Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Sweetest Gifts

Do you remember when Mr. Moon and I drove down to the coast to take his boat into the shop about two months ago? That's been a pain in his ass ever since. The shop was overwhelmed with boats as it's the only boat motor repair place in the area and that area has a lot of boats in it. Due to that fact or whatever, Mr. Moon was having a horrible time communicating with them about his repairs and today he finally just drove down there to get the boat.
Not a good experience.
Can we just say that a guy who works there offered to beat my husband's ass?
Unsettling, to say the least. And trust me, Glen is like the least prone to violence person I know. The offer was unprovoked. The guy obviously has some serious issues.
But anyway, he has the boat back and he did take it out on Apalachicola River for a little test run and he's home now. And he brought me some dill seeds that he went to two different stores to find. He got them at what we call The Pig in Apalachicola which is actually the Piggly Wiggly and no, I am not making that up.
He is the sweetest man. Lily has also ordered me some with her Walmart curbside pick-up order so I should be back in the dill pickle making business soon.
Just in time. Look what I picked today.

That is one hell of a lot of beans and I'm quite sure I left a lot on the vines. Some are quite obvious. 

and dangle politely from the trellis but many are not and hide themselves on top of the trellis and behind leaves and I could literally go back and forth, picking the vines several times and not find them all. It's sort of fun but not really in this heat. I only gave it a once-through and back picking because good Lord! That was enough beans for one day. Why anyone plants any type of beans besides rattlesnake beans I do not know. Not only are they the most prolific beans I've ever grown, their growing season is way longer than any other type I've ever planted AND they are as tender and sweet as any bean I've ever tasted. Forget your Kentucky Wonder, your Blue Lake varieties. Get you some rattlesnake beans and plant those. 
And next year, remind me to only plant one fence line of them. That is way more than enough. 

Another thing I need to be reminded of is NOT TO WALK FOUR MILES IN THIS HEAT! I set out this morning, determined to only do three and when I got to the 1.5 point I thought, "Oh hell. I feel fine," and kept on for another half mile and that was fine too but the last mile on my way home was hell on this planet. I passed a neighbor in about the last quarter of a mile and although I usually stop and chat with him I just couldn't today. 
"I'm sorry. I have to keep going," I flung at him as I passed him. "I gotta get home. I'm about to pass out." 
I am of the if-you're-dying-walk-faster school of thought. 
I felt so rude but I had to do what I had to do. 
"Okay," he said. "God bless you!"
"You too," I said over my shoulder. 
I have no doubt that the phrase "crazy old white woman" crossed his mind. It certainly crossed mine.

I had one real goal today and that was to straighten and tidy up the table on the back porch where I basically live. Good thing that was my only goal because although I did get that accomplished and a clean tablecloth thrown over the table, I sure didn't do much else. 
I baked another loaf of sourdough, this time making up my own damn recipe and it came out very pretty. I also started a pot of our favorite black bean soup but the damn beans must be forty years old because despite the fact that I brought them to a boil, let them soak for a few hours, cooked them for more hours, and finally pressure cooked them for almost an hour, they're still not what I'd call soft but they're simmering as we speak. 

I also talked to a very, very dear friend this afternoon for quite awhile. He is one of the most precious people I know and although he is going through some very tough times he made me laugh because he's just so damn profane and funny. And honest. He's the kind of friend who I can go years without talking to but when we do connect, there's absolutely no disconnect. We are bonded throughout eternity. 

Once again I am reminded of how incredibly fortunate I am. 

One more thing- like Steve Reed and Linda Sue I woke up this morning from the most bizarre house dream I may have ever had. That would not be so shocking because I do have bizarre house dreams but to read that both Linda and Steve had such memorable house dreams too is quite strange. 
As we all know, I don't really believe in new age-y magic but I do indeed believe that we humans have senses and abilities that science can't explain because science just doesn't understand them yet. 
Something was going on. 
And I do not dare to postulate what that might be. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. never heard of rattlesnake beans but if I had a garden i would most certainly plant those, speaks to my rattlesnake heart! Yes, it is an odd dream world where we all meet up in our surreal houses...I don't know but something is a foot! We must stay well, we do not want to meet in the great house up yonder just yet! Although if we do, YOU will be voted COOK!

    1. I would love to cook for everyone! In fact, in my dream, a lot of bloggers were there for some sort of visit. Maybe I was cooking!

  2. Piggly Wiggly is in Wisconsin, too, and simply called The Pig. "I'm going to the Pig."

  3. I've seen the PW in Wisconsin, too, in Madison.

    I agree that there are mystical powers we don't know much about. I have sometimes "known" things about people's history that I couldn't logically have known. I gave up mentioning it after a couple of people got totally verklempt about it, really scared. But I would only use my powers for good!

    1. See- I think we probably all have these abilities to some degree or another. It's got to be part of how we evolved and how we've survived as a species. We don't have claws or ripping teeth and we can't run that fast. No protective fur. Just these brains that we really do not understand yet.

  4. Hope your wonderful husband had a fabulous birthday and i wish him many happy returns of the day.

  5. What is with these dreams? I feel like I have an alternate reality that is my dream world. Believe it or not several nights this week I have had a very real house dream. I don't usually have house dreams either. The main thing I remember is that there were a lot of people in the house and a ghost lived inside the front door. I would talk to the ghost and it would make sounds back to me. I have not been able to get that door out of my mind, but I was not scared of it, just curious. I do wonder what it might mean for so many people to have such dreams during the same week???

    1. I have no idea but I like your dream. In my main house dream, there is a basement filled with the tables all set up for the last dinner on the Titanic. Even scarier- the diners are there too, in some sort of ghostly tableau. I have no idea where that idea comes from.

  6. I have house dreams all the time. It must be some archetypal thing.

  7. When we stayed in the Best Western Apalach Inn on the edge of Apalachicola, we picked up a hot pizza and other stuff from the same "Piggly Wiggly". We loved the name of that store and I made up a little ditty about it - almost gone from my memory now. I assume that there is a heritage sign outside the "Piggly Wiggly" now stating "Yorkshire Pudding shopped here in 2001".

    1. Oh yes. Every time I go into the Pig I light a little candle to go under your sign, Mr. P.
      Honestly- I LOVE the fact that you and Mrs. P have been to the Pig.

  8. I wonder why dill has been hard to find? I was about to send you some but am glad you're all set again. I'm so impressed by your four mile walks, and as far as I'm concerned any day that includes a four mile walk need not include much more than puttering for the rest of the day.

    1. Pickling season, plain and simple. Plenty of people in this area still can and pickle. We have our rural foremother roots within us, I guess.

  9. You made me laugh with "if you're going to faint from the heat walk faster right" because I ways always of the opinion that if you're gonna run out of gas you'd better drive faster! And I'm sorry Mr. Moon was attacked like that. I always find that shocking (not that it happens very often) as I'm so mild-mannered!

    1. Same-same on the walking and the gas.
      Mr. Moon wasn't attacked physically, just verbally. But it upset him a great deal.

  10. Good grief...poor Mr. Moon. Glad he got his boat back. As for you...walking in that heat?? No. Just no. I'd melt. You'd have to hose me off the sidewalk. Hope your dreams take a nicer turn.

    1. I'm glad he got his boat back too!
      I swear- I thought someone was going to have to hose ME off the sidewalk. I would have appreciated a hose.

  11. That's a crazy story about Glen and the boat. Sounds like it was good he got it away from those people. I am also a "walk faster" person -- I thought I was going to die on my walk last week so I can empathize. And it was only 88 degrees here, which is probably about ten degrees cooler than where you are!

    I'm still puzzling over our dream synchronicity.

    1. Hell, Steve! Eighty-eight is hot!
      Me too on the dream synchronicity.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.