Thursday, June 2, 2022

Precious People And A New Name For The FDG Based On New Information

Now there you have three good-looking boys if you ask me. Levon is trying out a new smile, I think. They are helping their Boppy with the model car. Some of you may recall that this project has been going on for some years now. 

Oh wait. That was ten minutes ago. Now they appear to have set the burn pile on fire. I can't keep track of what those fellas are doing. 

I need to get supper fixed so this won't be long. I've got chicken and garlic simmering to make the requisite chicken and dumplings. August helped me snap the beans that I've gathered in the garden the last few days and I have carrots I pulled to peel and cut up and all of those, with some celery and an onion will be added to the broth. A meal in a bowl. 

I got some news that really upset me about an hour ago. The FDG which henceforth shall be called the GDFDG is not going to carry fresh produce but instead, only the crappy canned goods and off-brand chips and crap that they all sell along with household crap. How they think they can make any money off of the people in Lloyd as customers is a mystery to me. There's more concerning the septic system and so forth but I don't have time for that now. The main point here is that the one and only reason I did not think that having that eyesore built there was the absolute worst thing that could happen in Lloyd is that I thought it would be of use to the residents here who cannot get to Tallahassee or Monticello to buy food. 
They can already get beany-weenies and Vienna sausages and Doritos at the store by the interstate. I do imagine that they will be cheaper at the GDFDG, though. 

So it goes. 
More tomorrow.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Smiles are funny things aren't they? Of course they are best when spontaneous and natural but all of us have to force smiles from time to time - such as when posing for photographs. I guess that Little Levon was trying out that kind of smile.

    1. I think so too. He is trying out all sorts of things these days including funny accents.

  2. Yummy chicken and dumplings coming up! Wish I were there to enjoy a bowl with you. Was Levon named after Levon Helm?

    1. i think that Levon Helm was an inspiration just in that we all love that name. And he was a cool guy, too.

  3. sounds like the boys might be doing a *sleepover* tonight while Jessie and Virgil are preparing and packing for their departure? Chicken and dumplings are perfect, always! FDG? with NO fresh produce? Cripes. Not good for the compromised folks who most need access to an accessible local market........darned them.
    Susan M

    1. Yes. The boys had a sleepover. And no. No fresh produce. It's a regular DG, not a Dollar General Market. Damn. I hate them.

  4. I commented a while back, it appeared, now it's gone. Not the first time. Blogger erased me on another blog recently.

    Anyway I was commiserating about the Dreadful Store, news is worse each time.

    1. And it's not going to get better- the news about the GDFDG, anyway. I wish the news about Blogger would get better.

  5. The one bright shining star in all this is your own garden full of fresh produce. You don't have to shop for vegetables. do you also have fruit trees? Apples? Peaches? That store sounds like a nightmare.

    1. We do not have fruit trees. Well, we do. We have two blueberry bushes and two fig trees but they do not get enough sun. This is a very shady yard which is fine with me.

  6. I would never have thought that the FDG would have fresh produce. I mean I've never ever seen fresh produce in a dollar store. We need to torch our burn pile though it seems like we did that just a few weeks ago. And there's already a large pile in the truck waiting it's turn.

    1. Dollar General also has stores called Dollar General Markets which do have fresh produce and meat and stuff. Someone had told me that's what this one was going to be. It isn't. Burn piles can get big real quick, can't they?

  7. Dollar stores don't have fresh anything as I recall. You and Mr. Moon could set up a farm stand and sell your veggies and eggs! You would need an even bigger garden tho and maybe more chickens...
    Enjoy your time with the boys. That chicken and dumplings sounds yummy!

    1. See my comment to Ellen above. There are some that do.
      Glen and I don't have nearly enough produce and eggs to sell and I just can't fathom more chickens or a bigger garden. I can barely keep up with what we have. But a farmer's market here in Lloyd would be wonderful.

  8. The dollar store near me has crap food, total crap. This first time I went there, I asked at check-out how much things were as there was no price on anything. She looked at me in this strange way and said, "This is a DOLLAR STORE, ma'am." Mortified.

    The Mex restaurant is Gorg!!!

    1. Yeah. That's a different sort of Dollar Store. Our local Dollar Stores are not $1.25 stores. Weird. But yeah- crap food for sure.

  9. Wow, build a dollar store in order to sell crap! I hope it fails!

    1. I don't know if any of these piece of shit stores ever "fails" because the chain is so huge. But it sure wouldn't hurt my feelings.

  10. Those FDG never sell anything but pure shit. The food is crap. And they're fooling people into thinking their wares are cheaper...often they're not, or the stuff comes in deceptively smaller-than-normal packages. I despise them.

  11. The "99 Cent Only" Stores are the only Dollar Stores around here that actually sell Fresh Produce and Fresh Refrigerated items, they also Sell things that are more than a buck but are reasonably priced. It's a shame the franchise they're putting in isn't going to benefit the community in a healthier way, yet, I'm not surprised. So much junk is hawked, I desperately want a 'Whole Foods' to be built in the West Valley as they only have them in the more affluent East Valley of Metro Phoenix, as if only the affluent care about health and quality foods.

    1. The problem is that only the affluent can afford food from Whole Foods. Or as they are sometimes fondly called, "Whole Paycheck."

  12. I'm not surprised the FDG won't carry produce, but that IS discouraging news. That place sucks and it's not even built yet!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.