Thursday, July 15, 2010

Beware Of Those Who Know Jack Shit

Well, Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston are engaged and Mel Gibson DESERVES A BLOW JOB! and the woman with the world's biggest breast implants is having health problems.

Oh my.

The illegal immigrants are being persecuted and the oil is still vomiting up from the Gulf.
It is so much easier to think about Mel Gibson and his poor, ignored pee-pee than it is to think about human rights and the desecration of the Constitution, much less the desecration of our planet.

I actually saw an advertisement for Scientology on the TV. It was very professional (of course! it is the Official Religion of Hollywood, isn't it?) and reassured all of us watching it that Scientology can explain ourselves to us, AND life. All of it.

Now that right there tells me it's bullshit.

The Mormons advertise on TV too. I guess Jesus would advertise on TV if he could have. I don't know.

I don't know shit.

In fact, when I was talking to May this morning, I told her that the name of my blog should be, "I Don't Know Shit." I think I've said that before but I don't know for sure. Because- hey- I DON'T SHIT!" Or even Jack Shit. I wonder if you can look him up in the phone book. I should give him a call. See if he wants to go to lunch. Then I could say that I DO know Jack Shit. And what a relief that would be.

Here's what I do know:
It's hot and getting hotter. It's humid and getting more so. The guinea hens from next door are walking around rattling their rusty cluck. My dogs become less and less house-trained every day.

This is a ridiculous post.
That I know for sure.

I should be writing about the grandparents of my two oldest kids and how Hank and May won the lottery when their parents got divorced and remarried because the new spouses had some of the very best parents in the world and took my babies in as grandchildren without any hesitation and were some of the most loving, positive influences in their lives. Mr. Moon's parents and my ex's wife's parents. So very different. One grandpa never made it past eighth grade, one went to West Point but let me tell you something- one was as smart as the other and both had so much to teach and to share and they both loved my kids like crazy. The grandmothers were just as different but were both loving and nurturing and the kind of women you'd want as a grandmother. And the last one died yesterday. Grandma Dot, and Hank and May are both so sad.
I should write about that but I'm just too hot already and my brain is boiling and my banana spiders keep disappearing and I'm waiting on a phone call to determine what my day is going to look like and Pottery Barn has over Five HUNDRED new items with which to update my house! and I am not going to buy one damn one of them.
My house needs updating like I need false eyelashes.
I do need a new mattress pad though and I believe I will go buy one.

And I wish Bristol and Levi all the best and plenty of happiness in their marriage (should they actually make it down an aisle) and Mel Gibson, as I said in a comment on a post about him yesterday, should join a brotherhood of monks which practices silence AND celibacy, and about the rest? I have no idea.

Bless my heart, I don't know shit.

But I know that a good woman and mother and grandmother died yesterday and I extend my love and sympathy to her children, her grandchildren and to all who loved her and I know I am grateful for the love she gave my children and that sort of love is what it's all about and I would wish it for all of us, both to receive and to give because that, I think, is what it's all about.


  1. Well, you know what Danielle will say about false eyelashes...

    I'm sorry about the kids' grandmother, but glad they got to have her.

    As for not knowing Jack Shit... hmmm... somehow you always have something to say when you say that :)

    I don't know who the couple are, happily and I have no idea why Mel needs a blow job or why that is a matter of public debate. Unless he's offering good money for one... :) A vow of silence sounds good to me, though, yes.

    wv: mythero

    which you can read as mighty hero, or an irish husband who brings you a cup of tea...

  2. I'm sorry for your children's loss...

    And had no idea about the newest engagement... for some reason I wish I didn't know. I'm left shaking my head. But really, who's business is it? But I don't know shit either ;)

  3. I'm sorry for the loss of your oldest children's grandmother. and are both probably taken, if not I may grab one of those blog names and start writing again...

  4. Just a mention of the Palin name makes me shudder. I suppose that says something about my lack of acceptance. I hope that they live blissfully. I hope that Mel discovers who and what he is. I hope that the immigrants are treated with respect and allowed a process to become citizens. I hope the oil stops flowing so soon. I have a lot of hope obviously.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry to hear about the loss in your extended family!

    I think some of the wisest people I've learned from claimed to know jack shit. But I learned what I could from them and consider them to be my teachers, Just as I consider you to be one of my teachers. :)

    Mormon or scientology commercials give me the heebeejeebees. I do not understand how people believe these stories.

  7. Condolences to your family on the loss of a dear grandmother.

  8. Robin wanted me to make sure and let you know...


  9. Another Amen post. All true. We don't any one of us really know more than a dust mote.

    I'm sorry you've lost another love from your life. Sounds like she was a fine person and your children were lucky to have her care and example.

  10. Ms. Moon, you make me laugh and think and laugh some more.

    So sorry for your loss.

    So happy your children have so much love in their life.

    So happy not to be related to any Palin or Gibson.

    If this message doesn't go through, like the numerous comments that have recently disappeared, I will spit.

  11. My love to all those people too. I lost my last grandmother in the past year, too, so I am feeling it with them.

    You said you had an ex-wife. Which I think you should leave in, because I like that. I was discussing Argentina and the fact that they legalised same-sex marriage today with Jack. I should do a post on that, because it was too cute.

    Lots of love to you and yours, Ms. Moon, and I hope the heat and humidity don't do your head in.

  12. Jo- No. What would Danielle say about false eyelashes?
    And any man who brings you a cup of tea is a hero.

    Corinne- It's Sarah Palin's business but I don't give a shit about that. For their child's sake, though, it would be good.

    Lucy- I wish you would start writing again. I miss your dry voice.

    Syd- Hope is good. Keeps the world afloat as far as I can see.

    Judah- I'm with you on the belief thing. Totally.

    A- Thank you dear. I didn't really know her well but my children loved her.

    someday- Thanks! Interesting.

    Kathleen Scott- She was a beautiful lady.

    Nancy C- It made it! Yay!

    Mwa- I said "my ex's wife's parents. I probably should have made that more clear. I do not have an ex-wife but that would be sort of cool. I would love to hear how Jack perceives same-sex marriage.

    Ms. Fleur- Thanks, honey.

  13. I'm sorry to hear about Grandma Dot, too. You tell Hank and May I said so. And maybe give them a piece of cake. MY Grandma used to feed me cake. It sure was nice.

  14. I'm so sorry that your children have lost their grandmother. As you know so very well, that relationship can be so wonderful and it sounds like theirs was --

  15. I sure do feel bad for Hank and May. All my grandparents have been gone for a spell now, and I sure do miss them.

    Love you dear Mary.

  16. Ms. Trouble- I am sure there will be cake at some point in this grieving process. Cake is good.

    Elizabeth- Yep. She was a part of who they are.

    Ms. Bastard-Beloved- You are loved.

  17. Bless your heart, Ms. Moon, you are such a riot!


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