Thursday, November 12, 2009

And The World She Is My Oyster

I have no where to be today and nothing I have to do. Do you know how happy this makes me? And it's gorgeous. Cool but not cold, and the sun is out.

So far I have spoken to two of my children, taken the trash and the recycle (and there is something really funky going on down there at the dump place), been to the Post Office, dropped soup off at Petit Fleur's (I did end up making just the soup I described last night), been out to the chicken coop, given Miss Betty her special grapes and feed and put golden seal goop on her head where it has been pecked, patted and loved her, stopped myself from kissing her because...she's a chicken! (okay, I didn't stop myself- I kissed her- but not on the beak and there was no tongue involved!), half-tidied up my bedroom, found a book I was missing, and started a load of laundry.

And I am so happy!

I'm going to take a walk, clean the chicken coop, and write. I am actually in my office right now where it is beautiful and peaceful.

To me, this is all the perfect day. Isn't that crazy? The only way it could be more perfect is if Owen suddenly magically appeared in my arms, smiling that goofy gorgeous Owen smile at me.

And look what I found last night in the nesting box. A giant, beautiful green egg, left like a gift, like a good omen, like a promise of the richness of life:

The brown egg is the size of what the grocery store would sell as a large egg. The green egg is so much bigger that it's ridiculous. When I put it in the Extra Large Egg Carton I keep my eggs in, the lid would not shut! I'm saving it to show to Mr. Moon. I have no idea who laid this egg or why it's so big. But there you have it- a mystery, a surprise, a calcium-enclosed feast of goodness.

So now you know what my perfect day consists of: no where to be, nothing that has to be done, sunshine, lovely chickens, cleaning their house, and one giant egg.
Yes. I am crazy.

Now. What is your idea of a perfect day? Tell me. Please. I'd love to know.


  1. Ive got my boy in my arms, a cup of coffee, and it's beautiful outside. If I didn't have to go to work, it'd be a perfect day. It's still pretty damn good though.

  2. I love taking long walks with the kids and Jeremiah. Just pointless meandering long walks to nowhere. That plus having us all home with no school, no activities and no work...that would be a perfect day.

  3. A long bike ride going nowhere in sunshine and perfect 70 degree temperatures. That's a perfect day. But, so is sitting around at home with a book (or two or three) in front of the fire on a wet snowy day.

    My goodness that's a large green egg. I think it must be eaten with ham! :)

  4. I agree that the enormous green egg must be eaten with ham! My perfect day would be waking up in the morning with both of my grandbabies in the bed with me and feeding them their breakfast and then playing with them all day long and we would definitely have to go for a walk around the neighborhood with me pulling them along in their wagon. I'm easy to please! Oh and by the way, after two weeks of worrying, I finally got a good mammo report from those torturers. Whew!

  5. I think a duck must have wandered into your chicken coop last night.

    A perfect day for me? Heck, any day that involves some friends and some fun.

  6. So what's up with the FDA going to ban fresh oysters? I mean WTF??!! L7

  7. A perfect day would be waking up and drinking coffee while my children happily make their own breakfast and play quietly. Then we might all drive to the beach, and I would have someone to help with Sophie that day all day and I would sit in the sand and read a book while everyone played and Sophie would have no seizures. We would come home and I would go out to dinner with my girlfriends and laugh hysterically all night over good food. And then I'd go home to my cheerful, loving husband.

    Thanks for making me write that down. And I'm happy for you, today.

  8. So glad you're having a perfect day!
    My perfect day might consist of a lot of things. But definitely that oyster plus eleven of his friends and that ocean view. Perfect

  9. Jon- Amen.

    Erin- I think it's not so much what you do, it's what you don't HAVE to do.

    Nicol- That sounds good too. And yes, May and I were discussing the ham situation.

    Lois- That day sounds wonderful to me. And thanks for letting me know about the mam results. I'm telling you- those people bite the big one.
    There's got to be a more compassionate way to do those tests and get the results.

    DTG- We have easy-to-please-itis, don't we?

    L7- I thought it was that they are going to do that irradiation (!?!) to raw oysters sold during the summer months. I agree- WTF?? Although I will say I know a doctor who grew up eating raw oysters and after watching one old guy die from Vibrio, never ate another one. He said it was quite frankly horrifying. But again, the old dude probably had some other medical issues going on. And hey- thanks for commenting, sweetie.

    Elizabeth- Yes. That sounds perfectly perfect. Lovely.

    Michelle- It's tasty-lookin', isn't it? I don't really eat that many raw oysters but I love the whole going-to-the-coast to get them trip. And I sure do like to make delicious baked oyster dishes with spinach and cheese and all sorts of wonderful ingredients. Oh man. That is good stuff.
    I wish I could make some for you.

  10. I'm so jealous. I wish I could stay home and collect eggs too. My perfect day would include that kind of peace.

  11. Hooray for happy days. You are a pearl in the oyster, you know.

    Love the egg, I would have to save it too. My mom used to blow eggs at Easter and paint them lovely colors, they keep forever. You could do that in your spare time with your extra eggs!

    My perfect day...I'm having trouble remembering! I think I need some sand between my toes...

  12. Hanging out with The Daver and all the kids after we've ALL had a good night's sleep and no one is sick (for once) and just doing what we please. Sounds divine.

  13. Finally! I now know the secret of where the green eggs come from in 'Green Eggs and Ham.'
    Now, is the ham also green, if so I need to solve that mystery?

  14. I hope you are still enjoying your peaceful, beautiful day. I pictured what would be a perfect day for me and I think I need two perfect days to fit it all in!! But here's one: exploring a new town on vacation with my Hubs, eating a great meal for lunch and afternoon sex.

  15. Marsha- It has been peaceful with a bit of not-so-much. But still a good day.

    Mel- And that's another sort of perfect day- beach time.

    Aunt Becky- Sounds tame but very nice.

    Ms. Lucy- Let's not try the green ham. I think it would not be so good. I miss ham. I love it so much I can't have it around. I swear, I need pigs and a smokehouse.

    Michele Renee- Yeah. That's pretty much a perfect day. Especially if you throw in a fine dinner and sleeping in a nice hotel. Where someone else is washing the sheets and towels. Or is that asking too much?

  16. Ms. Moon,
    Your perfect day sounds pretty damn perfect to me, too. Just replace the chickens with cats and add in a big bottle of red wine and a good movie.



  17. Your blog reminds me of when I was growing up. My maternal grandmother had a hen house full of hens and a couple of mean roosters. Anyway, we lived right next door to grandma and she'd often fix us breakfast. Anytime I wanted eggs, we'd just go out there and get the eggs. Fresh eggs were wonderful and delicious.

    Also, when we wanted chicken and dumplings or fried chicken....I was there. I knew exactly where that chicken came from. I think the chicken tasted better too.

    Enjoy your fresh eggs. I wonder if that extra large egg has a double or triple yolk?

  18. My idea of awesome would be a day in your house & backyard. I say this in a non-stalkerish way. I say it b/c I've had the pleasure of actually being there and know just how wonderful your house and property is.

  19. Ms. Bastard- Okay. For you.

    Rebecca- I wish Owen could grow up next door to me. He could collect eggs every day. I will let you know what's inside that egg. I am afraid it might be a tiny dinosaur.

    Angie- That's sweet. Thank-you!

  20. So glad you're having such a wonderful day!

    I think my perfect day would be waking up late, having a big breakfast/lunch with my boys, my sister and nephew coming over, and us just enjoying each other all day.

  21. And it definitely would NOT include class or school work!

  22. I'm a bit late chiming in on this one, but hooray for your good day! I too love days where I have nowhere to be and nothing pressing to do. Any day where I get some time to read is a good one.

  23. Sorry I'm late to the party again...
    I don't even know how to answer that question! I guess if I can spend some time with family, and then some time on my own to visit friends or just be a grown up sounds good right now.

    You weren't kidding when you said chickens are descended from dinos...That looks like a damn Brontosaurus egg! Please don't eat it till I can get over and have a look.
    xo pf ps pats to Ms Betty and of course Madam Pearl.

  24. Glad you had a perfect day.
    Late to answer, but I think a perfect day would not involve driving anyone anywhere, reading , red wine, and my husband bringing me a giant salad and a platter of cheese while I lounge by the pool.Oh and world peace of course.

  25. No oyster ban!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.