Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I Am A Traditionalist

My big boy paid me a surprise visit this afternoon when his dad came out to help Mr. Moon with something, uh, to do with a deer feeder? (Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, etc.)
While the men were out in the garage doing that (whatever it was) Owen helped me carve the pumpkin. Just as we were finished, it was time to take the feeder thing out to the woods and so I finished up and gave the seeds and guts to the chickens and have set the pumpkin out on the porch.
As always, when I carve a pumpkin, it looks like a four year-old carved it with a very dull, perhaps plastic, knife. In this case, a four year-old helped so I am going to pretend that's the reason it looks the way it does.
But to be honest, it looks exactly like all of my Jack O'Lanterns look except that Owen drew the eyes and so they are round instead of triangular.

I think it is a fine and merry pumpkin and I love it. 


  1. Hurray! A traditional pumpkin! I don't really like all the fancy stencilled ones people seem to like nowadays. I prefer a free style face with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Yours is perfect.

  2. A very fine pumpkin indeed. Lucky you to get a bonus visit from the growing-up boy.

  3. I can't wait to see the chickens eat it.

  4. Just perfect. It looks like Owen enjoyed the process immensely. BTW, I don't know how you made out my previous comment with it being so full of typos. And I am not sure how that happens so much on my ipad but it's annoying. Anyway, glad you had a good day with a surprise visit from your boy while blah blah was happening. Sweet Jo

  5. Excellent. We will not have a pumpkin this year, so I am simply going to enjoy yours. :)

  6. Nice pumpkin job. Sadly, no pumpkin here this year--too much else going on.

  7. Love your pumpkin but I LOVE the typewriter it's sitting on!!!

  8. jo(e)- We don't need no stinkin' stencils around here! Pass the Sharpie and the plastic knife.

    Jill- I know! I was so happy to see him.

    Sittinonaporch- He's a good one.

    Mr. Downtown- The Great Pumpkin God! They shall worship it!

    Sweet Jo- I can always interpret.

    Steve Reed- I am quite happy to provide you with a virtual pumpkin.

    Syd- I can completely understand that.

    heartinhand- Mr. Moon found that at the dump for me. Isn't it lovely?

  9. I love the pumpkin on the typewriter! And of course the boy....sweet boy.

  10. those are the best true jack-o-lanterns. I'm disappointed every time I see one carved from one of those patters in a book. c'mon people. it's not that hard to make a face in a pumpkin.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.