Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Loves

I got gifted today with a lagniappe visit from Owen. His daddy had him today and brought him out and I took care of him while Jason and Mr. Moon did things outside involving sprinkler heads and car lubrication. Or something like that. I don't know. All I know is that I got to hold that boy and rub my face on his head where his hair is coming in all fuzz-fuzz and thick. I got to give him a bottle and rock him to sleep. I got to change his diaper. And so did his Pop-Pop, which I found so startling I had to take a picture.

Are my men beautiful or what?


  1. Of course they are :) I have got to get down to visit someday. I really would love to.

  2. SJ- Well, come on. That's the guest room when it's not being used for the diaper changing room.

  3. I love the picture of Owen and his Pop-Pop. It just reinforces my belief that there is something incredibly appealing about men who are good daddies (and, in this case, granddaddies). Any man who can be so kind and loving to a little child has to have a good heart.

  4. Looks exactly like the type of room I could really SLEEP in, and finally be rested.

    My word verification below? "Release."


  5. Awwww. Very sweet. :)

    I like the quilt! Is it handquilted? What's its story?

  6. Yes, that is a beyootuhfull threesome!! Their smiles bring our smiles, especially that zany little O-man.
    x0 N2

  7. K- I have often said that Mr. Moon is so tall because it takes all of that space to fit his heart in.

    SJ- It is a good room for sleeping. I promise. And WV? Dang. I went and left a comment on a blog and my WV was "nuchan" and my friend whose anniversary of death it is today? Her last name was Suchan. Yikes!

    Nola- Oh honey. I am ashamed to admit this but it was probably hand-quilted by six-year old Chinese children. I do cherish it. There is that.

  8. Wow!!! I can't really believe that's not a coincidence. I know you're thinking of Sue today, and also am sure she is thinking of you.

  9. Your full heart, and your ability to give it voice, are stunning. I wonder if you know this (and apologize if I'm the 27th thousand person to tell you): your stunning voice is as arresting and breathtaking as is what we hear when Lis sings.
    Angie at Eat Here

  10. Angie C- Oh honey. As you well know, I am just doing what I am compelled to do. But thank-you.

  11. SJ- I know. And I don't even believe in that sort of thing....

  12. No whats, buts or maybes. They are.
    And so are you.

  13. Oh, my god. That photo of Mr. Moon and Owen is just divine.

  14. And Mr Moon, does he have dressy overalls too?
    I can feel see the radiance from here, those boys of yours! Adorable in every way.Lucky woman.

  15. :) Sweet, sweet.

    Isn't pressing a baby's warm little skull to your tired eye socket just the best feeling?

  16. Joy- Absolutely.

    Elizabeth- Once in a while the camera catches something.

    Bethany- No. Mr. Moon has but one pair of overalls. Sad for him.

    Jo- I know. I take my glasses off so I can do just that.

    Ms. Fleur- I think so.

  17. Sweetest of sweet.
    You shine your love light on us well, Ms. Moon.
    I appreciate it so much.

  18. Did he do his funny shivery thing for you when you changed him? Lily showed me last night, and we were both cracking up. It's like he's fake cold.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.