Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And Barney Is Also A Man


  1. I can't help but think that if all such nonsense was answered so clearly, there would be less of it in our public discourse.

  2. DTG- Seriously. Those congressmen are being WAY too polite. The First Amendment covers them, too.

  3. I think that's actually a common failing these days. No, there is no reason to treat "intelligent design" like a scientific theory that should be addressed in school. No, the health care reform bill never contained any way to create death squads. No, current Democrats are not socialists. Hell, they're hardly even leftists.

  4. This made my lunch hour. Seeing someone put idiots in their place is always a pleasure to watch.

  5. It defies all. How about the man in one meeting who stood up and insisted "keep your hands off my Medicare." What? Huh? The congressman tried to explain that Medicare IS a government program, but the man was having none of it.

    As Frank said, what planet????

  6. I like Barney Frank and am glad he said that. It really is like trying to discuss things with a dining room table.

    The Dems need to grow some and get a good bill passed. This is never going to be bipartisan, so they'd better do something while they can. We do this every time!

    And why are those guns allowed at presidential rallies? What planet do we live on?

  7. Barney Frank Rocks! When I saw this this morning I thought of you.

  8. AWESOME! finally! I agree, if public officials could be as frank as Frank about the issues, we would truly move towards civilization.

  9. That's what I call a proud American right there. Barney Frank will flat whoop your ass.

  10. A dining room table! Smack down right on the nose correct! Brilliant.

  11. DTG- And they're certainly not what I'd call liberals.

    Rachel- And that woman- by the set of her hunched shoulders you could tell she knew she was being an idiot.

    Glimmer- I hear all the town halls are getting that comment. Jesus.

    Joy- I wonder about that myself.

    Jan- I am taking that as a huge compliment. It was so good to see you!

    Magnum- Yep. Maybe.

    Juancho- And he's cute, too.

    Mwa- I know. I loved that.

  12. I love me some Barney Frank. I tried to have this conversation with someone earlier this week & I got the same "socialist" "death panel" crap - not one solid argument just lots of jargon. I am so glad Mr. Frank spoke his mind.

  13. As Ms. Moon said, corporations and drug companies are in charge of deciding what health care we do and don't get, not doctors and nurses. And this is based on profit considerations. But people are deathly afraid of government involvement.

    I was raised by a yellow dog Democrat in Alabama, an 89-year-old woman who like me certainly sees the flaws in government. But she says, "Roosevelt saved us." And I see the potential for that to happen here. So I just don't understand the determination to kill any reform. Because doing so insures that the awfulness will just get worse -- for everyone. Not just the uninsured masses who travel for many miles to sit in parking lots for days waiting for free health care. The kind of thing we used to see only in third world countries. Is this okay with people? Are people really fine with this?

  14. Mel- The brainwashing has been very successful. Not that I'm sure these people have brains to wash...

    Glimmer- I don't understand how they can be.

  15. Love that Barney Frank -- thanks for posting.


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