Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Kid Stuff

Another busy day. Went to town and ran some errands, saw August and Levon, read August some books. Came home and finished up a few chores I had here and then Mr. Moon and I went to see Gibson's first grade musical presentation.
It was pretty awesome. The theme was animals. Always a popular subject. Gibson is the opposite of how Owen always is in these situations who looks like he'd rather be anywhere in the world but on the stage. It's painful to watch him. But Gibson gets into it with all the joy that little guy has in him. He sings and sways and does hand movements and and smiles and just enjoys himself tremendously.
So we did that.
And then we rushed over to another school where Owen had a basketball game.

And that was pretty exciting and it was fun to watch my big guy play basketball. 
His team lost but no one seemed too upset about it. 

And honestly, that's it for my exciting news today. It was a little out of the ordinary to find a trollish comment on my last post. I swear- I think that's the first troll comment I've ever gotten unless you count spam. And even this one wasn't too personal as it was mostly directed towards all of the Baby Boomers whom she (he?) wishes would just drop dead. 
We're working on it, honey. It'll happen. 

Let's see what tomorrow brings. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Your day sounds wonderful and I am sure both boys will remember that their grandparents came to those events...My grandparents flew 3000 miles to attend my high school graduation and I always loved them for that, and more.

    1. Wow! I am not sure at all that I would fly three thousand miles to watch a grandchild graduate from any type of school. I think it's incredibly cool, though, that you remember it and you appreciate it so much.

  2. Sounds like having grandchildren can fill your social diary. Regarding "baby boomers" I do not know if I am one or not but I swear that I have never boomed a baby in my life. I imagine it means placing a baby in a cannon and lighting the fuse. This would be exceedingly distressing for the baby within. If I had my way, I would stuff "Anonymous" into the cannon instead.

    1. The activities I do with my children and grandchildren ARE my social life, Mr. P.
      You're right about the baby booming. Distressing to say the least. For both baby and mother, I would imagine.
      I am getting the feeling that Anonymous is a spammer.

  3. Your Anonymous is more readable than Mumbai Escorts, though still short in ethic.
    Kudos to your two young performers. Fields of Truth, both of them.

    1. True. Wouldn't one think that after a blogger has marked a commenter as spam about fifty times they would start getting blocked?

  4. I used to enjoy these school commitments with my kids. I like the idea of them coming around again with grandkids.

  5. The same Anonymous posted the same post in another blog I read. Strange

    1. Well, there goes my fantasy that I had a personal troll.

  6. It seems like yesterday that I was going to all the sports games with the boys. It's far too soon, though, for me to do that with grandkids. Ha ha ha!

  7. Wow! I missed the trollish comment! But as I see from the comments above it seems like a generic trollish comment. Who knows what motivates these people.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.