Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Owen and I spend hours playing peek-a-boo and we never cease to be highly amused by the sudden revealing of our faces. He can now cover his own face which he is very, very proud of.

Sometimes we even play with the dogs. They don't seem to notice but continue to scratch or do whatever dogs do underneath the scarf or blanket or diaper. This makes me laugh so hard that Owen gets a little worried.


  1. That's a favorite game around here as well :) Right now Paige uses my beach hat, and I have never heard her laugh harder! What a cutie grandson you've got!

  2. Corinne- Owen laughs so hard too! Why is this so amusing? And we did hats today, too.

  3. if you ever find yourself near speechless on a friday,
    i hope you will come on over..

    i was thunder struck (5)
    such wondrous simplicity, (7)
    haiku on fridays! (5)

    come see...
    come play!

  4. The best game ever. It reminds us we are here.

  5. Oh that Boy! I can just imagine the delightful laugh that comes out of that sweet face. =0)))). Kiss those cheeks for me. x0 N2

  6. Wow, Owen is really looking like his daddy in this pic.

  7. Elizabeth- And we can't ever get too much of that, can we?

    Ms. Bastard-Beloved- I think so.

    N2- Yep. He laughs like a rusty old man. I adore it.

    Mel's Way- I see that for sure.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.