Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stars In The Yard

I went out to close the chickens in and there they were- the lightening bugs.
Ah. Is there anything more magical than that?
As I stood and watched, they flickered on and off in the woods around the chicken coop and along the railroad tracks, lighting their way to love in the early darkness.

And thus we know that here in North Florida, at least, it is surely summer now.


  1. Ah -lightning bugs. I will miss seeing those this summer. Another flickering bit of home that waits for me, hopefully, for another year.

  2. I have never seen lightning bugs in my life. I bet they are beautiful to behold.

  3. I love the fact you call them lightening bugs. My sweetie didn't know what I was talking about initially-she calls them fireflies.

    Here in MN there are some lightening bugs but nothing like in the days of my childhood further south. I remember those warm summer nights when we would catch tons of them and put them in a jar. We would gaze at them for awhile but I always made everyone release them. No lightening bugs could die on my watch.

  4. I remember the magical summers in Maryland where we ran after the lightening bugs for that precious dark hour before bedtime. Those were the days when magic was common place.

  5. They haven't started here yet. I like living in the country where there are lightening bugs.

  6. You do have magic there. We have snails and slugs just now, because it's cold and rainy over here. We had about a week of summer in April and now it's like winter again. But I feel like I get a bit of summer through you.

  7. Love those those day-glow flickering earth stars!

  8. I love lightening bugs. My Grandpa Em used to tamp holes in the top of a Mason Jar so I could see how many I could catch. I always think of him when I see lightening bugs.

  9. I haven't seen any yet, but just the other day my grandson was asking about them. We usually turn all the lights off in the house and sit in front of the back door and watch them in my yard just before we go to bed. He loves it and it seems to soothe him into falling asleep.

  10. We saw a bunch while we were camping. It was so cook to watch them blink in and out along the river.

  11. SJ- I'll bet they'll wait.

    Angie M- They are magical.

    Mel's Way- They need lots of undeveloped land which is why they are disappearing.
    And "fireflies" does sound more proper, doesn't it? But we always just called them "lightening bugs," which is nice, too, I think.

    Sandra- You nailed it. "When magic was commonplace."

    Syd- Oh. Me too!

    Mwa- We have snails, too. I wish I could send you some warmth.

    Ms. Fleur- Does Harley love them?

    Ms. Bastard-Beloved- Yep. Catching lightenin' bugs. I remember it well.

    Lois- I can't wait until Owen wants to see them.

    DTG- Awesomeness.

  12. I love watching the lightening bugs, they don't show up here until at least late July.


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