Well, luckily for all concerned, the pirate made his drunken way out of the Dog House before Mr. Moon returned from fishing. Mostly luckily for Mr. Pirate, I would say as Mr. Moon could have kicked his ass.
Oh wait. Mr. Pirate didn't have an ass.
But he was fun, nonetheless. He and I, drinking rum in the middle of the afternoon, him perching on my shoulder and pretending to scowl whenever I'd reach over to kiss his bristly cheek.
Yeah. Good times.
It was good times on the island. The weather was purely perfect although three types of biting insects were present, all intent on sucking our blood. The mosquitoes, the no-see-um's, as well as the horrendously quick biting flies. We got one really fine sunset but I think our camera's broken because there's not one picture from it on there. Perhaps Mr. Moon uploaded them to his computer. I do not know.
We ate some fish and took a good walk and we slept. A LOT. I didn't know we were capable of sleeping eleven consecutive hours but it would seem that we are. That was strange but I suppose we're the better for it.
But anyway, we're back in Lloyd, the dogs are still alive (sigh) and Mr. Moon has already changed his fishing persona into his hunting persona and is off for deer. He's a busy man, that Mr. Moon. He spent a lot of time yesterday fixing the screens on the back porch at the island and he did his usual great job. He can do anything. I swear. After he got the new stove hooked up before we left for the island, he said, "You didn't believe me when I told you I could do it, did you?" and I said, "Honey, the only time I don't believe you is when you tell me you CAN'T do something."
So I'm back home and glad to be. Dog Island is probably one of the most beautiful places on earth and has the sort of quiet peacefulness that people pay the giant big bucks to experience but I must admit that I get a bit antsy there. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I do. And even though I did sage the place when I got in (which I do NOT believe in, really, I don't, but what the fuck?) I still felt a bit of the old crazy-shadow falling on me now and then and I'm struggling a little. We had some great, great moments which made the whole trip worth it. One of them was the dolphin we saw coming in this afternoon and another was the way the Gulf water felt on my feet during our walk two days ago. And I did curl my toes in the sand and it felt wonderful.
But still, I'm glad to be home.
I need to take the Christmas tree down which should take about ten minutes and I need to put the rest of the decorations away and I need to do laundry. But it's good to have chores. That's part of the problem at the island- you think it would be heaven not to have bothersome things to do but really, it's the bothersome things which make the moments not involved in those bothersome things more fun.
We stopped by our neighbors' house on the island on our way out and they said, "Oh, it's the most beautiful day yet, we can't believe you're leaving!" and I said, "Well, it's always the most beautiful day when you leave, plus we'll be going to Lloyd and that does not suck either."
And it doesn't. I'm glad to be back, watching that stupid guinea hen next door trying to figure out how to get back into her pen and I'm glad to see the way the light is shining through the Spanish Moss on the oak trees. I guess I'm even glad to see these damn dogs.
And I'm glad to be able to brush my teeth with water that comes from the faucet and I'm glad to have my wireless back.
The other day I sent a friend a picture of some camellias I'd picked on my walk that are in the yard of an abandoned house. I asked him if it doesn't make him a little bit sad to think about such beautiful flowers growing where no one can see them? He replied that it shouldn't, unless you're looking for a reason to be sad, which made a lot of sense so I'm not going to be sad that a glorious sunset is cooking up behind the house on the island without me to see it.
La-di-dah and I am not the center of the universe and camellias can be beautiful without anyone to see them and so can sunsets and I'm mighty glad for the ones I got to see and I'm mighty glad to be here in Lloyd where the sky turns colors too, but tonight I'll be thinking of that night sky down at the island where the stars are so thick they're like sprinkles in a Christmas cookie, only more so, so much, much more so, and brighter by far.
I have the memories, I have the now.
And that's okay with me.
Sounds like a very worthwhile and much needed trip. So glad you didn't get caught with your pirate friend!
ReplyDeleteI love rum...wish I had me some right now as a matter of fact!
It looks like a beautiful place, and I'm glad you had a good time!
ReplyDeleteI really like that picture of my Daddy. He's such a handsome man. Not to mention the beautiful Mama that I am blessed to have.
ReplyDeleteRachel- that pirate was fun to party with but I had fears as to his ability to stick around in the hard times. You know what I mean?
ReplyDeleteGinger- thank-you!
Honey- you do have a handsome daddy. We are blessed to have YOU! So is the world, by the way.
Sounds like a lovely trip, Ms. Moon. I'm so glad that you had a good time (I really, really want some rum right now).