Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Birthday Overload

Okay. I now have THREE half-cakes in my house. THREE!
I have gotten to blow out candles on three cakes and make three wishes.
I'm good to go for another ten years. Wish-wise, at least.

No. Mr. Moon and I are not on the road yet. I just got back from more filming and Mr. Moon is on his way home from work. It's cool. I haven't finished packing yet and by the way- WHO TOOK MY BATHING SUIT???!!!
I am mystified.

And I have one more thing to say- I love acting. If that's what I'm doing. I'm not sure. I was watching two real actors today go through the process of finding their characters and motivation and stuff and I was like, "Wow! I've heard about that!"
Freddie tells me to do this, look like this, and I do it. Yippie! It's so much fun! I'm serious. I would do the same scene for hours and not mind it. It's so different from a play where you rehearse and rehearse and then perform and get all nervous and have to remember a jillion lines and so forth.
And Freddie brought me a birthday cake! He really did! And Marcy put candles on it and that was my third cake and third wish and it was another complete surprise. I mean- this person doesn't even know me. But he's obviously very, very sweet.
And we all sat around and ate cake and drank coffee (can you tell?) and talked about religion. It was AWESOME!

Well. I suppose I should go try to locate a bathing suit. We still don't know where we're going but I feel sure we'll end up somewhere. One generally does. As the card says, "Wherever you go, there you are."

I just hope it's cooler wherever we do end up than it is here.
Damn. I should have used that as my last candle-wish.
Oh well. Too late now.

I'll try to post from the road. You know I will.


  1. We still have leftover cake from Marc's bday... I was going to see if you guys wanted some! Nevermind.

    Hey maybe we can trade up? Whatchya got? We have gluten free lemon cake with dark choco chips and dark choc icing! Yummmy! I'm betting yours are better though.

    Have fun, and we'll stop by with your goodies when you return!
    xoxo m

  2. Don't worry, we'll take care of the cakes. Remember when dad hid that one and forgot about it and it mummified?

  3. Caffeine, sugar and excitement do funny things to you!

  4. Maybe the mountains of Georgia would be cooler?? It is hot here today...still.

  5. oh darn, how did I miss wishing you the most wonderful birthday in the world?
    Happy Birthday you amazing, beautiful, soulful, creative, writer and person extraordinaire.
    So glad grasshopper kathy showed me the way here!
    Have fun with Mr Moon.
    Can't wait to hear all about it.

  6. Bethany's comment made me remember how I got here... I really must thank Maggie May!

    I know you'll have a wonderful time with your honey, wherever you end up.

  7. My birthday is Friday..I would not turn down free

  8. Happy Birthday, Moon! I miss you.

  9. Well, I think that all you Leo's are pretty cute!

    Happy Birthday, Girl. Enjoy your trip, and it sounds like there's no need to worry about all the cakes!

    You are lively & lovely, and make the world a much better place to be!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.