Friday, October 1, 2010

Haiku My Heart, Simplicity

And there you have my haiku for this week. It was inspired by rebecca's posts and links on the love of paper. I have no artistic ability to cut and shape paper but paper is sacred to me, as is ink. I am rich if I have good paper and a fine pen.
I am rich.

It is Friday and chilly to our North Florida blood. We knew this day would come but we had almost given up hope. Summer has been a thick weight of heat which pinned us to our ground and kept us inside and on shady porches. We have been drenched and dressed in sweat for months but we have had rain this summer and that was our saving grace and so I must mention it. I have never seen the beauty berry as it is this year.

There is one growing across the street and last night, as the sun set, I saw that plant lit with gold and put Owen on my hip and grabbed the camera and crossed the road and stole its picture.

The hurricane lilies are blooming a glory I've never seen before either. My next door neighbor's yard is a field of them, they are a red flock of flowers, standing up in great numbers, soldiers rooted in their fancy uniforms, offering nectar for the hummingbirds. Almost every yard in Lloyd has them and when I see them growing in a vacant place, I know a house stood there once. A history marker, newly erected each year to remind us of what was, to allow our minds to fill in the picture of what is gone but shimmers still somehow in ghostly outline.

Well. It is morning. Owen will be here soon. I am wearing long sleeves. The roosters are crowing back and forth between the yards. The whatever-it-is that bloomed on my hip/flank and made me almost crazy with itching has grown less angry red and is smaller in size. Yesterday it was so ugly I would not have posted pictures for fear I would be called insane to not go to a doctor. It still itches but I no longer think it will eat my flesh.

The banana spider has died for the winter. That is how I am thinking of her disappearance. She will be born again next summer in the form of one of her babies. The seasons roll and I am shocked every time a new one appears, even as I expect it. The spiders die, the beauty berry blooms, the air grows cooler, the boy gets bigger, the life and heart grow fuller, the light shines brighter, I grow more quiet, I know what I need.

All of this. I need all of this.

And pen and paper.


Happy Friday, y'all.
Love...Ms. Moon

Click on the picture for rebecca's haiku links.


  1. The weather has been glorious this week hasn't it? My grandson has actually been complaining about being cold when I walk him to his classroom in the mornings!

  2. How I love your haiku. LOVE it.

    "pen, ink, paper, mind, hand, heart,
    Birthing ground for all"

    And I confess I am so JEALOUS of your cool weather. Here in St. Petersburg we are still waiting with bated breath. The weatherman has forecasted a cool weekend, but I know they always lie to me this time of year... just to get my hopes up.

    Also, that grandson of yours is just as cute as he can be.

  3. oh how the weather effects us all so much. Love to see the blooms after your much needed rain.
    The simple things are so precious, aren't they ?
    Enjoy your FRiday !

  4. Yes, its birthing ground for all..and you need them all with a warm heart in a cool weather.. Thanks!

  5. That is surely one of the best haiku and posts following that I've ever read.

  6. Lovely, thoughtful post, Mary. Thank you and have a fabulous Friday. x0 N2

  7. Enjoyed your haiku. Great flower photos too. Thanks.

    All the best, Boonie

  8. Happy Friday! I am so glad your bite is getting better.

    The Beauty Berry is lovely. Can you eat them? Just curious. Everything is about food to a fat ass.

    Love you! Have a great weekend.

  9. HAND! I struggle with the beautiful cursive sometimes. I love your pen and ink haiku, Mary.


  10. A lovely read, Ms. Moon. I can tell by your wordsa, you get it. You are in tune with nature and the seasons and accept them as they come, ready for the change. It is inevitable. Nice stuff, thanks.


  11. Spiders and Berries and Boys, Oh MY!

    This weather is enough to make even me downright cheerful... Hey, is that actually the name of those berries? Beauty berries? Just curious because I see them everywhere too.

    Have a happy day.

  12. Love your poetic description of the hurricane lilies.

  13. Simplicity, yes. There's nothing quite like the feel of ink gliding across paper.

    Lovely photos and descriptions, as well. Those berries look luscious!


  14. I am tickled with wonder at what bit you. Really no idea at all?

  15. We still have a few hardy banana spiders. The beauty berry is awesome and there are many on the 7 acres here. Tonight temps may fall to the low 60's! I am so ready for this cool snap.

  16. i love you ms. moon.
    i love this.

    about you...


  17. Absolutely lovely post... Your haiku is wonderful... a spiritual tribute to pen and paper. Yes the Beauty Berry is beautiful this year... The Goldenrod down here in west-central Florida has been amazing too. Glad I found your blog and I'm going to explore it more!

  18. love yr post, everything abt it... especially so .."..but paper is sacred to me, as is ink. I am rich if I have good paper and a fine pen.
    I am rich..."... i agree... life is beautiful....


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