Friday, June 25, 2010

One Million Years Ago

Friday night used to be dress up and go out. Paint my face and maybe dance. Wear shoes that might pinch, eat food someone else cooked.
Not so much anymore.
What happened? We moved farther from town, we got old, bras became more uncomfortable, it was cheaper to drink and eat at home, la-la-la.
And so it's Friday night and I have stuffed peppers in the oven and oh yes, we are exhausted from our week and it's just rained and as beautiful here as it is anywhere in the world and I put on a dress (a dress!) and he didn't say a thing. He's as loving as he ever is, even when I am wearing UGLY-ass overalls and this brings me to the reality that no, I am not cute any more but what the hell- I am the woman, I am the wife.
Ah yah. Time to cut up some salad. Time to take the peppers out of the oven.

Friday night. It just rained and is as beautiful here as it is anywhere on earth. And I am not wearing a bra.


  1. An evening at home with Honey is comfort indeed.

    Rest up & be good to yourselves.

  2. oh i love stuffed peppers..:-) know what..i m sure you are even cuter now then you used to be....have a wonderful evening:-)

  3. stuffed peppers sound amazing
    have a lovely Friday night xoxo

  4. This all sounds like heaven.

    And you are not allowed to say that you aren't cute anymore. We know better.

  5. this friday night...

    we conviened at 'sister halona's' home after mom's funeral, and the very first thing i did was slip out of my undergarments.


  6. Ms. Moon! You are so beautiful! You look so much like Uma Thurman in this photo.

  7. A braless home cooked meal beats lipstick and dinner out any day.

    But you're both gorgeous


  8. I think you both look beautiful in that photo but I actually think you're both far sexier now, tired and ancient.

    I'm just teasing -- about the tired and ancient, not the beauty.

    You're both so beautiful and if we need to remind you of that, we will. And if we don't, we still will.

  9. I like the photo of you both in your younger days. I don't think that you are old. Old is relative. My mother still felt young at 95. I feel that way at 50. My body is still good and so is my mind. I don't know which will give out first but I'm not worrying about that today.

  10. You are both so beautiful. Always.

  11. You are too cute, goddammit. So sez I.

    Y'all were cute youngsters too. Mr. Moon is hot in that photo. You can tell him I said so, too.

    You look like May May in the picture or vice-versa.

  12. HURRAY for not wearing a bra.
    you two so are goddamn cute. love love love


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.