Friday, January 31, 2020

In Which The F-Word Is Used Appropriately And Generously

Well, fuck the senate and fuck the Republicans who own it. Fuck the horse they rode in on and fuck their unbelievably selfish, self-serving actions. They themselves have fucked justice and the Constitution and the very basis of democracy, not to mention the fucking they have done to the American people themselves. Fuck Donald John Trump and fuck Rudy Giuliani.
Fuck Ivanka and fuck Jared.
Fuck Donald, Jr. and that other brother, Beavis or Butthead. I can't remember his name.
Oh yeah, Eric.
Fuck the assholes who voted for DJT and who still attend his rallies and cheer and yell and laugh with joy because finally, FINALLY, they have a president who is as racist and ignorant as they are.

Upset? Me?
Nah. I knew this was going to happen. Well, as pertains to what happened today. When Trump got elected I knew shit was going to be bad but to be honest, I never really thought that it was going to be this bad. That not only had the country become something I did not recognize as my country but that the justice system would fold like a tissue-paper origami made by a four-year old when confronted with the wrong-doings of their fat, naked emperor.
I figured he'd do things like rollback environmental protections and laws protecting people of color and different gender identities and people seeking refuge in our country, but honestly, I thought that courts and judges would have some say-so about these things.

So. Well. Okay. That happened.
Yes. That happened.
And you know what? I would not be surprised in the least if he doesn't win the election this year. The lying, pussy-grabbing, demented, cruel, willfully ignorant, narcissistic, bloviating, white nationalistic, ugly, ugly man with no moral compass at all has some bizarre hold on so many people that yes, if it happened once, it can happen again.

The United States of America- it was a bold experiment while it lasted.

Meanwhile, here in the hinterlands, we go on with our lives. I spent way too much time in town today. I didn't mean to. I knew I had more stops to make than I wanted to make but I figured I could zip, zip, zip around and get them done.
The main problem was that I first went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond for curtain rods because I've bought them there before but they had nothing I could use. So of course I had to go to Target and you cannot get in and out of Target in less than half an hour. It's just not possible. And it's even possibly illegal. I'm not sure.
By then I was hungry but I didn't want to take the time for a restaurant and I didn't want fast food so I dashed into a Publix and bought sushi which I ate on my way to Joann's.
And guess what? Here's more proof that I'm an asshole- I finally downloaded the Joann's app and signed up and what would have been a thirty dollar purchase ended up costing twelve bucks with today's online coupon.
I found some incredibly beautiful pima sateen cotton in just the color I wanted for my curtain. I wanted two yards and there were two yards on the bolt. I bought it!
Then on to Costco. I got the things on my list there and nothing else.
By that point it seemed as if I'd been in town for days and I was starting to tremble.
"You can do it!" I told myself. "One more stop!"
I kept thinking of a dream I had two nights ago where I was at a music festival and got so anxious that I started hallucinating. "Damn," I thought in my dream, "This is not good. I need to go home now."
But I wasn't hallucinating today so I went to Publix #2 and again, got what was on my list and DID NOT RUN INTO ANYONE I KNEW and also, did not die.

I came home where this was going on.

Hot, hot, HOT! I love a man who can do things. Real things. Things that involve plumbing and drilling and so forth. 

And it's all going to look like this. 

Isn't that nice? 

And I put up the curtains in my bathroom that I made yesterday.

That's one of them. The contrast in our bathrooms says so much, doesn't it? 
And tomorrow I'll get to work on the curtains for the windows to the right. 

It's raining. It's cold. I'm watching things happen in my country that I never thought to see but on the other hand, I'm living a life I never thought I'd see either. 
In a good way. 

Life is just so confusing, isn't it? 

Happy Friday, y'all. Or at least as happy as it can be under the present circumstances. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. This country is fucked! It's gonna be like the wild wild West again, and I guarantee all elections from now on will be nothing but cheating. And why not? If Trump can get away with it, why can't everyone? If he is so innocent, why didn't his minions tell Bolton he could testify? Instead, he and others were FORBADE by the White House to testify, and threatened to hold things up for years. Now I believe that Bolton's book (which I will buy) is 100% true, yet I blame him for not coming forward earlier. At any rate, this country that I've been so proud of all my life, will now become known as the most corrupt country in the world. The Orange one is making our country the laughingstock of the universe, yet his cult followers march in lockstep, smile and say 'that's my President.' I'm sad, but I'm more pissed off than I can say!

    1. I'm with you, Catrina. I am angrier than I probably even know. And I'm angry at Bolton. Why the FUCK did he wait so long to speak out? And all the others too that knew what was going on and know what IS going on and don't say a word or do it "anonymously"? It's all too unbearable.

  2. I echo your sentiments exactly and have been a mess all day.I knew it would be bad but this is just so much worse than I ever could have imagined. I am furious and incredibly sad.I think of my grandparents who came here not all that long ago and wonder what they would think about this awful state we are in as a country. And my grandchildren,oh my,that is the bitterest part of it. I am amazed you managed stores today.I thought making dinner was a huge deal.

    1. I think I wanted to get out into the world to try and seek normalcy even as the world was falling apart around my ears, so to speak. Not sure it was a great idea.

  3. I am not American, and what I don't understand is why the democrats have this long and involved process to pick someone to stand against him. If they'd done it earlier they could all rally behind the person and get their image out there continuously. Also, I don't understand Bernie Saunders. Even though I agree with his stance on most matters surely he will never appeal to the swinging voters that make the difference.

    1. Hello, Jennede! Well, it would seem to me that you are as puzzled by all of this as we are. As to the candidate- this is just how we do it. It is rather ridiculous. At this point I think there are many of us who would vote for a dead dog if it were the Democratic candidate. Viewed in the perspective, Bernie is not that bad. He's not my first choice but if he gets the nomination, I will love him.

  4. Poor Mr. Moon must have the sorest, most painful back in the world, with his shoulders up there on the cabinet floor. As for the country, most of what I would say is covered by your fine audience up there.

    1. He doesn't seem to be suffering today. He enjoys doing things like that so much that I don't think the awkwardness of the situation bothers him too much. He's used to being in spaces that were not meant for a man of his height. I was going to say "size" but that could be taken the wrong way. (Ha!)

  5. Your bathroom curtain is so pretty. As for the country, who knew it could get this bad? We really had no idea.

    1. Nope. We thought we did but it turns out that the Republicans are more imaginative in their criminal and immoral and unpatriotic actions than we gave them credit for.

  6. The curtain is pretty and the country is fucked. It's so sad.

    1. There are two of those curtains and the country is doubly fucked.

  7. love the curtain, hate everything else about todays news. All we can do is live our lives as best we can...... tending, loving, caring....... we can do that much
    susan M

    1. Yes, Susan. I hold on to that thought. I really do.

  8. I love that new curtain, the pattern is so pretty! I wish my hubby was handy, but I love him anyway. I have been actively avoiding impeachment stuff because we all know how it will end and my mental health is hanging by a thread anyway. Instead, we took our son to Disney on Ice and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. When our primary season rolls around we'll focus our efforts on getting good candidates elected. Hope your weekend is calm and relaxing. -Sarah in Columbus

    1. Sounds like you have a good plan, Sarah. Do what you can and don't expend whatever sanity you have left on worrying about what you can't. I hope you have a good weekend too.

  9. Life is very confusing. Thank you for saying what many of us are thinking right now. The horror I feel after the faux trial shitshow yesterday is such that I am unable to even write about it.

    1. Actually, hours later and your post has inspired me to write. Thanks.

    2. You did a good job of writing about it, Colette.

  10. we knew it would end this way. McConnell told us from the get go they would not allow witnesses or evidence and they would acquit, oaths notwithstanding. that they would buy or bully until they had the votes they wanted. what I don't understand is why they think that this doesn't open the door for unrestrained corruption from a democrat as well. do they really think they can act like this and then complain about anything a democrat president does? all those republicans who voted no because they are afraid of the threats of being primaried out if they voted with the democrats should have been worried about losing reelection because of their no votes. this country is fucked. and if Trump gets re-elected there won't be anything recognisable about this country at the end of it. if there is an end of it. could be we are seeing a transition away from democracy.

    1. Of course it does open the doors to unrestrained corruption but perhaps these jerk assholes are too shortsighted to even give a shit. Let's face it- the integrity of our system is hardly their first priority.

  11. I wasn't surprised by what happened yesterday but I WAS surprised at my capacity to still feel like I've been punched in the gut whenever the newest outrage occurs. And I don't mind admitting that I'm scared. We are well and truly fucked. You hit the nail on the head about that. I never thought I'd see the day when our country would seem just like those scary places where dictators took over and went unchecked.

    1. I'm scared to death. The Trump supporters I actually know are not smart people. They are generally big church attenders and I guess they believe that their god is a white god who wants DT to be president. I don't know. I just do not know.
      But yeah- dictatorship is just about what we obviously have now.

  12. Knowing how things were expected to turn out, I've been avoiding the news. Even up here in Canada, it only makes my guts churn.

    My husband is a farmer AND a general contractor. We were friends for many years before I got turned on by his wearing of his toolbelt and fell in love with him. I completely understand the sexiness of capable men!


    1. When Mr. Moon asked me to marry him he told me that he could fix cars and he could fix houses which are the two things people spend the most money on and that we would never go hungry.
      Sounded good to me! Still does.

  13. You know they're lying cheats, they know they're lying cheats and they also know there's not a fucking thing you can do about it so they look you in the eye with those shark eyes and grin while they're screwing you over (so says the pissed off expat Brit the day after fucking Brexit)!

    1. It's true though, dear Treaders. Those soulless, dead shark eyes. I offer my sympathies to you, too.

  14. I've said this before, and possibly here, in which case I apologize for repeating myself -- but I think Trump's election and persistent popularity among some segments of society is evidence of the failures of our educational system. These people just DO NOT UNDERSTAND what's happening. And they don't care because they don't see the threat in it.

    Why are you an "asshole" for using the Joanne's app? Sounds smart to me!

    Love the curtain! Whose baby shoes are those over the window?

    1. I don't know if it's education or (dare I say it?) a lack of intelligence. As I said above, the Trump supporters I personally know just are not very smart. But I do agree that education in the US is not the best by any means. And it never will be again until we make a priority out of it rather than spending everything on the fucking military.
      I'm an asshole for not getting that app sooner!
      I think those were shoes that belonged to Jessie and Lily. Good eye!

  15. This is my first time commenting and I hate that fucker Trump and every morning I turn on the news hoping they will tell me he is dead. instead the past three weeks have seen me hospitalized and diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. I blame it all on the stress caused by that fucking Trump! Carol

    1. Oh my god. That is awful! Oh, Carol! I do not know you but hope with all of my heart that you can find treatment which will slow and perhaps stop this cancer.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.