Monday, May 25, 2020

Little Miss Saddie

I am having one of those days.
I woke up in it and it's hung around me like a formless dress of gray and dusty cobwebs all day long. I forced myself to go walk. Two miles to Still Creek, turn around, two miles back. I asked No Man Lord how he was doing but it was one of those days when he did not feel like talking to me, I suppose. I saw two cardinals chasing a blue jay and I saw that gardenia. I wanted so to pluck it but I always feel like someone is probably watching me from a window, peering out from between curtains just waiting for me to purloin one of their posies.
It smelled like gardenias smell which is something I am not sufficiently able to describe. One cannot compare it to anything because there is nothing that smells like gardenias except for the flowers themselves but there is a certain hotness to it. A heat of a scent and that sweetness, too.
I can't describe it.

I came home and there were a few things that I really needed to do, the main one being to clean the nests in the hen house and give them fresh straw. It took me until after two to finally get to that. Having twenty-three chickens roosting in a hen house is vastly different than having six chickens roost in a hen house in terms of the amount of poop which collects nightly. So I filled up the yard cart with the old straw and the poop and I laid it between a row of potatoes and field peas in the garden. That done I was completely exhausted. I did do two loads of laundry but when I put one in the drier I forgot to turn it on and when I put a load of whites in the washer I forgot to set it to "whites." When I started the dishwasher I thought that if the little red light came on telling me to add rinse aid I would probably cry and when I was watering the porch plants and the hose got caught on a palm frond and I had to walk ALL THE WAY AROUND THE END OF THE PORCH to free it, it might as well have been a journey across three continents. I worked on a crossword for hours and when I say "worked" I mean that I sat and stared at it and ran through the alphabet in my head over and over trying out letters in squares to figure out words and then wondered if perhaps there were other letters I was forgetting because none of the usual twenty-six was working.

One of the things that's truly upsetting me right now is this whole let's-get-back-to-normal attitude. Not one fucking thing has changed as to the number of new covid cases daily and weekly. They are still increasing and so is the death rate. There is no vaccine yet, there is no treatment, there is no herd immunity. We, as a country, seem to have simply accepted the fact that sacrifices must be made and they will be made by the older people, the people with medical issues, people with disabilities, and of course- people of color.
Ah well. Who cares? We want to go to the beach and out to eat and to church and to go drink in bars and to get our hair cut and to get our nails done and it is our right, our right, our right to do all of these things without masks because masks inhibit our freedom.
Funny how the same people who insist that they need their loaded guns in order to protect themselves and others are the same ones who insist that wearing masks is a threat to their liberty.
Some days I am just sick of humans, myself included of course.

On a much lighter note, Lily and Lauren and the kids are having what looks to be an amazing time at Lauren's parents house. We've been getting pictures all day of them having so much fun.

And there have been golf cart rides and there's a river and of course all of the animals which I haven't even seen pictures of yet. The general consensus is that none of the children will be coming home. I mean- who would want to leave that wonderland of a pool? I am so glad they are having fun. 

Jessie and Vergil gave the boys haircuts today. Here's the picture I got of August. 

The Pandemic Summer haircut for four-year old boys. 

I just saw on FB that a six-year old child has tested positive for covid in Leon County which is Tallahassee. 

Tomorrow will be a better day. And it has rained again. And I have picked beautiful greens for a salad. 

Oh- have any of y'all watched "Hollywood" on Netflix? It's sort of strange and wonderful. Or at least that's what I thought.

And somehow this past week I missed the fact that it was the thirteenth anniversary of this blog. I have published 7844 posts. 
One day at a time. Hank, what did you think you were doing when you told me to start a blog? 

Good Lord. 

I sure do love y'all...Ms. Moon


  1. Happy Blogaversary! Remember when we used to say that? I'm nearing mine on June 30th. That pool picture cracks me up -- it looks like so much fun!

    1. Doesn't it look better than Disney?
      Happy Blogaversary to you, too!

  2. I think it's a shame our blog count only posts on the dashboard and not on home page that opens for everyone. You know your was the first blog I encountered, and figured out how to read all seven odd thousand of them. And don't be embarrassed, because people have told me they have read all mine, and I've learned how to say Thank You. Not one of them has told me I inspired them to write my own blog.
    I do know I can be in charge of no more than myself. I've seen a lot of damnfools I'd like to smack down and send home, but can't. So I'll just stick with six feet and masks and be happy for that.
    And I love Jessie's earrings.

    1. We are the fortunate ones who can afford to self-isolate and use very careful social distance practices when we do have to go out. I feel so bad for the employees of business who have reopened and who either have to go back to work or get fired. It's just horrible.
      Thank you so much for finding my blog, Joanne. You are precious. And I love your blog.

  3. Happy 13 years of blogging! That's impressive! I finally started a blog last January and I'm thinking it will be amazing if I get to one year! I'd love to jump in that pool with the kids - what fun.

    I've decided it's just the wild west out there and it's every man, woman and child for themselves. We are staying in and taking precautions just like we have since March. You can't depend on anyone but yourself these days.

    1. Nope. Can't depend on anyone but yourself. I think the next two weeks are going to be horrible here in terms of number of cases rising.

  4. I thought I wanted to read more of your writing. Happy thirteenth!

    1. Haha! You "thought" you wanted to read more of my writing! Well, you got it, boy. I sure do love you.

  5. I love your kid pics and Jessie is always gorgeous. Happy 13th. I am sorry you felt sad today, I have those days myself. Sometimes they seem triggered by exhaustion. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

    1. Yes. If I work really hard or have an eventful day one day, I am often exhausted and down the next. It's a normal reaction, I suppose. Today has been much better.

  6. Happy Blogaversary, the Grands are Precious as ever. And Yes, the Lets-Get-Back-To-Normal Mentality is upsetting when Pandemic is still raging. I'm weary of Adults behaving like spoiled Children and their very grotesque version of 'Freedom' for them even if it means Death to Thousands, now nearing a Hundred Thousand and counting... and yet, it does not Move them... if not this, then WHAT WOULD Move them I have to Wonder?

    1. I think our leader's complete lack of empathy has affected so many Americans. If he doesn't care, why should they? Or something. I don't know but it's horrible.

  7. Hope that you feel better today. Wow, 13 yrs of writing ! Not sure how long I have been reading you but I love hearing about your family, and your life which is so different to mine in a small town in SE England . ( Harpenden.....we have been here just over 40 yrs and the 3 boys have been brought up here. Now aged 42, 39 and 32. ) Lots of love to you all.
    ps. August's hair looks fine. Is Levon next?

    1. I'm so glad that you like reading about life in Lloyd, Frances. Thank you for visiting here and commenting and being a part of this community. Lots of love to you all too!

  8. I'm feeling much the same. Even one foot in front of the other seems to much right now. Sending hugs.

    1. Some days are just hard days. And then a good one comes along...
      I hope you have some of those, honey.

  9. Hello, I've seen some of your comments on other blogs I read and came across to have a look at your blog. It's a lovely blog and I'd like to stay and read for a while! You've done well to last so long in blog land, most people (me included) find it too much eventually. I've come back for a while just now as I'm finding blogging is helping to collate all the feelings around whats happening to the world at the moment. I know how you feel, I think most of us have had those kind of days on and off. I think as long as we don't let it get too much on top of us its ok to have 'down' days. I look forward to reading more. x

    1. Hello, Marksgran! I'm so glad you came by and even took the time to comment. I do appreciate that. Blogging does indeed help to get through these times with a sense of what's going on, doesn't it?
      And of course we all have bad days. As long as we have good ones, too, we'll be all right.

  10. it blows my mind how people have just decided that it's over because they are tired of it. and the aggressive ones who not only refuse to wear a mask but verbally attack those who do or even spit on them! WTF is wrong with people. I can't believe you walk 4 miles. I would not walk 4 miles in this heat. it's enough to walk from one end of the street and back. and what a fabulous pool and playland that Lauren has.

    1. I know! And that's exactly what it's like. "We're tired of this shit."
      I fear that there is going to be a great big comeuppance.
      And about the walking? Trust me, it's miserable.

  11. I have "Hollywood" bookmarked but I haven't watched it yet. It's on my list!

    And OMG -- Sunday was my 14th blogaversary! I didn't even realize it. Our blogs are practically the same age! (I took about a year off, in two periods of non-blogging, between late 2008 and mid-2011, so mine is really 13.)

    I had a gardenia bush outside my bedroom window when I was a kid, and although they smelled great, they made me sneeze like crazy.

    One problem with the coronavirus is that it's just rare enough for many people to not have any personal experience with it -- thus leading them to believe (falsely) that it's not such a huge risk. They inevitably wonder why the country is shut down when no one they know has been infected or made ill. The fact that the shutdown has probably CAUSED that lack of personal experience gets no traction with them. We'll see how things progress (or regress) as states and countries open back up again.

  12. You missed your Blogaverary too!
    I think you and Dave will very much like "Hollywood."
    I guess you're allergic to gardenias. Sad.
    You're exactly right in what you said about Coronavirus. We don't have any experience with it or anything even like it, truthfully. I think before this is all over we will all sadly know a lot more and probably look back and say, "What the hell were we thinking?" about loosening things up so quickly.

  13. Happy 14th! Gah, those kids look like they’re in heaven in that pool. I missed a lot here. Sorry you we’re sad on this day. I love you.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.