This morning I felt almost merry as I bustled about getting ready to go to town. I had convinced Mr. Moon to stay home today and I made him a nice bowl of oatmeal and I let the chickens out and fed them their scratch. I got dressed and got in the car and took off. When I got to Jessie's I helped get the boys in their shoes and jackets and buckled into their car seats and off we went to see Melissa. Levon seemed neither excited nor worried about getting his hair cut. He's a fairly pragmatic little guy for the most part, not unlike his brother and his dad. When we got to Melissa's shop August said, "I know this place. I can see how it looks inside, too."
"I bet you can!" I told him. And we tromped in to be greeted by the beautiful and lovely Melissa. She trimmed Jessie's hair first and then they discussed what Jessie wanted Levon's hair to look like. Melissa, who is so wise in the ways of children, asked which part was the most important because if a little one starts crying in her chair she says, "That's that!" and sends them off because she refuses to traumatize the child. Jessie said that the bangs were probably most important and Levon sat on Jessie's lap and accepted the cape being put around him. It was the same cape that Owen used to wear when Melissa cut his hair.
Both boys were given lolly pops and the hair cut became a group effort. I just sat and watched and took pictures. The little guy didn't seem a bit worried about the process. He let Melissa do her thing and if there were an award for a stylist getting a child's hair cut in a short amount of time, she would win it.
Snip, snip. Reassurances. Praise from all of us. Lolly pop rinsed off in the shampoo sink. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Here's what Levon looked like when it was at the mullet stage.
We considered leaving it like that.
"I do love a mullet!" said Melissa. She's from Alabama. We discussed Joe Dirt. She continued to snip and then she did a little buzzing which made the boy laugh and then, TA-DA! It was done.
He's still our Levon but he's a much more mature Levon. Don't you think?
Again, he was neither impressed nor worried, just accepting his new hairstyle and still enjoying his lolly pop. The brush on his neck with powder did make him giggle.
Once again, Melissa worked her magic and we love her.
Off we went to Midtown Pies to see May, meet Lily and Maggie, and have lunch.
We had delicious salads and pizza and Maggie played with the salt and pepper and cheese shakers again and May changed the channel on the TV to something for kids at August's request.
He was in heaven.
It got very busy just as we were finishing our lunches and we waved our good-byes and kisses to May. And then the children posed for me at my request.
"Cheese, cheese, cheese!" they are chanting.
My beautiful babies.
When we were eating I was looking at Maggie and I told her mama, "You know, sometimes she reminds me of Madonna." So many of her expressions are very strike-a-posable. That girl's going to be something. That girl is already something.
She hugged August and he hugged her back when we split up in the parking lot. And when we got to Jessie's and she dropped me off at my car before taking the boys to a playground to try and wear them out for a nap, I kissed them and told them I loved them.
"Love you!" said Levon.
"I love you, big boy, "I said.
"I love you, big boy!" he said back to me.
Who would have thought that being called big boy would ever be something that could please me so much?
Who would ever have thought that watching my fifth grandchild get his first real haircut could move me so much?
Yes. I did tear up today and Jessie laughed and told the story about how I cried once when she was little and was just getting so good at roller blading.
"You're growing up too fast!" she claimed I said as I was crying.
I'm sure she's got the story right. I'm also sure that children do grow up too fast in the eyes of their parents and grandparents.
That's life.
It was a good day.
Love...Ms. Moon
I love good days and your photos are priceless! Have a wonderful night and I hope Mr. Moon feels better soon.
ReplyDeleteWhatever it is that he has, it's a lingering thing.
Deletewhat a perfect outing today! Levon looks quite dashing with his new haircut.....that Melissa is a miracle worker! I too, hope Mr Moon is on the mend.....I know you will tend to him quite lovingly . ;-) . Soup and bread perhaps? and a cat on his lap.......and your TLC . The best medicine
ReplyDeletesusan M
I have tended to him as much as he allows me to. The cats have been doing lap duty quite faithfully.
DeleteMelissa is amazing.
Little Levon is one of a kind. As are all of them, but back to Levon. He's One of a Kind.
ReplyDeleteHeh-heh! He is! They are. He IS!
DeleteLevon is such a handsome little guy. All of your grandkids are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jennifer.
DeleteLevon looks gorgeous with his grown up hair. ( looked very cute with it longer too!) I used to cut my boys' hair when they were little, and until they were teenage and the styles changed and I couldn't manage! Must have saved me a fortune! I used to give them a little pot of sweets to eat while I did it when they were very little. They are 32,39 and 41 now!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure those boys will get some Mom and Dad haircuts but Jessie wanted to start out Levon's experience with Melissa.
DeleteLevon DOES look more mature with his shorter hair, doesn't he? It's a great haircut. And I love the picture of the three of them together.
ReplyDeleteI never had a sense of how quickly kids grow up until I began working in a school. I don't feel like I've been here that long, yet kids who were in middle school when I arrived have all graduated!
Just wait until those kids' kids show up at the school. Don't blink! It'll happen if you stick around long enough.
DeleteI'm so glad you had a good day. Time spent with grandkids is always a very good thing. Levon looks so cute, they all do.
ReplyDeleteI did have a good day. And you know how it is- we always think our grandchildren are incredibly adorable. And of course we're all correct.
DeleteThat first haircut is something else isn't it. My oldest son was very blond when he was little and one day he told the son next door that he wanted his hair cut just like his. So Sebastian ran in and got his trimmers and cut my son's hair. Only thing is he lost his nerve half way through and bottled out. There were ruddy great chunks of hair missing on my kid's head - it was so bad he looked like he was having chemotherapy. I have to admit it was pretty funny though. Aahhh kids!
ReplyDeleteAlmost every kid I know has either cut their own hair or had a friend or sibling do it for them, every one of them ending up looking absolutely horrible or hysterical, depending on how you view it. It is a wonder that more kids don't end up with scalp wounds.
DeleteNuthin' like a good dose of grand children to lift one's spirits. These little moments are the great moments of life.
ReplyDeleteIt's true, Tara.
DeleteWhat a cutie! My grandson hates, hates, hates having his hair cut. It's a trial every time. I wish he'd be more like Levon.
ReplyDeleteSo far none of my grandchildren have reacted that way to haircuts but I know it can happen. Levon was just very pragmatic about the whole deal.
Deleteas a human I knew everyone was themselves but it never occured to me that they pop out of the womb who they are. it was such a surprise! they already have their likes and dislikes and personalities and everything.
ReplyDeleteYou speak the truth, Ellen. They sure do.