Thursday, February 27, 2020

I'm Okay. How Are You?

Today has been a another day of not-much. 
Some crocheting and more TV watching. I watched one documentary about the children who grew up in a cult called The Children of God and another part of a short series about a different cult that lives in New Zealand and follows the Old Testament (according to their interpretation) and allows their lives to be completely directed by a few leaders. One in particular. It's pretty much like the Handmaid's Tale except these women wear blue dresses instead of red. 
For someone who abhors much about religion in general and in most of its shades and colors and dictums and beliefs, I sure am fascinated by them. 
Mostly I think I'm fascinated by how they attract followers who blindly believe and obey whatever they're shoveling out. 

So that was the highlight of my day. 

I actually woke up from a nap this afternoon feeling better and so maybe tomorrow will be better still. I hope so because being sick around here doesn't pay. If I ever got a debilitating illness my husband would probably leave me. He doesn't handle illness well. For himself and for others his philosophy seems to be to refuse to acknowledge it as much as possible and it will go away. 
And he's right. 

With that I believe I'll go make supper. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I'm perfectly well, thanks be to whatever is in charge of that. I did go to the ophthalmologists today, and the eye that had discomforted me for six months had two more of the lower lashes about face and blink on my eye. That's happened before. The doctor pulled these, and drops notwithstanding, I was happier on my way home than my way in. Now about all the snow......

    1. Oh my goodness! I can only imagine how annoying that must have been! You need to have a stern talk with your eyelashes and tell them to grow in the correct direction! Damn!

  2. I hope you feel better tomorrow too but do ease up a bit. It's funny how we get transfixed by what repels us sometimes...Have a good night.

  3. I actually started sneezing and feeling chilled and slightly "off" this afternoon, which has me worried given all the hours I've spent at the hospital this week with my dad. Hospitals are the best places to get sick! I'm hoping I'm just tired and some rest will fix me up.

    I do hope you continue to feel better tomorrow. And enjoy some good, mindless Netfix binging while you recover! It's one of the few benefits of getting sick!

    1. I sure hope you're aren't getting whatever it is that's going around. Actually, I think a lot of things are going around. And yes- hospitals are probably about the most unhealthy places you can hang out in.

  4. Your husband sounds like mine.

    Just so you know, I'd make you a cup of tea and some scones. Hope you feel better.

  5. Do be careful about not thinking you're well when really you're just a bit better than before. That's not quite well. And I hope you get really well soon.

    Funny about following things: I'm a total anti monarchist, but I follow Royal antics all the time! I claim I'm in it for the hats..

    1. Well, in order to care enough about something to revile it, we must be fairly interested in it to begin with, right?
      And hey! The royals' hats are amazing!

  6. My husband is like yours, tries to ignore illness in himself and others. But when it got really serious he came through like the knight in shining armor he is. I would guess Mr. Moon might be the same.

    1. I'm hoping that Mr. Moon would come through too but I am not at all sure he would. Or even could.

    2. Well, mine didn't do it in the way I would have, but it was good enough...

  7. Hope you are feeling better very soon Ms. Moon. I must say that I am rather like Mr Moon - dismissing ailments as if they were nothing. But I have a friend who can be relied upon to moan about his health issues whenever I meet him. I often want to yell, "Shut the **** up! It's getting boring!". Partly it's all because he is lonesome with too much time to get things out of perspective.

    1. I had a friend like that. It got so bad that I didn't even ask her how she was doing. I DIDN'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT. But then guess what? She got really, really sick and died. And I miss her so much.
      Life is weird.

  8. I don't do religion. you know that. but I too am sort of fascinated with it. I've read a lot about it and the origins of the same and I would probably watch those same shows and shake my head at people's gullibility? susceptibility? ignorance? I don't know. especially people in cults. but I guess all religions are basically cults. glad you are feeling better.

    1. I agree with you- what religion isn't a cult? Or one sort or another?
      You and I are a lot alike. As I have pointed out before. Except that you got all the artistic ability and I got none.

  9. I find religious cults somewhat interesting (and I'm talking about cults not other religious groups) in that I can't understand how people can be brainwashed in following the rantings of some eejit who exhorts them to live a life of poverty when he sleeps with all the young girls and drives around in huge cars (I'm thinking of the Baghwan actually). But I'm willing to admit that while I don't believe I would fall for it (but who knows) they're very good at what they do.

    1. Well, if you boil them down, every religion that I know of is a cult. When they start out, they sound insane but if they manage to survive for eons, they seem less and less weird because we've become accustomed to their beliefs. I mean- Virgin birth? Eating the flesh and drinking the blood of your god? Etc.

  10. Some people want clear-cut answers. Cults give them answers. Those answers may not make sense to you or me, or even to them, but I guess they think they're somehow better than the gray areas that make up real life.

  11. We are the same person in different bodies with the same husband in different bodies. I swear.


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