Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We Love Babies


  1. He's getting so big! He looks so much like his mama. And ol' Pearl - she doesn't care which baby it is, she just wants to sniff the babies.

  2. I love PEARL!!!!!

    And youse. I love youse.

  3. enjoy your Waylon day Ms. Moon.

  4. We DO love babies... What a darling cutiepie...
    Isn't it nice when people trust you enough to bring the babies????

  5. Ah, yes, an honor indeed. Here's to hoping you both have a wonderful day!

  6. DTG- Pearl can never die as long as there are babies!

    Ms. Bastard-Beloved- Pearl and I both love you.

    Stephanie- Kiss back!

    rebecca- I did!

    Lois- I know!

    Photocat- It's so nice.

    Kori- It was a party!

    Swallowtail- Uh-huh.

  7. Pearl sure does love that baby...you can just tell.

    We had a little terrier-mix once that loved all babies-human and animal. Her whole body would wiggle with excitment at just the idea of catching a glance. I think Pearl may be too old to wiggle though.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.