Friday, February 3, 2012

It's A Funny World

I have written and written this morning and I realize it is all stupid and worthless and incredibly depressing and so here- two camellias.
The chickens are out. Elvis has such a bountiful rear these days- tail feathers so heavy and dark and green and gorgeous.

The drape, the shape, the whole sweet ass of him.

There. That's what I have to say.

This is all part of it.

Enough for now. Good enough.


  1. Your's was the first post at the top of the list...and I enjoyed the dainty camellia blossoms but really that Elvis took it away. Swagger.....he must know he is handsome.

    Good morning Mary!

  2. Sometimes it's better.

    Beautiful photo subjects!

    Hope you feel better soon x

  3. I am envy of the color of Lloyd. Here we are green green green green and gray.

  4. Most of my posts are worthless. Even more worthless are those posts that don't even get posted.

  5. As my daughter's friends say, Elvis got back.

    These photographs are beautiful. I longed for spring-sprung flowers, and here they are!

    I agree with Ms. Radish King about the green--from lichen to grass to emerald tail feathers--of Lloyd.

  6. That first photo is outrageous. That must be plastic from the Goodwill store.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.