Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pictures From The Beach

Our beloved pelicans, flying overhead.

Kathleen and Vicki, celebrating Denise's birthday.

Sea oats.

Our view.

Our girl.


  1. I'm so glad you get to have your beach time. Hope you are all having a beautiful, healing visit with our Mother Ocean.

  2. SJ- It is.

    HoneyLuna- I keep thinking of all the summers I spent with you and Lily on the beach and floating in the waves and watching the sky and water and I am wondering why we quit coming to the beach. I know that Dog Island is the beach, too, but this is very, very special and beautiful.
    I love you so...Mama

  3. Lovely ladies, lovely beach. Mmmm cheesecake!

  4. Great photos. Was it as hot there as it was here? Last night was a killer on the boat.

  5. Looks like heaven.
    Glad you all are getting to relax some and enjoy the beach.

  6. I love your view. If that doesn't restoreth the soul, then I don't know what in the hell will.

  7. you know you are blessed.
    and bless
    you know this. don't forget.
    always know this.

  8. I LOVE the flying pelican wedge picture. That would make a nice header next time you're ready for a change.

    And your Kathleen is something, as all of you good friends are.

  9. That looks like a great time. So beautiful.

  10. Sitting by the sea, with crisp blue sky....friends, talking..endless talking, food...enjoy!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.