Mr. Moon is back to work. One day at home and then he's up, dressed, lookin' and smellin' good and off to the salt mines again, smoothie in hand and head up high.
That's my man.
"Thanks for taking such good care of me," he says as he strides toward the car with his long legs. "Thanks for healing me."
And he also wanted to know if I was going to get the ingredients to make Allegra's Moroccan Oranges for him. I told him I would, I will, I am. I have to go to town anyway to pick up my prescription for my fucking antidepressant. Man, I wish I had the balls to taper off that drug, see if I can live without it. I started reading an article in the New Yorker last night about how depression is actually just an appropriate reaction to the crazy world we live in. I was too tired to read the whole article but I will read it. I don't disagree with the theory- that depression is not so much a mental illness as it is just a normal response to the way things are today- but how do you manage to LIVE in that world if you're afraid to go out in it, if you can't talk above a whisper, if all you can think about is...sleeping a really, really long time.
I mean, I just can't live like that.
And it is a crazy world. Do you watch TV? I shouldn't. I know it. And it's not even the actual shows that are so crazy-making. It's the advertisements for me. Have you seen where you can order ANY pizza from Domenho's for ten bucks? Any size, any crust, any ingredients. So there you are at home thinking, "Man, I sure would like some pizza," and so you speed dial the local chapter of the Do-Ho chain and you have the option of whether to get a sane, small, thin-crust pizza with oh, say two healthy toppings on it OR the hugest, mega-ist pizza they have with every damn topping available- sure, pile it on, the hamburger, the ham the bacon, the sausage, the pepperoni, oh, but hold the onions and peppers because they upset your stomach- and which one do you order?
Mama didn't raise no fool, right?
Get your damn money's worth.
And so there you are, in one half hour or less with a box big enough to hold a mini-fridge filled with cheesy, meaty, goodness. And enough fat and calories to feed Bangladesh for a week and in forty-five minutes you have one small slice left in the giant box and oh my goodness! I don't feel so good!
This is all theoretical to me, of course. There IS no pizza delivery in Lloyd. Thank God.
And of course you can go to Subway and get a foot-long sub (ANY SUB!) for five bucks.
And again- why would you choose a six-inch turkey sub with no cheese and no mayo but with all the vegetables which is slightly healthy when you can get the twelve-inch meatball, four cheese, salami/ham trio for about a buck more? Again, I am not sure of the details. I burned out on Subway a million years ago.
But what I'm saying is- food (or a reasonable facsimile at least) is artificially low-priced. I say "reasonable facsimile" because that shit they serve you at fast-food places is not what I consider real food. It can't be. Not even vaguely possible. Because if it was, they could not make any money at all selling it at those prices. It's just so wrong on every level. I can't make a pizza at home for ten bucks and I don't even put meat on it. Sometimes I don't even put cheese on it! And it sure as hell takes longer than half an hour to make. The crust has to rise for an hour.
Well. We all know this. And Michelle Obama (bless her heart) can do everything in her power to stem the tide of childhood obesity but while we live in a country where you can have a fat and sodium bomb delivered to your door for ten bucks it's not going to do one bit of good. Not until parents realize that that ten bucks may look like a big savings on the dinner bill but that that they're going to need all those savings later to pay the doctor bills.
Where the hell is common sense?
It all comes back to the wooly mammoth (thanks, Michelle) because if you were the men of the tribe who had been told to go out and get meat, you didn't pick out the smaller, leaner animal to kill. You killed the fattest, meatiest animal you could get your spear through because that animal had to feed a lot of people and they had to gorge on it and eat it fast before it got nasty, turn that animal fat into personal body fat, a wonderful way to ensure survival when there were no more mammoths to be found that year and there was only grass to live on.
We never have periods of starvation around here. So our cave-man brains keep on telling us to eat all the fat and calories we can without actual puking and then- the next day- there's a whole other wooly mammoth at our door, skinned and deep-fried in transfats and covered with corn syrup for us to eat.
Ah yah.
Well, I guess I better jump nimbly off that soap box and get out and collect the eggs and feed my little hens and their generous rooster. I need to get into town and pick up my pills which allow me to live in this world without losing my mind completely. I may or may not be getting sick myself. I'm somewhat congested, have no energy and I feel a bit achy. Sometimes this is the way I get sick- just the tiniest touch of whatever is going on and then I feel guilty for laying around and being lazy because I'm not REALLY sick. But if I do get sick, there is soup leftover in the refrigerator made of ninety-nine percent vegetables and a bit of venison and there is yogurt and there are oat bran muffins I made last night with apples and raisins. And there will be Moroccan Oranges too.
In my house, food is not only love, it is medicine and it is as real as I can make it. It's also delicious. It is not shit. And it is not cheap. But we can't afford the sort of health insurance that pays for anything but the most dire catastrophe so we do what we can to stay healthy. And eating right is part of that. So is gardening which provides us not only with fresh vegetables but also with physical labor, which is also what our bodies require for proper functioning and also pleasure and enjoyment. As do the chickens. Growing food as entertainment! It's a whole new concept! I should be on HGTV talking about it! They could film Mr. Moon and me, walking around our yard with our martinis, discussing our chickens and how lovely and lively they are, what nice eggs they give us and then moving on to the garden to discuss the tomatoes and peppers we have growing there, how healthy they are due to the chicken shit we put into the garden dirt.
Oh wait. I think Martha Stewart may already do that.
Oh well. I'd probably have to put on a bra anyway and we all know that's not one of my favorite things to do. I'd rather muck out the chicken coop. I'd rather weed the garden.
I'd rather hunt mammoths.
Stay healthy, y'all.
I still feel sick. Two weeks into this blasted illness. I think it's the wintery weather. Can I come to Lloyd tomorrow? I bet you'd make me better.
ReplyDeleteI'm the healthiest eater I know. Except for the cookies. I'm a sucker for cookies. Ohhhhh yum. Cookies with nuts are the best.
Oh and I like cheese, alot. Like ungodly amounts of it.
But alas. Momma wants a new pair of jeans. ;)
Twenty more pounds to go till I can get into the size I want.
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ReplyDeleteAw, don't eat the mammoth
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog through The Spohrs Are Multiplying and became a follower after reading this post. Is it wrong that this made me want a McDonalds breakfast burrito? I know they're $1 and I don't know how on earth they make them so cheap, but I think they're delicious! :)
You are one smart lady Ms. Moon. I definitely agree with you about our eating habits and fast food joints. We gave up fast food after watching "Super Size Me" and definitely want to instill good habits in our little man. It is really disturbing seeing so many overweight kids.
ReplyDeleteNow THIS is a post worthy of sending out to publications (like salon or something?) -- so many of them are, but this one is so on the point and real and funny -- you're the female Garrison Keillor, you know? More people need to read you and learn.
ReplyDeleteThe picture of you and Mr. Moon walking around your yard in your overalls with martinis just makes me crack up it's so awesome!
Ms. Moon, another great post. Synchronicity in action, as I watched this new special on Americans and food yesterday:
I struggle really hard with how to best feed my family, who would live on pizza if I let them, and I hate the premium I pay for quality.
I think insanity is the only rational response to this world, hence my obsession with all things lunatic! Last night, as we watched the local news together, and both were shaken to tears watching the IL friends of Chelsea King get the news that her body was recovered, followed by a triple murder discovered in a neighboring town, we both agreed it was time for The Daily Show or lights off. We couldn't take any more news. It's not easy staying sane if you pay attention to the stupid human tricks.
But try we must.
Glad Mr. Moon is out and about, hope he truly feels better and you have an uncrazy day. Hugs.
If there is any motivation to stop eating that fast food crap, this is it. Brilliantly done, Ms. Moon.
ReplyDeleteHappy to hear Mr. Moon is better. He got it right, your love and attention healed him.
And thinking of you. Depression sucks.
I have been trying to understand the ups and downs since I was in my early 40's...the mood swings...then the lashing out and feeling awful afterwards...I can't figure out if it is hormones, the sandwiching in of still raising a child at home and the failing health of parents, or the overwhelming of life in general some days. Reading you though makes me realize we all have paths that can be down right difficult and then down right wonderful....so I get up each day and still want my glass half full! This is after a night of insomnia....what is with that ?
ReplyDeleteI'd rather watch you (with or without a bra) than that damn bitch Martha.
ReplyDeleteHope you are not getting ill.
I went off my antidepressants AGAIN recently. I am convinced they are fucking up my metabolism (along with fast food and $10 pizza--yes). I decided I would rather be thinner and unhappy than fat and happy. Yes, I am very vain.
I love you and your chickens. Every last one.
Erin- First off, congratulations on your weight loss! You have done it well! And yes, you may come to Lloyd. The chickens alone would help to heal you with their sweet, funny ways.
ReplyDeleteJo- Not that one, anyway.
Lambaround- Thanks for visiting! And no, that's not wrong. Fast food can be delicious in a strange sort of way. I myself love the Whataburger breakfast burrito although I have not had one in years. I miss them.
Mr. Shife- Baby Shife has smart parents.
Elizabeth- Huh. Well, do you think you could use your Hollywood connections to get me and Mr. Moon on the TV walking around in our overalls with martinis? Because that would be a dream job. Of course, I would have to make the stipulation of no bra (and with overalls- who cares?) although I would be quite happy to put on lipstick.
You're so sweet.
Mel- Well, great minds, etc. Thanks for the sane and good wishes.
Angie M- It does suck, even if it is normal.
ReplyDeleteI would watch your show. Oh yes, I would.
ReplyDeleteYou could call it "Moonshine" because you shine so brightly for us and because it would get viewers looking for the hard stuff.
Oooh, I'd subscribe to Moonshine!
ReplyDeleteRe 'food is not only love, it is medicine' - can that be plastered across every first-world bus around the globe? If so, it'd make me very, very happy. Though I'm prone to being fond of fast-food myself ultimately it's a bit like alcohol: feels great at the time but the hangover's pretty rubbish.
ReplyDeleteAmen to all of that , Ms. Moon.
ReplyDeleteI am so not a fast food eater.
Along the same lines, in one of Hannah's classes last session they were talking about the food/healthy/obesity issue and Hannah was the ONLY person in the class who didn't eat a frozen or TV dinner at least three times a week. Isn't that just the saddest thing? Also, some of the kids said,"Well, if you don't eat TV dinners, what do you EAT?" Had no concept of actually cooking a meal.
ReplyDeleteThat said? It is Steve's birthdays, so I think we are going out-but NOT for a hamburger. :)
Ms Moon- a very interesting post. Ive heard that in the US you can get unholy amounts of food for ridiculously low prices...arent there restaurants that dare you to eat their kilo of red meat "steak buster" or whatever dish, and get it for free?
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean- when i lost my job and was poor poor poor I couldnt have made a lasagne for the same price as it cost me to go to the local mini supermarket and buy my single serving frozen lasagne. How do they do it??? Bulk industrial buying...all the way to giant feedlots I guess.
Fresh high quality fruit and veg you can find, but for some reason the hard discount shops like Lidl, Aldi, offer up stuff imported from Germany, shipped across Siberia flashfrozen and irradiated in Taiwan, all so we can have our cheap hamburger mince scraped off an abbatoir floor in Costa Rica or who knows where.
And yeah, it seems to be the poorest people who end up eating the shittiest food, whether it's bought at a cheap supermarket or ordered from a pizza chain.
I dont mean to sound like up on a high horse...As I write this Im nibbling on leftover mushroom lasagne, as if I need third helpings.
Where'd yo get that mammoth pic? I remember it vividly from something but cant remember what, is it an old school textbook? I must have had the same one, how wierd!
I also forgot to tell you that I dreamed of you and Lis last night, so-thank you. and I mean that, to both of you.
ReplyDeleteJill- Yes.
ReplyDeleteNancy- Hmmm. And Mr. Moon and I could travel around in his beautiful old convertible and sample moonshine in the hills of the south.
Mel- Your lips to God's ears.
Nigel- Indeed. Exactly.
Deb- The more of us there are, the better off for this poor, overused planet. Or that's what I try to tell myself.
Kori- I know. People have no idea these days what food IS! That's bizarre and disturbing. I loved your post today, of course. Thank-you. And happy birthday to your man.
Screamish- Yes. Bulk. And then there's the companies which are so big they can buy for almost nothing. Don't get me started. As to the picture- I, too, recognize it from my childhood but I just got it from google-imaging "Men hunting mammoth." There you go.
I can't believe anyone would BOTH choose to eat that stupid pizza AND read your blog. Not really compatible.