Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yes. It Was A Very Good Day

Oh Lord. I am so embarrassed to know that Freddie maybe watches this stuff. But it is what it is- me with my camera taking short videos of my world.
This one is of Owen and the chickens. We are feeding them crackers. You could hardly get more prosaic. You could hardly see a more accurate representation of the goodnesses of my life.
If you hang in until the end, you will see what a genius my grandson is.


  1. He's so sweet I want to eat him up.

  2. He is so funny about the chickens.

  3. Steph(anie)- I do.

    SJ- Of course.

    Syd- A boy and his rooster. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing.

  4. So sweet.

    Next stage: you lie on the ground to film the chicken's eye view of Owen...

  5. How cute! I love that you film my boy now. I love you so much!

  6. I totally agree with Stephanie :O)

  7. Your voice is so sweet, Ms. Moon.

  8. That is some cracker eating love right there. Sweet, he knows his grandma loves him. That knowing is one of the most vital things in this world.

  9. Holy crap, that child is talking already! How can he not be one yet? You be careful with that little genius you have on your hands!

  10. All kids should be that certain they are loved. He is cuter than puffy puppies!

  11. Kathleen Scott- You know damn well I will.

    Lily- Yep. There will be no shortage of Owen Film around here. I love you, baby.

    Abi- Hello!

    Elizabeth- When I'm talking to Owen.

    Terressa- I think so too.

    Jo- I know. He just turned eleven months. It's a little scary.

    Ms. Fleur- I'm doing my job with that boy.

  12. Ohhhhhhhhhhh...he's brilliant and so darn cute!!!

  13. Those chubby little legs are killing me.

  14. Well, duh! Of course he's a genius! Miss you, Ms. Moon.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.