Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Not So Happy

I didn't take a walk this morning and I didn't make pickled green beans today. I didn't do laundry and I didn't patch my husband's overalls. I didn't sweep or mop or dust or even clean out a drawer.

I did go to Publix and Costco. Of course everyone at Costco was wearing a mask as per instructions. I was ready and willing to buy something fun for myself there to cheer myself up. Retail therapy, so to speak. But I just wasn't feeling it. So I bought cucumbers and cheese and garbage bags and filled up my gas tank for the first time since last March.
Then I went to Publix where a lot of people were wearing masks but a lot weren't. People seemed to be very aware of social distancing though. Mostly. I didn't really have any emergency items to buy except for cat food which we are getting very low on. Or were. We have plenty now. Meow Mix was BOGO. I think I was again searching for some sort of a quick lick of a sweetness, a sense of the larders being full if nothing else.
Despite buying a lot of stuff, none of it brought me any pleasure. But I do have twelve new canning jars and more vinegar and spices for pickling and pumpkin seeds which are a time-honored remedy for worms in chickens and in children and a whole bunch of other stuff that I can't think of at the moment.
Guess you can't buy happiness after all.
Except at maybe a dispensary.

My husband is out in the garden, digging up potatoes. The sun is getting lower in the sky creating the golden light that movie makers make so much of. Jessie's new chickens are safely at home in their new coop. Lily is home with her brood. They had such a good time. Here are a few more pictures.

Fishing in the rain. Isn't that a pretty river?

Lauren's folks not only have goats and dogs, they have chickens too!

Magnolia doesn't know it yet but she comes from a long line of fisherwomen.
Here's a picture of Glen's mama and daddy and look who caught the big fish!

Paw-Paw doesn't look too happy about it either.
I love that picture.

In so many ways it all feels so normal, so fine. Plenty of food on the shelves. A garden full of beautiful things. Happy kids. Happy chickens.

And yet.

At least 100,000 people have died from covid 19 in the U.S.
People refuse to wear masks or practice social distancing because fools and bots tell them that the virus is a hoax and they have the right to believe it and act like it.
And the virus of racial hatred only seems to grow and thrive in the willing worst of our country, people not only refusing to see it as a threat but welcoming it, practicing it, and our fake president hasn't said a word about the latest two horrors, one a murder as sure as I am living, one a travesty of human decency, as far as I know.
Meanwhile he's threatening to shut down Twitter because they had the nasty audacity of fact-checking some of his tweets.
Fuck. Him.
Fuck racism. Fuck hatred. Fuck people who blithely believe what they want to believe even when it is so obviously unbelievable and so obviously dangerous. 

I honestly don't have anything else to say because I've about given up hope for humanity. At least this country's portion of it.

Prove me wrong. As they say. I sure wish someone could.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Same here, same here, heartsick blues , eating flan and it is not even tasty. Feeling ill, lump in the throat, burning eyes kind of blues. But I have a faun in the yard.

    1. Baby deer are an antidote to a lot of badness.

  2. Oh, and to top it off, Trump is doubling down on his bizarre and evil claims that a Joe Scarborough murdered a staffer. On Twitter! Even the NPR reporters talking about it had a "What the actual fuck" tone of voice. It's like we live in a horrible dystopian version of the USA.

    1. I cannot, CANNOT believe there is no way to get rid of this man.

  3. All this racist crap and "Masks infringe on my rights," bullshit is just too much...Everything feels like too much today...Goodnight.

  4. Your moods and mine often mirror each other. I am sure the heartsickness comes from seeing on a daily basis what this country truly is.I found those I "spoke" to today feeling sad and disgusted.My heart aches for my grandchildren and the world we are leaving them.Sorry. Just a really bad day.

    1. It is odd how we all seem to have our bad days at the same time. Or frequently, at least.
      Heart aching days. Yes.

  5. Mr. Moon was always going to be very tall, wasn’t he? Love seeing the kids so happy. Kids being kids. Nothing better.

  6. I've ranted my way through blogs tonight. I'll stop here. My stomach hurts. Maggie still is one golden ringlet of a child.

  7. I've been down all day about EXACTLY the same things! What in the world has happened to people and to our country!

    On the other side of the coin, I have to say those adorable children look sooo happy and I know they had a fabulous time on their visit.

    I hope you feel better. I hope we all feel better. Maybe in November.

    1. Please, yes, in November. Let that man be gone and let the long, hard process of healing and repair begin.

  8. I feel like the time has come for the US to become a number of different countries again. I don't see what else will work.

    1. That would all be well and good for the blue states. Would suck for the rest of us.

  9. tRump is losing the plot, so to speak. He is a despicable human being.

    I'm feeling down too and way too busy at work. Sending hugs and love.

    1. Every day he seems a bit closer to complete meltdown and yet, he never quite gets there.

  10. I walked up to the trash receptacles today to dump a bag of refuse and got collared by a neighbour there. She talks at you not to you but I put up with her for the most part. But then she got to telling me how she had shouted at someone in town for being too close to her and then another person for being too slow and "what's the problem with these people"? and I just thought "lady, maybe you are the problem" (I know she is really). So when people start getting all nasty it just ups the ante everywhere doesn't it, and having an arsehole like Trump for president certainly does no-one any favours does it. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. And I'm sure your neighbor doesn't have a clue.
      Anger does indeed spread.

  11. I hope Trump DOES shut down Twitter. It would automatically earn him the enmity of millions of people and stockholders, and also disable his single greatest publicity tool.

    I love the picture of Glenn's parents. His mom is looking quite stylish -- and proud!

    1. Right? And that'll never happen.
      Isn't Glen's mama a well-put together woman? She always was.

  12. Some days are just WTF sort of days. We have our own version of T minus rump here in the shape of BOJO. I'm not sure if you've heard the story we're all heart sick about - his aide, the evil and callous Dominic Cummings took a trip during lockdown to his parents house (for childcare he maintains) during lockdown. His parents live 240 miles away! Everyone has called for his resignation and had it been anybody but him he'd have lost his job but we all know BOJO hasn't a clue what he's doing and Cummings is running the country so all sorts of excuses are being made for him. It's made a huge joke of everything. Everyone is so angry about it yet BOJO still justifies it!! So many leaders are being 'found out' now that they have a 'real thing' to deal with. It's not pretty is it?! However, try to remember the good things and the good people, it just seems like everyone is at odds just now, but really I think/I believe most people are good. This will pass - one way or another! xx

    1. Yes. I heard that story. I doubt it would even get any media attention here. That's how bad things are.
      I do also think that a lot of people are good but I sure don't think as many of them are as I used to.

  13. I wish I could prove you wrong but I can't. the worst elements of this country and society have gained control and we are going to go down in flames. we all still have hope for and or confidence in our election in November that we can end this nightmare but I'm starting to worry about even that. are the republicans so depraved that they are willing to totally destroy this country to stay in power?

    on a different note, I really need to go to Costco.

    1. Between the depraved Republicans and Russia and as much vote cheating as Trump can get away with, I have very little faith in a clean election.
      What did we do before Costco?

  14. Yeah. What would Trump do if he didn't have his phone and Twitter?
    Magnolia is truly a beauty, isn't she?


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.