Thursday, September 8, 2016

Moving On, Sort Of

Everything still seems so jackie dip around here. Mr. Moon hasn't gone to work yet. He got hardly any sleep last night and throat is very sore. I took a walk and now I'm going to clean the hen house and then I'm going to have to go to Publix because I put all of our food in that soup and frankly, it was okay, not horrendous, but I think one bowl was about enough for me.
I don't know. It's like Hermine roiled the waters of our life and even though ostensibly, everything is back to normal, it just doesn't feel like it.
And I know it doesn't feel like it to the people who STILL don't have power.
Yesterday Prick Scott put on a pair of jeans and a work shirt and some gloves and blocked up a bunch of roads with press crews and had pictures taken of him "helping" clean up fallen branch debris.
After a fucking week of doing nothing but issuing press releases about how poorly our mayor was handling the actual, you know- job of it, he showed him how it was done.

Dude. Owen could have handled that branch. 

Anyway, life does go on no matter how it "feels" and that's just the way it is. 


Love...Ms. Moon

P.S. Note to Governor Voldemort: We still have lots of branches down in our yard. If you want to bring those strong guys in the fatigues over to help clean them up, we'd appreciate it. I mean, we don't really NEED you to or anything but I'll take your picture and post it here. I promise. 


  1. Governor Voldemort cracked me up! Haha!

  2. Sometimes food just doesn't turn out and then there's the decision whether to add MORE stuff in hopes it improves or just throw the whole thing out. I usually do the second. But maybe your soup just needs a day for the flavours to "gel"? Hope Mr Moon kicks the cold quickly. I didn't realize you'd had it until I came to get caught up. Slow down, woman, and let your body heal!

  3. I have no idea who Governor Voldemort is but he looks like an asshole. Real men (or women for that matter) don't need a camera documenting the work they do. It is the whole idea of random acts of kindness and one of the parts of the bible I like about helping.
    "When you do good deeds, don’t try to show off...When you give to the poor, don’t advertise it on TV or the Internet. That’s what show-offs do because they are always looking for praise. I can assure you that they already have their reward. When you give to the poor, don’t let anyone know about it, that your gift will be given in secret..."
    *Birdie Version

  4. I hope the lurgy passes quickly. My soups often tend to be taste failures, despite my best hopes and optimisms.

  5. what a weenie. all he's doing is touching that limb. I hate those stupid politicians that go to disaster areas and pretend to help for the minute it takes to get a picture of them 'helping'.

  6. what a weenie. all he's doing is touching that limb. I hate those stupid politicians that go to disaster areas and pretend to help for the minute it takes to get a picture of them 'helping'.


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