Saturday, February 16, 2013

I Should Have, Maybe Not

This day. Ugh. It's gray again and chilly and vultures have flown in and roosted in my magnolia tree. Either something is dead or my garbage really does smell bad.
All the chickens and the cat are alive. Must be the garbage.
Did you know that vultures grunt? I didn't until just now.
I'll say it again- ugh.

Yes, we went out last night. Yes. It was fun. Sort of. I don't think I like to go out anymore. Newsflash, right? It's too much. I go to the bathroom and worry as I'm leaving that all my various layers of costumage are correctly arranged. I always feel like I'm wearing a costume when I go out on the town. Skirt, tights, underthingee, shirt, overthingee, shawl. Whatever. Jesus. What if I think I'm pulling down the underthingee when actually I'm pulling down the skirt? Oh dear. That would be bad.
I hadn't put on make-up in so long that I honestly could not remember the last time. When I went to apply it last night, I realized that Owen has been in it and that his method of application involves gouging it out with a finger or busting it up with a brush.
Oh well.
Lon and Lis were wonderful. They always are. I saw some folks I love. That was excellent.
I got mad at my husband for a stupid reason. Stupid.
Some random guy in a striped shirt put his arm around me and I wanted to smack him and I didn't and I should have.

Dinner was delicious.

Overall, though, it is probably best for me to stay home and make our supper and watch Duck Dynasty or something. I am feeling today as if I am never, ever going to achieve squat. I realized yesterday that Valentine's Day is the day we're supposed to have our peas and potatoes in the ground. Not to mention the onions and lettuces. My garden looks like a meadow. It hasn't been tilled, it isn't ready for anything.

Jeez. I have no idea what I'm doing today. No one really needs me which is odd. I suppose I could clean the house because it needs it. I could get in the garden but this weather sucks. I could go to town but no thanks. I'm worthless. I'm useless. The world goes on full of amazing people making a difference and making art and making strides and I sit here and worry about vultures and underthingees.
I made oatmeal.
I hated it.

I should have smacked that man last night.

I've been trying to get this written for about four hours now. Okay, three. Whatever.

It's going to freeze hard tonight.

God. I am useless.


  1. and yet is will get better. Things will get planted. You'll forget the sleazy guy. And life will go on, better for you being in it.

  2. YOU are NOT useless or worthless. Just ask Owen and Gibson. Not to mention your children, your friends, and us. I think your underthingie and the jerk man has messed with your head. S. Jo

  3. Lol! I got up and wrote about the news in the bitchiest tone ever! Ugh!

    May long weekend is when we plant up here. When the risk of frost is lower. Three months away. Double ugh.

    You have vultures, I have crows.

  4. Some days all we can be is entertaining, and I hope you know and are not offended by the suggestion that you are, always, always, entertaining.

    The image of your garden as meadow satisfied me and made me feel less hysterical about our own one raised garden bed that is so ugly and overgrown it defies description.

  5. Honey-I'm going out tonight to dance. It's called Hot Flash (ha!) and it 's for ladies who are, um, of a certain age. I just want to wear something that covers my stomach and not make me look a fool.

    But I know. I know where my makeup is but I don't try it. It'll just run off.

    It's cold here too but, sheet, it ain't Florida here.

    XXXX Beth

  6. Guess you should go out in the garden and eat worms, by the sounds of things.

    Vultures in the tree is NOT auspicious. Perhaps it would be better to just go back to bed and try again tomorrow!

  7. Lilligirl- These days I do not feel much the better for anything. I repeat the same insanities again and again. Sigh.

    S.Jo- Perhaps you are right, dear.

    heartinhand- We have crows too. And redwinged black birds and cardinals and finches and blue jays and mockingbirds. But those vultures- ick. They're gone now. Maybe they were just gathering for a quick meeting.

    Elizabeth- Nothing makes me happier than the thought of being entertaining. I am not even kidding one bit. So thank you, love.

    Beth Coyote- There was no dancing involved for me last night. Next weekend. I'll write more about that later. You have fun tonight. I'll stay at home and have my hot flashes right here.

    Jo- If there were anyway to sleep through today I believe I would.

  8. Some of it sounds just like my day today. I suppose we'll get over it. Possibly by tomorrow. Or not. I recommend you pick something colourful and comfy to wear, make good coffee and watch others work in the garden, no?

  9. I keep seeing this commercial about an early-bird Presidents Day sale, and this rooster is hopping all over this couple in bed. All I can think about is a visual of you and Mr Moon laying there with Elvis scratching at you both :) :)

    Feel better, MM.

  10. Grunting vultures. Ugh, indeed.
    Weeeeellll, I hope you have a day of not getting mad for stupid reasons, a day without overly-friendly strangers, a day without any under thingees or make-up.
    It's weird how things just wobble out of sync sometimes. They seem to wobble back though, no?

  11. Don't be are one of the least Useless people I know.....and down deep you must know that.

    I do wish you could adjust a few things inside so you do not need to be needed every minute in order to feel useful.....a single nanosecond in time where no one immediately needs you does NOT make you useless, dear girl. Please feel better.

  12. If only you could see yourself as others do. You would be amazed!

    While I understand the mindset, because i have it too... You are the only one who sees yourself the way you described.

    You rock.

  13. Your lament reminds me of the old saying "No body likes me, everybody hates me, I'm going to go out and eat worms". Eat a few worms and then give yourself a break because they do taste pretty earthy. You know that you aren't worthless. But I do know the feeling of thinking that I am.

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  15. You know it's going to be a bad day when the oatmeal sucks.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.