Saturday, August 6, 2022

Another "This Is What I Did Today" Post. Lucky You


I did not wake up until 9:00 this morning which was fine with me as I was having a pretty nice dream. It wasn't a GREAT dream because my psyche does not allow me to have a wild range of fun options even in my dreams so they are mostly rather tame but even within the confines of my overactive conscience, a nice time can be had, albeit a very innocent time. 


After I got cranking today, I was pretty busy. I got a few things done. No more closet clearing but I did blanch a few field peas for freezing and got those taken care of, cut up some melons that I had for easier eating availability, cleared away some things in the refrigerator much to the chickens' delight, swept the back porch, and was getting dressed to go out and work in the garden when it suddenly began to rain. 

With that plan thwarted I decided to clean our bedroom. I hate to clean. HATE. IT. 
I don't know why. I mean, it's not as hard as garden work by any means and I can still listen to podcasts or audio books but for some reason, dusting and sweeping just are not high on my list of things I want to do. Our room was already tidy. It is a small room and we are not messy people for the most part. My husband does not throw his dirty clothes on the floor and neither do I, I always make the bed, my bedside stack of books is orderly. But dust doesn't care how tidy you are so I got busy with that. I won't say I did a great job but it looks better. It feels better. It smells of Lemon Pledge. 

And then it stopped raining so I went out to the garden and did some picking and then some weeding and then some mulching and then I felt like I might throw up from the heat so I came inside again. I thought it was 3:30 but when I got out of the shower it was almost five so I guess not unless I passed out in the shower and lost an hour which I do not believe I did. 

Mr. Moon has been happily working in the garage all day long. The project he is working on, which is taking the engine out of a car that was wrecked and putting it into an identical car whose engine was stolen (seriously) had come to a halt due to a problem that he could not figure out but yesterday his mechanic friend came over and together they problem-solved so he's back on track. Nothing makes him happier than work like this. Well, except for maybe hunting and fishing. So I haven't really seen much of him today except when he came in to eat lunch. 

It was so sweet to get a little rain but "little" is the key word there. Better than none. A few minutes ago a crazy wind kicked up, twirling and swirling branches and leaves and within seconds the sky clouded up and it got darker and cooler but I'm not hearing any thunder yet and there's no rain. The radar does look a bit ominous. Or should I say "promising"? I would not mind a big storm. 

I sure do wish I had something more interesting or deeply philosophical or hysterically funny or touchingly tender or deeply spiritual or politically pertinent or poetically pertinent or, well, pertinent in the least but I do not. Perhaps tomorrow. Who knows? Not me.


Love...Ms. Moon


  1. For the record, I love your "this is what I did today" posts! I see by the picture at the top you went back and saved the two dolls. :) They don't look nearly as creepy as some dolls do.

    I wish I could hire your husband to overhaul Gregg's 1996 Ford Ranger. It's been an absolute workhorse for 15 years now, and we only paid $1000 dollars for it. Everything is slowly breaking down on it, but it still runs, and given what new cars (and even used ones!) are costing these days, we'd happily spend a few thousand dollars on fixing it up if we could find an honest person with the know-how to do it right. I know that Glen could do an amazing job.

    Once again, I sure wish Lloyd wasn't so far away. One day I'm going to drive down there and visit, okay? :)

    1. Oh, those beautiful dollies came from Linda Sue! They live on my vanity and I kiss them frequently.
      I showed Glen what you said about your truck and I'm pretty sure that he's glad he is NOT the one who's going to be trying to overhaul it.
      You know what's funny? I almost said on your blog that I am sure that if you and I met we would adore each other. We were thinking essentially the same thing.

  2. What about the dolls then? Do they live with you now? I love your daily doings, almost all of which are outside my experience. It's like being in a book just reading What Mary Did everyday!

    1. Those are sweet dolls that Linda Sue sent me. I've had them for awhile. The beautiful china parakeet came from Wag the Dog, the thrift store in Monticello. I have not gone back and bought the poor doll baby that I felt such a yearning to adopt. The urge may have passed somewhat.
      And by the way- I am always interested to hear what Liz did every day!

  3. Some days just have to be those sort of days. I hate dusting and I get cranky when someone moves things and the dust becomes obvious.

    1. Haha! I know what you mean! Leave my dust alone, please!

  4. Your most boring day (according to you) is usually more exciting then most of my days! So don't worry about crappie that doesn't need worrying about!!!

    1. You're so sweet Marcia. I'm not generally bored by my days but I fear everyone else is.

  5. For a boring day, you took advantage of all of it to do what needed done. Rain to loosen the soil's weeds is just the best.

    1. Any rain is appreciated for ALL the reasons now!

  6. agree, your days always thrill me to read about....... no matter how much or how little you *think* you do. Love your accounts of your days. those dolls are beautiful! Where and when did you get those? story behind them? You and Mr Moon sound like me and my hubby....... he has a barn here on the property......he'll go down to work on a project...and I may not see him all day, even though we are only 200 yards removed. It works for both of us!
    Susan M

    1. Linda Sue, the blogger who does Lady Margaret's Curlers, sent them to me. She has sent me some of the coolest stuff I own.
      Yes. I think men love having projects to do in a manly environment. And it does work out well for all of us, doesn't it?

  7. I'm not a praying person, but I'll pray for rain for you. Your dolls have pretty costumes.

    1. Whether we pray or not, we do always eventually get rain. And I can cheerfully say, "Thank god!" although in my case, that's just an expression.

  8. I wish someone would pray for rain here in SE England.!! We haven't had any for weeks, and none on the horizon for at least the next 2 weeks. Reservoirs are empty and hose pipe bans already in some places. Won't be long before we get one too.

    1. One of the truest things ever said was "You don't miss your water 'til your well runs dry." It's so scary when the sky quits bringing us water, isn't it? I hate droughts. May you get rain soon.

  9. Sounds like a terrific day and you got a lot done! I always enjoy reading whatever you post because you always have such a nice way of expressing yourself that really connects with me. Thank you, Mary!

  10. I don't think most people's lives are any different. Yesterday we went to Wetaskiwin to visit my father in law and stopped at Coal Lake on the way home so Jack could play in the water and throw rocks. That was it. Oh, we had lunch at Mcdonalds. Jack had a good day and we were along for the ride, so to speak:)

    1. Sounds like a perfect day for a little boy! Glad Jack took y'all along with him.

  11. The rain promised for last Friday did not happen for us thought the city got rain. We got a little 10 minute shower yesterday that barely got the ground wet but it did cool it off so that I could work in the shop yesterday afternoon.

    Well, you know, I hate to clean house too.

    1. A little rain is still a little blessing, isn't it?
      I do know you hate to clean house- another way in which we are alike.

  12. Oh that was interesting to me. I actually related to the feeling of wanting rain. Not something I usually do but we've had a drought and some pretty high temperatures here lately. I am starting to find my inner Scandinavian.

  13. I think that my comment got scrapped!

  14. I can't imagine being entertained by the task of replacing a car engine, but hey -- that's why we're all different, right? On the other hand, I kind of like cleaning. Not the heavy bathtub-scrubbing kind, but the dusting and vacuuming kind.

  15. I find your post entertaining and amusing. Someone else's life often is more interesting than one's own!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.