Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This Boy

Is eight months old today.


  1. gobble gobble smack smack lick lick

    that's me eating Owen up

    Happy Birthday!

  2. happy 8th month then..:-) can u imagine i was once that small and sweet too????

  3. And is his Grandma making cupcakes to celebrate?

    I started reading you around the time he was born and love the frequent pictures. He shows such personality...inherited some of it from you, I suspect.

  4. yay, owen!
    my tiny boy that I spend my days with turned 8 months yesterday! he started crawling, too. what an amazing process life is.

  5. Only 8 months and nearly walking?! He is has advanced co-ordination as well as showing a great sense of mischievous humor. He must get that from you, too =o). x0 N2

  6. Michelle- I have said it before and I'll say it againg- thank god that babies are kiss-proof.

    Danielle- Yes. And that sometimes you wore an expression as mischievous as the one Owen sometimes wears.

    DTG- Yes way.

    Corinne- Sweeter than honey.

    Kathleen Scott- No. We'll be saving the cake pictures for the one-year old birthday. And as much as I try, I don't see myself in him but I'm sure that I am there.

    Rebecca- He sure is to me.

    notjustafemme- Truly.

    Rachel- His mama was blond at that age, too.

    N2- Well. Of course!

  7. Hey Owen, you are a pretty special fellow. Eight months is really cool. Enjoy it.

  8. I just about wanted to kiss my monitor.

  9. Syd- He seems to be making the most of it.

    Jill- Sometimes I do if he's not around.

    Angie M- I'll tell him you said so.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.