The reason your grandparents sleep in separate beds is because Grandma snores and she worries that she's keeping Grandpa awake. In other words, she loves him so much she moves to the guest room and then later, wanders back to the marital bed, creeping like a nun, trying not to disturb him as she slips back under the covers.
The reason your grandmother takes a nap is because she spent half the night wandering around the house, trying not awake your grandfather.
When you wake up at five-thirty a.m. dreaming that you are taking off into outer space while sitting on a school table surrounded by children coloring and that you have forgotten your ear plugs and that no matter how much jaw-popping you do you can't clear your ear of that sound, it may be that you, in reality, have a bug in your ear.
After having had such an experience, and even after you feel certain that the bug has been removed from your ear, your ear may feel strange all day.
I have decided that when poor people actually rage to their congressmen that they "don't deserve universal health care," and that they are certain that any sort of government intervention in health care (except for Medicare, of course) is a sure sign of the end of the United States as we know it, I can only determine that these people have succumbed to fear. Fear promulgated by greed from the insurance and drug companies and by having a black (relatively) president. There. I said it. I think many of these people are racists at heart. Stone, cold racists who, in seeing a president of color, can only believe it's the end times and who, in some twisted talk-show logic, think that if our president's health care bill is not passed, his presidency will be brought down, thus bringing things back to "normal".
The death of Ted Kennedy makes me very sad. He was a man who made a horrible, tragic mistake in his younger years. And then spent the rest of his life being the advocate for the people who have no voice, for women, for children, for health care, for the rights of all, no matter how low on the social scale they were. His life was messy. He never seemed to give up on making it right.
Why has every automated phone menu recently been changed?
In my fantasy of Lily's birth, she goes so fast that Jason ends up delivering the baby while I make it to their house just in time to deliver the placenta and make sure her uterus contracts as it should and to tie and cut the cord and then hang around to tidy up and make soup while the baby nurses and Lily and Jason try to take in the fact that they have a beautiful, perfect son and he is born and in their arms.
I think some chickens do know their names and respond to them. Miss Penny for example.
I am coming to believe that I will never, ever in this lifetime be rid of the poison ivy.
I am going to Target today. For some reason, the very thought of this makes me a little bit excited. Is this wrong?
People who brag that they do not measure when they sew, but only estimate, then rip the cloth to that estimation should not try to make quilts.
I'm serious.
It's true.
If you put a few prunes in your smoothie, you will have no need of sweetener of any kind. Plus- extra fiber!
Prunes are indeed "dried plums" but raisins are also dried grapes and we do not go about trying to change their name.
Yesterday on my walk I saw two does and a young buck. They crossed the road in front of me and they were beautiful and silent and they looked at me warily as they leapt.
I am thinking I will just want my grandson to call me "Grandmama." Nothing fancy, nothing French, nothing cute. Just plain old Grandmama.
Why is it that it was only after I took the picture you see above of the little green lizard on the inside of my kitchen screen door and looked at it that I noticed the spider webs which you can so plainly see?
Squirrels spend their entire day this time of year, picking pecans, taking one bite of them, deciding they are not ripe, and throwing them on the ground.
I am thinking I need to learn to cook squirrel and if you know me (and Mr. Moon) you will realize I do not say that in jest.
Time for a walk. I need to get to Target!
Gut it, skin it, lots of salt, then a sharp stick in through the out door, and put it over a fire.
ReplyDeletegreasy but yummy
I was thinking more of a pilau. Is that how you spell it? Google says yes, dictionary says no.
ReplyDeleteBut thanks, Magnum. You ARE a man.
I get giddy at the thought of going to Target, and I go almost every weekend! I just love that store.
ReplyDeleteAs for sqirrel, my brother makes it all the time. He does something with shredding the meat and adding gravy and puts it over mashed potatoes. I don't like it, but then I eat very little meat of any kind except turkey.
I'd be more than happy to eat any squirrel you cook.
ReplyDeleteMy Dear Ms. Moon,
ReplyDeleteI posted about Ted Kennedy today, too. SADS.
I read that chickens are very smart actually. So I don't doubt that they can recognize their names.
I love THE TARGET! Most of my new home is decorated compliments of THE TARGET.
I like Grandmama. It suits.
I LOVE you and yours. And you and yours are always welcome at my glamorous place in Buttfuck, Ohio. I might try and make it down to see you all some time during the damn winter for a long weekend, if I may.
Rachel- Do you suppose he cooks it in a crock pot?
ReplyDeleteDTG- I'm thinking, "Why the hell not?"
Tree chickens.
Ms. Bastard- Ah! That would be awesome! My heart trembles at the prospect.
I love your dream; are you keeping soap and cleant towels handy just in case? Pre-chopped the veggies for the soup you will make? Stranger things have happened.
ReplyDeleteA fucking squirrel ate half of one of the two cantaloupes I had on the vine. I might just eat me a squirrel. Bastards.
ReplyDeleteYou've got my grandpa/grandma sleeping situation backwards, but mostly right.
I can't wait to see Lily's baby!
I'm enjoying your writing.
ReplyDeleteI've heard squirrel is not bad. Go for it, I'd say. Can't be that different to cook from rabbit.
ReplyDeleteIf that was you, being sleepless, I feel for you. Marie's been up at all hours, demanding milk (I think she's growing fast) and it's making me cranky in the day.
Happy times at Target!
My children's grandparents sleep in separate rooms due to my father's Ben-Gay. He says the odorless variety doesn't work, it has to be full strength stink for him. I half wonder if he doesn't do it on purpose so he can have the bed to himself.
ReplyDeleteI too wonder what the outcry is regarding health care reform. These same people have been crying about Medicare diminishing, poor folks not having health insurance, the rising costs of health care, etc, so why is it when something is being done that they all freak out? It makes no sense.
Your thoughts are GOOD, Ms. Moon.
ReplyDeleteI relate to Target -- I get a little anxious, in there, roaming the aisles of fabulousness. Really. But then, as child I loved going to drugstores and roaming around in them.
I'm sure the Joy of Cooking has squirrel recipes.
ReplyDeleteGrandmama is kind of a mouthful for a smallie. I fear you're setting yourself up for some disappointment, for a year or two, anyway.
Target takes almost exactly 100 dollars from me each time i pass its threshold. whether i'm looking for lightbulbs or a new wardrobe. it's eerie!
ReplyDeleteDarcy - that happens to me at Costco. Only it's more like $500.
ReplyDeleteI will probably not eat the squirrel if you make it. However I i will not judge those who do. I imagine Jason would eat it, and clean munch it to the bone.
ReplyDeleteKori- Oh hell. I'm not that organized. I don't even want to have time to wash my hands! But of course I would. And the soup vegetables must be FRESH. I will send Mr. Moon out for them. Or DTG.
ReplyDeleteSteph- Well, he snores too but that doesn't bother me.
Nana's Lady- Thank-you!
Mwa- Can you just put a thermos jug of milk by her bed? Ha!
I hear squirrel's pretty good. Mr. Moon really wants to shoot them.
Marsha- Ben Gay! That's good. I'd sleep with Ben Gay. I would. As to making no sense- you are right. Then again, fear and racism are both illogical in many instances.
Elizabeth- Drugstores have gotten a bit weird. When you can buy milk at one, something is off. But I do love Target. How can you help it?
Jo- I'll check the Joy of Cooking. Grandmama might be a bit hard to say but you have to start with an idea, right?
Darcy- Me too, although I got in under that limit today. Squeaked through. And I don't even know what I bought! Potting soil for one thing.
Steph- I don't like Cosco. I don't know why. I just don't NEED that much stuff all at one go. It's overwhelming. Mr. Moon buys beer there, though.
Lily- I'm having to work up to this squirrel thing myself. I bet Jason WOULD eat it. Especially if it had gravy on it.
Grandmama sounds perfect.
ReplyDeleteGinger- Thank-you.
ReplyDeletegrandmama sounds perfect but i'm pretty sure that's what mawmaw wanted me to call her. and i'm pretty sure that's what our friend beverly's mama wanted her grandson to call her, but out came munga. yes, munga. and i think THAT'S one of the cutest things i've ever heard.
ReplyDeleteGrandmama has a comfortable, cozy, down-to-earth sound. It does fit.
ReplyDeleteI had one of those light brown lady bug looking bugs in my ear and didn't know it for quite a while until I was examined by a doctor when I had flu and she checked my ears. It was the talk of the clinic. Someone said they aren't lady bugs but something else. It got in there when I was asleep when I spent the night at my mother's, and I never knew it was there. How did you get yours out? The doctor got mine out with long tweezers.
I like what you wrote about Ted Kennedy. I added to mine after thinking more about all of them today.
I know what you mean about not noticing spider webs until something calls your attention to them.
I'm pretty sure we all make quilts, only most of us don't make them out of fabric... and nope, no measuring!
ReplyDeleteDonno what else to say except Grandmama is sweet.. but Daddy B has a point. It may be a mouthful for a babe. Will likely be shortened by the shorty!
Those little bastard squirrels have been bombing our tin roof with their pecan remains. It sounds like hail or like squirrels with guns. You can eat mine too!