Sunday, November 13, 2016

Fuck The Inspirational Platitudes Right Now

It's gray and gloomy, chilly and still.

If I see that Leonard Cohen quote about everything being cracked so the light can come in one more time, I'm going to scream.

It's not that it isn't a beautiful thought, perhaps even true.

It's just that this doesn't feel cracked.

It feels broken.
Broken and shattered and scattered on dry ground.

This country. Our hopes. Our dreams. Our faith. Our beliefs.

My heart.


  1. I'm with you Mary. we should not ever accept this man. and I read a really great article that I shared on my FB which made me a little hopeful about what will or could happen. but even so, I will never give this despicable excuse for a human being the title 'president'.

  2. Someone who posted about suffering "under Obama's harsh rule" (not economically, always posting pictures of new dresses and fluff stuff) then went on to say he only got elected because he was black. Then whined about how mean the Hillary supporters are to her and had the gall to quote Maya Angelou about hate. I felt like throwing up. I don't think there's any chance of conversation with some people, they can't see their own hate because it's disguised as righteousness. I just don't know.

    1. I agree. I know people who would go to their graves vowing that they are not racists in any way shape or form and they probably believe it and have found other reasons for their Trump votes.
      I don't get it.

  3. This situation isn't merely a crack. If people think that they need their head and heart examined.

    1. Well, it seems fitting right now, you know, what with Leonard's passing. Personally, I think he was old and tired and probably sick and when the election happened he said, "That's it. I'm ready to go on."
      And I think he'd probably agree with me.

  4. I felt exactly similar after Brexit. As if I had been living in a fantasy land under the impression it was my own country, but then the suddenly I was surrounded by bigots and idiots. It has taken months for me to accept that the majority didn't all vote for bad reasons. It was almost unbelievable but true that many really thought this was the right thing to do, and others wanted change, any change, from a political system which has resulted in grotesque riches for a tiny few, and millions of hardworking people struggling compared with the life their parents had, plus a corrupt and dishonest media pumping out lies and more lies. I realised *I'd* been OK but many people were sliding backwards, and felt they had nothing to lose by voting for change.

    I am no expert on the US situation, but I know that in Britain there were lies and dirty tricks on both sides. It was pretty hard to know who to vote for, everyone was insincere, but one side was saying you'd be mad not to stick with them, however many lies they were telling - while the other was promising the moon, success and happiness if you switched to them. Of course neither side had any intention of doing anything for those who voted for them. In addition, the Brexit lot, (and Trump's lot, too, from the sound of it), knew that if they stirred up hate against people who were different, they could get support from the 10 or so percent of every population who are bigots and haters. And to add to that they could get the gullible who believe what they are told if their emotions are engaged, and they could also get support from arselicking hangers on who would sell their own kids for hamburger meat in order to get money, power and influence.

    What this adds up to for me is that I've decided not to hate or despise my average fellow countrymen and women because they made a decision I don't like. Those people might be firefighters who would risk their lives to save me next week, they might work for charity or volunteer with kids or old folk or keep nature reserves and museums going for us all ... these weren't monsters before the vote and they're not monsters now. In a democracy they are entitled to vote for what they like - or else we forget the whole idea of freedom. I'm far more concerned with those politicians who are encouraged by their success, and are now (in our country anyhow) trying to curtail freedoms. Would you believe, here in Britain thousands of citizens have had to resort to crowdfunding a legal case against the government to stop our Prime Minister from using a 400 year old legal procedure to cut Parliament out and give her entire power to act alone on some of the most vital issues to affect the country for generations? If this kind of behaviour from politicians is to fail, the country needs some unity to stop it. America will need to be vigilant about the people who will now be climbing to power.

    I'm not against hating things that deserve to be hated. I hate evil, and bigotry, and most of all I hate the slimebags willing to trash their country and their neighbours and the whole damn world,and sell everyone in sight for dog food if it means getting power wealth and/or fame for themselves. But I don't hate millions of the people who share my country and never intended me any harm.
    Wow, this is a bit of a rant. You might not agree. But there it is.

    1. No, Jenny. I do agree with you but I can't reconcile in my mind the fact that so many people voted for these evil people. Are we that stupid? If we're not vile, then we must be. And I totally agree with you- people are absolutely right to vote for the candidate they believe in. I'm just in total disbelief that DT was that one. And if I prayed, I would pray that it's not too late for ALL of our vigilance. But I really appreciate your comment and you have given us much to consider. Thank you.

  5. I've just read, and taken comfort, from Jenny Woolf comment above. They express my sentiments exactly.

    I'm getting paranoid about politics after Brexit and US election outcome. I'm finding the comments on news articles a bit suspicious - as if most are Trump trolls, for they SUPPORT Trump blatantly. I'm more trusting of twitter feed of a few people I trust, and these blogs and comments (not found any false comments so far).

    I find it amazing that GERMANY (Angela Merkel - wonderful lady) had the guts to remind Trump of the values of equality and justice for all, and giving him conditional support. UK and the other nations have simply fallen in line.

    We all need to be vigilant about those in power, it truly corrupts.

    I've been up all night reading of the Dworkin Report and Russia/Donnie ties - scary stuff.

    Thank you for this blog, and for allowing comments - its such a relief to come here and read *genuine* views.


  6. Annie- come here any time and thank YOU for being here and speaking your truth, too.

  7. Ms Moon - I just came back to say thank you also for responding to each comment, 'to make it a dialogue' - so true! I've just see that you post quite often, which is wonderful.


    1. I post probably too much. I try to answer comments. It's very important to me.

  8. The more you read about Breitbart and the alt- right, the more you start to understand or intuit what's going on. And this country is no different today than it was the day before the election. The veil has been pulled back. We need to keep pulling back the veil. And stay strong and true.

    1. Well, you are right. We have simply lifted the veil and it's horrifying.

  9. It does seem like the deepest challenge to our Democratic system that we've seen in our lifetimes, for sure. I mean, Nixon was a horror, but he was contained by the checks and balances. We can only hope that happens here, if need be.

    1. And think of how many young men who were drafted did NOT survive Nixon and his dirty little war?


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.