I did not walk this morning and I consciously chose not to. I think it's good to take a day off. I'll get out there and push it again tomorrow. I didn't even leave the yard today and that felt good. You'd think I'd be getting bored with my house and yard by now but I am not.
Last week I bought a pineapple in its own flesh, mostly because I wanted the top to plant. I have a pineapple plant that I stuck in dirt years ago and it appears to be happy enough although it has certainly not been happy enough to deliver unto me a baby pineapple.
I'm sure it needs more sun.
But one of the things I did today was to peel and cut up the pineapple I'd bought and I stuck the top in some dirt in an old enamelware pot that's been here forever. I think it may have actually been a diaper pail. Not sure. It's got rusted out places in the bottom now but it'll work for a bromeliad which is what pineapples are. At least for a time.
Lately I seem to be slightly obsessed with rooting and planting things. I know. I KNOW! I have discussed this before.
But quite honestly, it's true and besides that, the pineapple was sweet and delicious. You get so much more out of one when you peel it yourself. When you buy those pre-peeled ones in the plastic containers, they've been cored and peeled to a specific standard and I think a lot of the goodness is wasted.
I suppose the main thing I did today was to call the Leon County courthouse and arrange to have a copy of our marriage certificate sent to me. Mr. Moon and I have both looked upstairs and down and all around for the original and like I said, I found my first marriage certificate and Glen even found his parent's marriage certificate but we haven't been able to find it. It turned out to be very easy to order a copy and indeed, it would appear that we are legally wed and have not been living in sin for the past thirty-five plus years although I suppose that truly depends on your definition of "sin". I like to think that we are indeed a little sinful, at least some of the time.
Once I had finished that small but anxiety-producing task I felt as if I had done enough work for one day but I did go outside and weed out yet another kind of invasive non-native plant, this one on the south side of the enormous, aged live oak in my front yard. I remember when we were looking at this house before we bought it and I was talking to the girlfriend (now wife) of the man who was selling it and I asked her what that plant was. She didn't know the name but she was quite sure that it was rare and precious.
I knew the name for about ten minutes last year but I've forgotten it. Pulling it was easy work although I know I've left a thousand roots behind and it will sprout again. I pulled some of the horrible beauty bower and a few other noxious weeds as well including dewberry which never fruits and Virginia creeper. I hope I don't break out in poison ivy in a few days. I think I saw a little bit but maybe not. And then I finished pulling up the mondo-grass/croscomia/chenille plant trio of evil near the hydrangea where I'd been weeding although "finished up" is definitely a lie as those things will never be eradicated. At least in my lifetime.
And so another day. Once again I have neither found a cure for cancer or written the Great American Novel.
Hell, I haven't even READ a great American novel today.
Well, maybe tomorrow. After my walk.
But whoa! I forgot! I did plant a begonia in a gourd!
No wonder I'm exhausted.
Love...Ms. Moon
Wait! You planted a begonia in a gourd!?!?!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteCoolest thing ever.
There used to be blogger/reader here named Bethany and she was so, so dear. She either sent me gourds that she had grown or sent me seeds and I grew my own. I can't remember. But this gourd is what remains of one of those. And that begonia was one of the tiniest rootlings I ever made. I miss Bethany. I hope she is well.
DeleteOh Bethany. I miss her too!! Worked at a library right?
DeleteYes! She's the person who sent me "The Little Red Hen Makes A Pizza." And some other very cool books.
DeleteShe gave up face book, but popped back in to share her brother's post on tiger conservation recently, so she's still doing OK, it seems.
DeleteI, a descendant of many farmers, cannot manage to grow a weed, not even the legal kind. I like that you do these things. More people should. I just dumped my trash and saw three immediate neighbors not distancing. One coughed in my direction I think purposely because I don't really like her and she tends to be passive aggressive from what I know of her. She made no attempt to use either her hand or shoulder and no mask. I took a shower immediately when I got inside and washed the clothing I was wearing. You are very lucky the people around you seem to have more sense.
ReplyDeleteI think it's just a matter of respect. And I am so lucky to have neighbors who respect me and whom I respect. You have some real asshole neighbors. And that's all there is to it.
DeleteA peaceful day which is a good day. Sending hugs.
ReplyDeleteYes. A very good day. Sending hugs to you.
DeleteI hope everyone's safe and staying safe. I just read that the virus is mutating and getting much more dangerous. I don't want to alarm anyone but it's time to get right with God, cause this is getting downright scary! Stay home and stay safe, guys!
ReplyDeleteI am staying home and staying safe. I've been reading about the mutation thing too. Scary as hell.
Deleteglad marriage certificate is on its way! I can find ours either, but haven't needed it- thank goodness! Your day sounds calming......planting, tending, resting. I had a rare outing and met a friend in a store parking lot for a distance visit which turned out to be 1 1/2 hours and the highlight of my day/week. Cooking filled the rest of the day creatively....... tomorrow back to routine of ho/hum...and whatever I choose not to do LOL!
ReplyDeleteSusan M
"...and whatever I choose not to do."
Glad you had a nice parking lot visit.
I understand the urge to plant--I've got it too, but I broke my arm and so am stuck with carrot tops and cabbage cores in water (the cabbage core is cool--splendid circular green leaves.) And carrot tops at least when little taste a bit like parsley...
ReplyDeleteYou can do celery bottoms too! I've never done the cabbage core thing but next time I buy one, I'll try that. I'm so sorry you broke your arm.
DeleteCongratulations on getting the marriage certificate copy ordered! I understand those kind of phone calls causing stress. I've been trying for a week to get hold of my doctor's nurse and finally got hold of her today. After that call I felt like I'd done my day's work. I don't know how I ever survived working full time and keeping house with children! I guess the energy of youth.
ReplyDeleteI told someone yesterday that I look back on my days when I had four kids at home and have no idea how I did it. Mostly I guess we had no choice.
DeleteWhen I was 24 I resigned from my job and spent 6 months backpacking round Australia. I remember going to visit a pineapple plantation on the east coast and taking the little train around for the guided tour. When the guy "pointed out the pineapples" I looked up in the trees and he burst out laughing. I had no idea that pineapples didn't grow on trees - although I know better now of course.
ReplyDeleteDon't feel bad. I knew a woman who thought that there was a pickle plant.
DeleteI so hope that a baby pineapple is one day delivered unto you!
ReplyDeleteMe too!
DeleteThe gourd planting is awesome. You may not have cured cancer today but you were very industrious indeed. I'd wager you got at least as much exercise working in the yard as you would have on your walk.
ReplyDeleteNah. When I work in the yard it's mostly from my knees. So there's not a whole lot of exercise involved but I still do get sore from it. Glen and I are both walking around like we're two hundred years old these days.
DeleteYou WERE busy! That gourd makes a great pot. I had a friend who grew a pineapple top and it produced a pineapple, and she carefully watched it every day as she waited for it to fruit, and then just before she was ready to harvest it -- a raccoon ate it. Or a possum. Something. So let that be a warning! LOL
ReplyDeleteDamn critters! Using all our hard work for their dinners! But thanks for the warning. If I ever see the beginnings of a pineapple I'll bring the plant onto the back porch.