Friday, February 15, 2013

Everyday Magic

The sun's back out and it's cold. Cold, I tell you! Well, down in the thirties which for us is cold.

So...a meteorite injured five hundred people in Russia? What? Aren't they keeping track of these things? Can you imagine how scary that would be? Those things are supposed to stay in the damn sky. That's my scientific assessment of that event.

Yesterday Owen wanted to play something new. He wanted his grandmother and grandfather to pretend we were married which we are incredibly good at. I believe he meant he wanted us to pretend we were having a wedding but still. I said, "What do married people do?"
He looked at me as if I'd recently fallen off a turnip truck and said, "Dance."
So he sat on the stairs holding the alligator xylophone and played dance music and Boppy and I danced together, Gibson on my hip. It was a lovely wedding.
Gibson's cutting molars and has the resulting diarrhea which makes his little butt hurt so he's not as happy as he usually is. He wants to be held. I hold him. It's tough being a baby. People don't realize that, I think. It must be perfectly miserable to have tooth pain, tummy pain and butt pain all at the same time. We'd be begging for drugs if it was us but Gibson just sits in my lap or on my hip looking seriously at the world. Owen did a lot of puzzles yesterday. It's like he's all of a sudden figured out the puzzle thing. Look out, Will Shortz! There's a new puzzle master in town! So there was puzzle-doing and baby-holding and wedding dancing. There was also bed-fishing and cookie-making. Diaper-changing and snack-eating. My lunch was two leftover fajitas eaten standing up in the kitchen. It was a busy day. I also had the pure pleasure of reading Shel Silverstein's "A Giraffe And A Half" to Owen and he laughed so hard I thought he'd pop. Another interesting interlude came when Owen demonstrated what it would be like to have baby dinosaurs in your pants.
It tickles. Obviously.
The kid never quits.

Last night Lily sent me a picture of a boo-boo he got near his eye when he whacked a chair. She made the mistake of showing him the picture too and he freaked out thinking that all of his blood was going to run out. He had to talk to me on the phone about it and also about the fact that he'd left his brother's Valentine's Day stuffed animal here. He was devastated. I told him he would be fine and that he could get his brother's dog or whatever the hell that thing is today. They're coming out again for awhile. Here's what the chair in my hallway looks like right now.

We really need more stuffed animals.
Awhile back, Owen found an entire stash of his aunt Jessie's and his mother's old Beanie Babies. They live in a canvas shopping bag now and yesterday he brought those out and set up a museum. You know, I can't recall a time in my life EVER when there wasn't toys all over my house. Toys and books. Yesterday I asked Owen if he thought my house was "magical."
He considered this.
"No," he answered.
I think he does. He just doesn't realize it.

It is when he's here, anyway.

Well, let the magic proceed. Watch out for meteorites.

Happy Friday, y'all.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Whoa on the meteor. I heard it was coming.

    Your house IS magical.

    Poor Gibbers! Squeeze him for me.

    Here's to more Owen adventures!

  2. My youngest collected Beanie Babies. She just recently gave them all to our grandkids. When DT saw how many there were, he crawled right into the rubbermaid container with them all, he was in his glory!

    It's funny how teething babies give you anxiety but teething grandbabies make your wider hips that much more welcoming. Grandies are the best.

  3. Cuttin' molars during diarrhea - the magic takes me back. Sigh.

  4. Apparently the meteorite was only the size of a double decker bus, and therefore too small to make a blip on the radar. They're only worried about the world-wiping-out ones. Yipers!

    I think Owen might love Chu's Day by Neil Gaiman.

  5. The image of you and Mr. Moon pretending to be married on Valentine's Day is magical.

  6. Oh what a wonderful post. Yes, yikes about the meteor, I prefer to take for granted that the world will not fall to pieces around me.... I was watching a Nova about volcanoes last night, it freaked me out a bit too.

    That Owen. Both he and your house are magical. I love that you danced for your wedding with him emceeing. You couldn't have imagined this future, could you have? And poor Gibson, owie.
    Your pile of stuffed animals cracked my up. I've been rearranging them all afternoon, my 15 year old and this 53 year old just can't let go yet. But the books and the toys are starting to win here.
    Hope the magic continues for you all weekend!

  7. I'm going to try to think of my house, filled with toys and books and so much crap as being -- well -- magical.

    So thank you for that, Mrs. Moon.

  8. I love Owen's mind and feel for Gibson. Luckily Gibson won't remember this time and he has you and the rest of your loving family to comfort him. Elizabeth's comment cracked me up. S. Jo

  9. Cutting molars causes diarrhea? I had no idea. Thankfully I've forgotten that part of my life.

    You DO have some stuffed animal overload going on there.

  10. Ms. Fleur- It's always an adventure with Owen.

    Youngatheart- You're right. I don't suffer as much anxiety over the little things of baby and child-hood as I did with my own kids when it comes to my grandkids. I think my perspective has widened along with my hips.

    Magnum- Good times. Good times.

    Jo- Damn. A smallish meteorite can sure fuck up a day, can't it?

    Jill- I thought it was pretty sweet and appropriate. Owen was a very serious musician on that alligator xylophone.

    Mel- What IS it about stuffed animals? Why can't we let them go? Is it because they have so much soft, stuffy personality?

    Elizabeth- They say it's all about attitude. Some days this works. Other days, it does not.

    S. Jo- Owen is an amazing big brother. He astounds me in that aspect.

    Steve- They are easier than having real animals. I will say that.

  11. I heard tonight that NASA has been tracking the astroids for a while and have some way to avert their path so that it misses Earth. I'm hoping their funding doesn't get cut for this project. Sounds like a good one.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.