Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just Because He Liked The Damn Quote

My friend K sent me this via e-mail a few moments ago:

It appears that certain people think that poetry should be a certain way. For these, there will be nothing but troubled years. More and more people will come along to break their concepts. It’s hard I know, like having somebody fuck your wife while you are at work, but life, as they say, goes on.Charles Bukowski

I wrote him back and told him that I was going to use it. I was writing something but it was no good. Why write shit when Bukowski wrote good? If you are not familiar with Charles Bukowski and his poetry, I suggest you go to youtube and do a search. He was something, that man. I saw him once do a reading in a bar on Tennessee Street in Tallahassee. As I said to K in my e-mail back to him, he was ugly to the point of beauty and during the break he went outside and peed in the parking lot and tried to convince a pretty young woman to hold his penis while he did so. She giggled. It was dark and I do not know if she complied.

P.S. The title of this post is of course a homage to our beloved Ms. Bastard.
K's email subject title was, "Just because I like the damn quote." I need to give credit where credit is due.


  1. My wife just peed on my leg today because I was stung there by a comb jelly. I have never asked a woman to pee on me before, it was interesting.

  2. I can't imagine the glee going on at Google Search now, with this post!

    I've never been a Charles Bukowski fan -- he's one of those poets that I never "got around to." Maybe I will.

    "Life as they say, goes on."

  3. Great post. I don't think I'd could ever be talked into holding his willie, but I sure do like him!

    I heard many a story of his being here in town. My friend Angela is the one who got him here. I wish I could remember some of those stories now...

    Apparently he, like many people fell into the Tally vortex and hung around for a while afterward.

  4. I enjoyed Syd's comment almost as much as I enjoy reading Bukowski! And I envy you your personal Bukowski story, Ms. Moon!

  5. Syd- What more could you ask for in a wife? I love that! Sorry you got stung but Lord, what a story...

    Elizabeth- He ain't pretty. He's brutal. But he's got some really good lines.

    Ms. Fleur- I'm sure he loved Tennessee Street. Lots of bars, lots of whores. Stomping grounds.

    Ms. Trouble- Syd's story rocked! Mr. Bukowski would have approved. And written a poem about it.

  6. Thanks for the homage. In an entry with that Bukowski quote, I am not worthy. I loved the man. What a treat that you got to see him.

    I love you, too!

    p.s. I hope that young woman held his penis. What a story for the grandkids. Damn.


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