Sunday, November 20, 2016

I Do Know One Thing

Otis is such a pretty rooster, isn't he?

Sunday morning and it's what we here in North Florida call pretty darn chilly or, actually cold because our blood is thin.

I feel completely overwhelmed by everything and sad and anxious and ineffectual and yes, angry, and I don't know what I'm doing today. I should probably go to the store and buy a turkey (why the HELL didn't I just get one at the Costco last Friday when I was there?) and the rest of the things I need to make the dishes I'm bringing to Thanksgiving but maybe I'll just wait until tomorrow to do that.

I don't know. I don't know anything.

Except that Otis is a really pretty rooster. That I am sure of. That's one thing I know.


  1. Otis is distinguished for sure. As for thanksgiving I'm allowing myself one more day before I have to admit it's three days away.

    1. I think that's a good plan. I believe I shall adopt it.

  2. I certainly can't disagree. Look at that comb!

    1. And he's not even quite reached his full maturity!

  3. Is Otis related to the much beloved Elvis?

  4. so, three roosters? and yes. still angry but I'm trying to put it out of my mind and then on Monday I am going to be calling my senators and representatives and tell them what I think.

  5. Otis is a good-looking rooster for sure.
    I think I've returned to denial in my "stages of election grief". sigh

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I am a big believer in putting off what could be done today until tomorrow.

    He is a fine looking rooster. Is he friendly? Are roosters friendly?

  8. I hate that this picture caught my eye in all its beautiful glory first, and then I read the terrible post above. He was magnificent.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.