Monday, January 25, 2010

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

Owen is coming soon, soon and I will be making his mama an egg sandwich to send her off to work with and then I'll be cuddling that boy and maybe I'll put him in the sling and we'll go out to check the chickens and inspect all the branches yesterday's storm slung into the yard. Can I just say that having one of the world's oldest water oaks in my yard is not something I appreciate? Those damn trees, unlike the live oaks, are generous with their branches, donating them like old men who give their cast-off ties and shit-beat shoes to Goodwill.
Pecans are pretty generous trees too, when it comes to branch donation.


There's a critter living above the ceiling on the porch which sounds as he weighs at least forty pounds. I heard his ponderous tread above my head this morning and worried that he would fall through the boards above me. Sometimes I wonder how many animals live in this house with me (and I am not talking about the dogs or Mr. Moon) but mostly I'd just rather not know. I am hoping that when spring comes, they'll pack all their bags and head back to the woods where they belong. If they don't, they'll roast up there. This will not smell good, oh my beloveds.


Rehearsal last night went pretty darn well. As Larry David would say, pret-ty, pret-ty well. We are learning our lines, even me, and as we do, our characters take on shapes and lives of their own. I think it is a sign that this is a funny play in that we still crack up at certain lines. Either that or we are all old and easily amused. That, too, is fine because hopefully, our audiences will skew that way too.


Having just written about the critters in my house, a black object came swooping across the porch and at first I thought, logically, BIRD, because they do get in the house some times but NO! IT'S A FUCKING BAT AND GOD! I AM AFRAID OF BATS!
I have no idea why but it may be all those years of watching horror movies and it may be their little dog faces and their leather wings and black toenails and NEITHER JESSIE NOR HER FATHER ARE HERE TO USHER THE BAT OUT AND BESIDES THAT, WHERE THERE IS ONE BAT, THERE ARE MANY!
My heart is beating like a drum. But I did take a picture:

No. It's not a good picture but believe me, I had to put on my big girl panties to take that one.

I have the doors from the house to the porch closed and the screen door to the outside wide open and I am praying the little mammal finds his way outside.

Oh Jeez. What a morning and as Lily said one time and which Mr. Moon and I often quote when things around here get just a bit too wild:


I'll report in later and let you know how things have gone. Hopefully, I'll still be human and not a vampire.

Good Lord.


  1. Oh, bats are so cute, but when they start swooping around your head, it starts getting a little scary. They are so freaking swift and you can only image them swooping down and getting all tangled up in your hair.

    I hope the bat made it out ok without Daddy and me.

  2. Oh dear God, I hate bats! I had them in my old apartment and my cat used to catch them, swallow them, then puke them up. It was disgusting. But better dead than alive, I say.

  3. I don't like bats either. Fuckers are flying rodents.

    Love you Ms. M.!

  4. Look at it this way, Vampires are all the rage these days :)

  5. I love bats but I'll admit I wouldn't know what to do with one if it got in the house. Or god forbid, my hair.

    I bet Danielle has a bat story...

  6. Aw, bats are so cute with their little dog faces. I''d help him out if I were there, since I have no hair in which to tangle.

    (WV: mones. hahahahaha)

  7. Once, my mother-in-law's husband was putting on his boots, and there was a bat in the toe of one! He pulled his foot out in a hurry and the thing flew up to the ceiling. Arg! Bats!

    Enjoy your day with Owen!

  8. Was the bat still there when Lily came? She looooooves bats! (tee-hee tee-hee)

  9. I love bats, myself;they are rather fascinating creatures. What is hilarious to me is that you will get all close up and lovey on your banana spider, becayse THAT? Makes me freak the fuck out. We people are odd animals, aren't we?

  10. oh, a Ms Moon VAMPIRE! You would have to start an entirely new blog for that one. Mwa ha ha.

    TOO MUCH NATURE is a great quote.
    I'm sorry but I laughed so hard at I AM AFRAID OF BATS.
    Poor Mary. I hope it leaves on its own.

    Laughed at big girl panties too, good for you. All for the blog. You brave brave woman.

    Hope you have a happy day with O, and things calm down.

  11. We have bats in the building where I work, I think they are living in the rafters over the stage in the Fallon Theatre (I'm in the Fine Arts Bldg at FSU). Every once in awhile they will get out and fly around the hallways. I like it that they eat mosquitoes, but I don't like them flying around my head!

  12. Bats are too scary to be cute.

    I just dreamed the other night that I was a vampire hunter, so I hope you don't become a vampire. I don't want to hunt you.

  13. I'm laughing at the big girl panties. I have to put them on just to view the photo.

  14. oh we had a bat in the house. we called it spike.

    was not happy about the bat. I believe I screamed a very high pitch scream.

    here's a plan: open the door and turn out the lights. sit quietly. the bat will exit. it's not happy there.

    as for many more... probably somewhere around you. but if you haven't seen one before? not in your house. (this was explained to me by the bat guy who came to make sure spike or a cousin would not return).

    you got a lot closer to yours than I got to spike. brave woman.

  15. Oh am I afraid of bats too. Its the rabies thing. I don't mind a bit them flying in the yard and eating their weight in mosquitoes, but when the die in the chimney or hang out in the house eaves, I always think they have rabies and want to bite me. Big girl panties indeed! Hope its gone now.
    It's mice I'm fending off now, they run in the ceiling tiles in the basement in little stampedes and die in the most ridiculous and smelly spots. One fell dead on the mouse pad in the office, can you believe the irony?
    Good luck keeping nature at bay, it just keeps creeping at me here in the woods.
    Have a great monday!

  16. I would be wondering more about the loud heavy sound above your porch....bats I don't long as they are away from me...that photo you took gave me the willy's just to see it! My heart would have been pitter-pattering like crazy!

  17. I cringed looking at the picture. Bats, Raccoon, Possum, all give me the willies (maybe I just don't like nocturnal).

    But the phrase, "ponderous tread"! I do believe I'll work that into conversation today.

  18. Bats! We used to have a swarm of them in the attic of the old farmhouse we lived in when the kids were little. They would come streaming out at twilight to feast on mosquitos. I liked 'em for that.

    They don't like to come near humans and their sonar usually keeps them from crashing in to you. Hope it found its way out.

  19. Adorable critters! I'll come get it any old time. In fact, I want to build some bad houses to help with the sceeters!

    Have fun sqeezing the other critter.

  20. OY!
    I dislike bats as much as I dislike rodents. EW.
    hope you're surviving, batgirl.

  21. If you can shoot a picture of it with a camera, you can shoot it with a .22. Mr. Moon must have a .22 around the house, doesn't he?
    I'm currently dealing with a mouse that I've only seen once. Getting ready to spend $40 for some ultra-sconic small critter thingie...
    BTW - The verification word? batowl ;-]

  22. Bats aren't bad. Surprising, yes, but bad, no. They don't eat you. You scare them more than they scare you, and they don't have any big girl panties to pull up, poor things.

    They eat insects, mostly. Some are pollinators. Get Mr. Moon to seal up all the openings to the attic and porch and what-not (after Mr. Bat leaves).

    You've got a good heart and more courage than you give yourself credit for.

  23. We can't stop here, Ms. Moon. This is bat country!

    Pardon me but....I'm having a good chuckle at your expense.

  24. I can't believe you were brave enough to take that picture. Heebie jeebies!

  25. Hwy Y'all- I think that bats are wonderful and fascination but dammit, anything that has toenails in its wings is...weird.
    And guess what? I have a bat living in my pasta/grain refrigerator. Yes. I do. Mr. Moon can't get home from out of town too soon for me.

  26. I've been told all that good PR about bats, too, but they scare the heebie-jeebies out of me.

  27. I suppose it's all these images of them flying into women's hair. I doubt they would do that, though.


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