Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tiny Bits While Tiny Boy Is Sleeping

I know I say this all the time but Owen changes from day to day. Not just in his looks but in the things he does. He is sleeping with his arms over his head today, which I've never seen before. Lily says his daddy does that too. DNA is a powerful thing, isn't it?

And he's started to notice the dogs. Up until now, he's just sort of ignored them, even when they tried to lick his face. But now, they catch his attention and he studies them.
Here he is looking at Pearl. It's not a great picture but you can tell what it is.

I swear. It's almost as hard to take pictures of babies and dogs as it is chickens. They all move too fast.

All right. Moving on to stuff that has nothing to do with Owen:

I think I've probably lost most of my porch plants and it's only going to get colder. This hurts my heart. Those plants are like babies to me. I mean, not entirely. I thought I'd scratched Owen's face with my ring today (shit- I said this wasn't going to be about Owen and I've lied again) and I almost called his mother and confessed. The mark is gone now so I guess it wasn't so bad. But I wouldn't have called anyone in the world if I'd scratched a porch plant. Wouldn't have thought of it. But I have had some of those plants for decades.

I've said this before but it bears repeating: Why has the menu ALWAYS changed? WHY? "Please listen carefully as our menu has changed." Bite me. Since when? Since yesterday? Last year? Why do you keep changing the menu? It's not like your options are seasonal like different greens or fruits.

Even though it's a play, I still feel incredibly discombobulated to find myself lying under Colin when we're rehearsing. It's amusing and funny but it's still strange.
But I sort of like it. He makes me laugh so hard. This is going to be a very, very amusing play.
And I couldn't help it the other night. I squeezed his right chestular area. He announced to everyone: "She's playing with my breast here!" in his English accent, very indignantly.
And I probably shouldn't have done that and if he'd done it to me, it would have been highly inappropriate. But hell- there I was squashed up beneath him on a very small love seat. It seemed the thing to do.

Speaking of Colin, having an eye removed has done nothing to deter him from living his own amazing and unique life. He's taken on the role of Bud The Stud for this play and this week he's flying to Washington State (I think) to pick up and trailer back a kit to build an airplane. A real airplane. Not one of those lighter-than-air things. No. This one is bigger than the airplane he has now. With an engine and everything. And he's going to put it together in his hanger. I asked him if he was going to have help.
"Oh God no," he replied. "No one's as fastidious as I am."
He's right. The man makes a spread sheet for everything including his exercise and his line memorization. There is no one like Colin.

Why, when you're checking out at the grocery store, do they always ask you if you found everything you were looking for? If you answered "No, I did not," what would they do? Call the manager to report it?

Isn't it wonderful to get real things in the real mail? (Thanks Maggie May.)

Watching daytime TV is an alien experience for me but I must admit that when I'm giving Owen his bottle, I do it. I can see how easy it would be to get hooked on that thing. There's so much delicious nothingness going on. AND, today I saw a commercial for a product I MUST buy immediately- Kaboom! Foam. Oh yes. You should see the way that stuff cuts through soap scum, hard water stains and and calcium build-up! It was on TV. It must be true, right?

Why do they still sell Chia Pets? Do people still buy them? And what ARE they?

What's the deal with Detox Diets? If you want to detox, why don't you just buy some of that stuff you have to drink before you get a colonoscopy? That shit works in hours. Easy peasy. Save you tons of trouble.

And what's the deal with raw foods? Really? Fake bread you didn't cook? I mean, if you're going to eat raw food, why don't you just eat raw food? Why do you have to go through all that trouble to try and make raw food taste like cooked food? I don't get it. I. Do. Not. Get. It. And why do they have all these people spouting facts about foods and enzymes that just are not true? Take a damn chemistry class, people! How about microbiology? Try a course in that at a university. Then you can tell me that cooked food is dead and does nothing to nourish the body. Okay? Or maybe a physiology class. Yeah, take a physiology class and then we'll discuss the pounds of fecal matter lining your colon.
Oh wait- you read it in a book? Or online? Or in a magazine?
Yeah. Shut up.

Why is it a always an investment when Mr. Moon wants to buy something but it's never an investment when I want to buy something? I don't get that. Boats, cars- those are INVESTMENTS. Get it?
Lipstick, furniture, and new clothes are not.
Even jewelry, according to Mr. Moon, is not much of an investment.

And why am I sitting here asking these silly questions and making silly pronouncements when I could be cleaning the bathrooms? Well. Because. I haven't bought my Kaboom! Foam yet. That's why. Sure. I have regular Kaboom! But it's not as good as Kaboom! Foam now, is it?
There you go.

And there you are. That's about where my intellect is today. Floating somewhere barely above the I'm-smarter-than-a-fruit-fly-level and far below the I'm-as-smart-as-a-fruit-bat-level.
And guess what?
Owen's here and I don't care.

Oh! Oh! One more thing! I saw it on TV! That movie? Crazy Heart with Jeff Bridges? Guess who else is in it?


Oh my God. This is going to be the best movie ever.

I'll think of more stuff later but for now, that's all I can remember that I wanted to talk about.
Have a good day, y'all. Stay warm and kiss a baby if you can. I highly recommend it and it works better for depression than anything I've discovered.
And I'll bet nine out of ten doctors would agree. On television. If you paid them. And here I am giving it out for free.

What?! Am I crazy?
You bet.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I love him. What else can I say? Oh, yes. I love you, and about a certain card which is not here yet, as my sweet Rebecca said "In Guad we Trust"
    and it will be my companion right by my bench when I go back into the atelier.

  2. You're funny, but I'm afraid the TV may be eating your brain.

  3. OMG, Ms Moon, there's like, a thousand exclamation points in here, are you HIGH????

    You remind me of the day my mother was driving us into town, and my husband confessed he'd like a speed boat, and my mother turned from the driving seat in horror and said 'Fuck OFF!!' in a sudddenly gigantic Californian accent. It was beyond hilarious.

    I love the way you can do the Grumpy Old Woman thing at the same time as the manic thing, though, it's great :)

  4. my, you must really love Mr. Moon, because if you're choosing to fall for "the boat is an investment", then...

    I'm pretty sure the boat has been my toughest sell ever to BabyMama. Hell, I bet Thai lady-boy vacations would have been an easier sell. Or NASCAR sponsorship, or "hey, I been thinkin' about getting surgery to look like Robert Duvall".

    Must be love.

  5. I love love love the way you describe Colin. You are a writer and he needs to be in a novel.
    An airplane builder, spreadsheets, acting!
    I would get confused with any sort of man lying on top of me, so I think you're doing pretty well.
    Oh you make me laugh, you wonderful woman.
    And I love that pic of Owen with his hands above his head. Perfect.

  6. I love this post, Ms. Moon! Wish there was a baby around for me to kiss...

  7. Allegra- And you will laugh every time you see it. "In Guad we trust." I love that.

    Steph- Could be!

    Jo- Too much coffee. That's all.
    I wish I could have heard your mother say that.

    Magnum- Yes. And complete trust. That too. But if he brings up a Thai vacation- hell no!

    Bethany- There is NO ONE like Colin. He should be in a book. Thanks for the sweet words, sweet girl.

    Ms. Dish- Go find a random one and do a stealth kiss.

  8. These are all great question. I've learned that sometimes the greatest questions can't be answered. It's sad, and at the same time allows me to form my own opinion.

    I love all these pictures of Owen. One of my roommates came into my room to give me back something and said, "That is one cute baby." I said "yes, yes he is."


  9. too much coffee eh? this post went all like wooaaa down my coffein pure injected in my

    i have to read it once more becaus ei dont know where to start and coment...

  10. My heavens girl, what a funny post! I just loved it. And, yes, Colin is one of a kind, bless his heart. I am so proud of him it brings tears to my eyes. See you soon!

  11. Coffee? And high on baby, I'm sure. I think if they ask you if you found everything, that would mean they would get what you didn't find for you if you mentioned it. American service is just great. Over here, you get lectured or scowled at. My son sleeps with his arms above his head, which breaks me because I think he looks so unprotected, so vulnerable. My daughter is like me - on her stomach, fenced off.

  12. Melissa- I can just hear you saying that, too. All of it.

    Danielle- That was fine.

    Jan- And sometimes he brings tears to our eyes from laughing so hard at him.

    Mwa- I know. I'm just being contrary. Isn't it funny how are babies all sleep differently?

  13. Can you get high on Baby? Hummm, now you have me thinking! Oh yes! And all the exclamation marks too! They must be addictive too!
    Maybe I have Brain-Freeze! That's the pain that you get right between your eyes when you eat something too cold!
    Oh, I just loved this post! It really made my day!
    Sorry about all the exclamation marks in this Babies around, but two mad kittens! (OOPS! SORRY!)

  14. i kissed TWO babies today, except they're not babies, they're big kids. my children turned six today, and i've kissed them about a thousand times and told them i love them over and over and even gave them breakfast in bed.

    we've kept each other warm today, and i definitely feel i've added years to my potential lifespan.

    lifespan? is that right? what?

  15. Happy New Year Ms Moon - may it bring a series of delights to you through every fast and slow moving thing God graces your life with :)

  16. I cracked up from beginning to end. Especially round about fruit flies and fruit bats.

    And I love Robert Duvall, too. From Boo Radley to Doc in Phenomenon. I'm sure he's been in something since, but I can't think of what...

    I LIKE the exclamation points. And the ands

  17. Alice- Yes. You can definitely get high on babies.

    Adrienne- Happy Birth-Day, Mama! And happy birthday to the babies. Oh my goodness! I hope it was a wonderful day. Bless you all.

    Shaista- Thank-you!

    Michelle- Okay. I will never write on too much coffee again. I promise. (And you know that's a promise I will not keep.)
    Have you seen Tender Mercies? I think that's my favorite Robert Duvall movie.

  18. he's more beautiful with every picture. Robert Duvall is always good!

  19. You've been speaking my mind in the last few posts. You really have! husband said "poke" the other night and I thought of you. Well, kind of. I mean, I thought of Robert Duvall and THEN I thought of you and then I lost the game and the rest was history.

  20. Of course you are crazy for Robert Duvall. How did I know this? He is my favorite for so many reasons. For one, he would have to play my father, Mr. JC, no one else could do him justice. For starters and that's a big starter. And of course I saw him in Mercies. And everything else.

    You know the characters he plays so well, so warm and friendly and charming. And then he gets mad so suddenly and explodes? Oh boy. That's familiar.

    And my D. always slept with his arms thrown high over his head. We called it "the touchdown sleeping pose." Still does, on his stomach, arms under his pillow. Still straight up, calling a touchdown.

  21. Maggie May- Yes, yes he is!

    Ms. Trouble- You know, I had never heard "poke" used that way until I read Lonesome Dove. And it makes so much sense.

    Glimmer- How can you not love Robert Duvall? Touchdown sleeping pose? That's perfect. I wonder if more boys sleep this way than girls. My little great-niece sleeps with her soft blankie OVER her head. And she always sleeps on her back. She will not lay on her tummy to save the world.
    Funny babies. I love 'em.

  22. Haha..

    Random goodness today.

  23. So funny -- all these musings.

    I saw Crazy Heart today and it's wonderful. Really wonderful.

  24. What really got me rolling was the SECOND reference to KABOOM foam. I just love entering your world.

  25. I've often wondered the same thing about the colonoscopy prep stuff -- seems like it would make a great diet aid.

    But if you used it very often, they'd start saying mean things about you, like "anorexic" and "bullimic."

    My WV is "colizer" -- that would be a perfect name for it! Or maybe "colonizer."

  26. AJ- More like random crap, but thank-you.

    Elizabeth- Really? I can't wait. Did you cry?

    Nancy C- Well, welcome to it.

    Jeanne- That's probably why you have to have a prescription for it.

  27. Chia pets are basically sprouts on a ceramic mold which strategically leaves out parts so the "hair" can be seen. I'm supposing they are just for novelty type fun.

    Cool about Robert Duvall.

    Kaboom spray foam is on the grocery list!

    I'd like to shove those new menu options up somebody's ass! I got an ear full of them just a few days ago, then I was hung up on!

    diets fads...? hmmm... remember when laxatives were the big thing for anorexia. I think this is nicer packaging.

    I have a perfect come back for Mr. Moons investments argument. I will email it to you. It just came to me in a flash of inspiration!

    Hope your day continues to be juicy.

  28. Kaboom foam is good shit. I use the kind that sprays on blue and turns white when it's ready to wipe.

    Sorry about your plants. Bummer.

    I love you shitloads.


  29. I keep forgetting to say that I think Owen looks like Hank.

  30. Ms. Bastard- That's the KABOOM! I'm talking about. I looked for it in the grocery store but we don't seem to have it yet. And really? You think Owen looks like Hank? Huh.

  31. I do indeed. He's a good looking fella like his uncle.

  32. WEird!! I was thinking that his hair color was reminding me of Hanks in the latest pictures too! I hope he lets his get good and long... Hank refuses, and it's soo gorgeous.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.