Thursday, February 18, 2010


Is opening night.
I'm nervous.
Dress rehearsal went so well that tomorrow is surely going to be a disaster.
Nah. I don't believe that. (I think.)
Anyway, tomorrow I'll post some more pictures. Pictures with oh, you know, people in them.
People with whom I've been having all this fun with for two months.
Stayed tuned. If you want to.


  1. Oh, I thought last week was opening night. Well I said it then and I'll say it again "break-a-leg"! I know you're going to be fabulous. :)

  2. We know how you'll do. Sleep well tonight. And break a leg!

  3. Yes break a leg and tell Jan and Jack that no matter what may happen they did the right thing and deserve all the happiness they can hold and then some. They are paying a stiff price and above all, it isn't anybody's business and if someone were to say something it would be because they are morons - so they don't count - or envious - they don't count either. Love from here.

  4. Can't wait to see them, Ms. Moon. Good luck to you! It will be fabulous!

  5. Yes, break a leg!

    Are those your clocks? I think I bought the one on the left for my mother in law for Christmas.

  6. i wish you break your neck and leg (as the actors say in germany)

    it ll be all ll be great...cant wait to see those pictures...

  7. I know you'll be great. Hopefully we'll be able to make it out next week, but I'll have to swing a deal with my boss. Break a leg!

  8. You'll do great as you always do... and it's a comedy, so if anyone forgets a line, just improvise and be a smart ass! It will still be riotous and you guys are good at that too! hee hee!

    Break legs!
    PS Is it running next weekend too? I don't know if I have anything left in me this weekend for working...

  9. I love the set too.
    Everyone looks so happy. Wish I could see you all.
    Happy happy showtime.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.