Thursday, July 15, 2010

Haiku My Heart, Too Much

Mind like the river
Today too much is flowing
Word-water won't stop.

For some reason, I think there is too much in my heart and on my my mind to constrain my thoughts to seventeen syllables. So there you have it- my attempt to catch that feeling within the form of haiku which is the dragon eating its tail.
Or something.
Join us for Haiku My Heart on Fridays. Rebecca hosts us at her beautiful blog.
Thank-you, Rebecca. You always inspire us to try for beauty and to see the beauty around us every day with your words and your pictures and your heart.


  1. i love this.
    this image...that fills me from your photograph...
    and the image of your words that sweeps me away...
    right there with you
    in this current.
    this perfect deep feeling place.

  2. First of all, that is a fantastic photo. Secondly, your Haiku says exactly what it needed to. But I also see, (hear) a lesson, that is, like the water, whatever it is that is on your mind will flow and change and bring you to a better place.
    If I may, I also like your header. I never really knew what Virginia Creeper is. I remember the lyrics of the song from Carousel. Looks a lot like Kudzu. When we travel down South, we call all that viney growth, "stuff".

    Hope all goes as it should.


  3. Beautiful picture - love the "word-water."

  4. Lovely photo. And I think Elvis over there on he right is totally first class :O)
    Thank you for your kind words X

  5. Beautiful photo. Great metaphor captured in your verse - something each of us can understand.


  6. The currents are swelling the banks as your heart is swelling, great haiku!!!

  7. You have a good dragon.

    And yes, it's true it's true, THE WELL IS CAPPED, the wicked witch is dead. The evil will wash bad for decades but at least now is finite.


  8. Forgive me if I'm repeating myself. My mind is racing (goodness knows where!)
    Anyway, I love your serene picture and peace will come.

  9. makes me think of how snow melt fills our local streams and quickens them to a treacherous pace .... melting must be what happens to our hearts too

  10. rebecca- and that water is still flowing.

    Spadoman- Glad you liked it. Glad you know what Virginia Creeper is now. It's definitely a grower and quite pretty in the fall when it turns red.

    Syd- Thank-you.

    Delphyne- Ah. Thanks. I like to combine words to make them new.

    Abi- Yep. Elvis is a first-rate rooster. I meant those words.

    paper-n-soul- There's a thin line between too much and not enough, isn't there?

    turquoise cro- Yep. Exactly.

    Kathleen- Oh, I have other dragons. I hope the cap holds with all my heart.

    jabblog- Every picture I take of that little creek is beautiful. It's VERY photogenic.

    Elizabeth- I hope your day is still heavenly.

    Kimmie- I love that. I do.

  11. I had grouchy word-water today. Too much time organizing the garage!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.