Actually, it's hardly what you'd call light now. The sky is heavy and ponderous, uninspiring and dispiriting. All of that. The narcissus are blooming, though. That's nice.
Too bad they smell like cat piss.
The hog dogs two yards down will NOT shut up. What is wrong with those people? They probably have no idea that their dogs are so obnoxious. I think the animals only bark when they're gone. They're gone a lot.
I started wrapping Christmas presents yesterday. I hate wrapping. I suck at it. I bought one giant roll of paper at the Costco last week and therefore all of my presents are going to be wrapped in that. Well, except for the boys' presents. I found some Woody Christmas paper and some Sponge Bob paper up in the closet and I'll be using those too. The great tragedy is that I am almost out of tape.
I decided yesterday that there are two things which I enjoy about Christmas. These are: fruitcake and ham.
That's sort of sad, isn't it?
But it's something, goddammit! And I've got a fruitcake and I've got a ham and by god, I'm going to enjoy those motherfuckers!
Lord, Lord. I am a bitchy, whiny, profane woman today. And honestly, I'm not really in that bad a mood.
I had to go through my photos on my phone yesterday and cull about a million because my phone flatly stated that unless I did, there would be no more storage of photos AT ALL. It's so weird, going through old pictures. Gibson has grown so much and Owen has too.
Here's a picture of Gibson with my mother and Matt and May at last year's Christmas supper at the Assisted Living where Mother lived. This was about a month before she died.
Ooh boy. Anyway, it's a sweet picture.
As I recall, Owen spent most of the evening underneath the table with a plastic wine glass which all of us kept filling for him with the "alcohol removed" champagne. Here's what he looked like on Christmas morning last year though.
In my completely objective opinion, that is a pretty child. I miss his long hair.
Anyway, here we are. Two days until I can cut into that fruitcake. Two seconds extra on our daylight. We might get rain today and most assuredly will tomorrow. I need to water the porch plants and the plants which are stashed inside against the freezing cold weather we are currently SO not getting. It's like 75 degrees today. I suppose I better find some tape. I need to plant my pansies. The cardinals are decorating the bird feeder with scarlet. One of my hens actually laid me an egg this morning.
Yeah. All of that. Which makes it a pretty darn adequate Sunday here at the Church Of The Batshit Crazy where we do not exactly celebrate Christmas but mostly try to survive it.
Which, so far, we are doing with great style and grace. Again, speaking completely objectively.
Gotta go find some tape.
All Love...Ms. Moon
I love your writing best when you are loose funny and cracking wise. I HAVE ALWAYS THOUGHT NARCISSUSESS SMELLED LIKE CAT PEE.
ReplyDeleteI love the new numbers look on the captcha or whatever it's called. Much easier to read. Also I am the only person I know until now that is who loves fruitcake. I don't want to know what's in them and I haven't had one in years but I adore them. And you.
Madame Rebecca- I like the number VW's too. Although actually yesterday I got one that was two words. It's so confusing. Do these people not realize I am old? I'm not a spammer, I'm just old. Jeez.
ReplyDeleteI've made plenty of fruitcakes and there is nothing in them that's weird. Unless you count the heavily dyed candied fruit, which I love.
I think that narcissus smell like cat piss so that we will not cut them and bring them inside. That's my theory.
Love you.
i love fruitcake three. we call it christmas pudding in the caribbean and it soaked in rum and wine and you're supposed to taste the christmas pudding of twelve different bakers between christmas and new year's day, to confer good luck for every month of the new year.
ReplyDeleteAngella- I KNEW I should be living on an island in the Caribbean! All the wasted years and all the wasted opportunity for delicious luck!
ReplyDeleteMe too. Caribbean it is. When shall we meet? The three of us. And we shall be rum and wine soaked.
ReplyDeleteI'm working on some drawings today for a commission that I am behind on doing my best to ignore that whole christmas thing happening out there. I do enjoy the lights on my neighbors' houses at night though. it's warmish out there but the wind is blowing. the garden is not growing or else it is imperceptible, the growth. too much cold weather too soon.
ReplyDeleteI download all my phone photos to my laptop. It works out great and leaves me a lot of space on the ole iPhone.
ReplyDeleteA year already almost gone. Hard to believe.
You know those quizzes where it's asked if you could invite 3 people, living or dead, to dinner who would it be? At this moment, I would choose Mary Moon, Radish King and Angella. Thinking about it makes me teary-eyed happy.
Jaime that would be one hell of a party! I'm in.xo
ReplyDeleteMadame Rebecca- Tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteEllen Abbott- My garden ain't doing shit either. I don't know what to blame it on.
Syd- I need a tutorial. Badly.
Jaime- You're so sweet. Thank you! What a huge compliment! We'll let you know when and where.
Madame Rebecca- This could be the party of the century. You know, there are a few others without whom it would not be truly right.
The minute they put fruitcake on the shelves, I buy one and start eating it. I can't even get festive until I've had some. Eat to now, don't wait two days, said the girl who has had chocolates for lunch for the last three days.
ReplyDeleteHeartinhand- NO! I have to be strong and wait until I can share the fruitcake with my daughter May! Do not tempt me! (Oh god. I want some fruitcake.)
ReplyDeleteHave you seen Orange is the new black Netflix series? I think you would love it. Sweet Jo
ReplyDeleteAs the mother of two very pretty boys myself, I feel very objective and dang -- those boys are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteWhat is it about Christmas and ham? I also bought a ham yesterday. But I have never made fruitcake. Maybe this year...
ReplyDeletewatching those boys grow is one of life's true joys! it's always so fascinating to look back and see how much they've changed before our eyes. they are becoming beautifully.
ReplyDeleteSweet Jo- I think I may be the only American who does not have Netflix. Sigh...
ReplyDeleteI've heard it's a really good series.
Elizabeth- You DO have two incredibly handsome boys. So thank you. So much.
Blue Gal- I bought this one. From the Costco. I know it's good.
Angella- Aren't they?