Saturday, August 29, 2009

Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due (The Chickens Have Fooled Me Again)

Yes. This picture is a repeat. But I must repeat it because not only is Miss Red the highest jumpin', grape snatchinest' chicken in the coop, she is also the one who has been laying those tiny green eggs! Four so far.

This morning we found her sitting in the laying box and we were so excited to see what HER eggs would look like.

Uh. Exactly the same as the other three we have found so far. And so although Miss Betty is still one fine chicken, we now have to look to Miss Red as the first to lay eggs and apologize to her for not giving her the credit. We stroked her and told her what a fine, lovely chicken she was. She looked at us with eyes that were far away. It really can't be that fun to lay an egg. We left in the nest instead of stealing it right away from her. We'll go back and retrieve it later when she's rejoined the flock after her efforts and recovery.

Bless her heart. No wonder she's always so hungry for those grapes and watermelon.


  1. I love that you bless the chickens hearts for laying eggs. You are such a good mama =)

  2. HA! Oh, that's perfect!

    Maybe that's why she's making them small? Easier to um, pass.

    WV: egsreal

  3. all that giving potential birth has GOT to take a lot of energy; might be she needs a few extra greens later.

  4. It will really be funny when Ms Betty starts laying ostrich sized eggs, just for spite.

  5. My chickens used to make an announcement upon laying an egg. I miss them

  6. SJ- I AM a good chicken mama. I think.

    Ms. Trouble- Great VF. For real- eggs! I don't understand why such a normal-sized hen would lay such tiny eggs. But they sre are pretty.

    Kori- I know and I'm all out of collards! We just started feeding them laying mash. Whatever that is. But I planted new collards yesterday and we should have some in the fall to feed their hunger.

    Rachel- It could happen. At this point, I realize I know NOTHING about chickens.

    Michelle- I know. I thought so too, but Ms. Red was perfectly quiet, calm and composed. A little zoned out. Hey- speaking of missing something or someone, I have missed YOU!

  7. Isn't there a story about a little red hen???

  8. Ms. Fleur- I love your new fleur. And yes, there most certainly is a story about the little red hen. She was a good chicken mother.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.