odd, considering the location of it. And maybe you ARE overlooked. Somewhere. Not here.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.