Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Owen's Here

Good morning. It's an Owen day. He is a mighty happy little boy at seven a.m. I hope his grandmother can keep up with him today. He's already got the kitchen half torn apart and we've shared a breakfast smoothie.
Right this second he's in a pack-n-play with approximately eighteen toys.
That'll keep him happy for approximately eighteen seconds.

I just peeked at him. He's chewing on the anteater. And starting to fuss.

Better go make him happy.

Morning, y'all.


  1. good good morning,
    to you,
    to Owen,
    to all of your assorted family and outside and inside beautiful .

    sorry I haven't been commenting, but I'm always here .
    my kids still destroy the kitchen and fuss . With the two older home it is too much. And yet. I go make them happy too it seems.

  2. Morning. Good luck keeping up:)

  3. Good morning! Have a good day with the boy.

    Love you.

  4. Aaahhhhh.... Enjoy him, and hope he enjoys himself too, which will not be a problem. Enjoy him double for all those grandma's who don't have Owen days... ;o)))
    And we want so see some more pics of what he is doing! If that is possible of course. Better put that new camera to practice!

  5. Compare him now to that picture of him and you on the side of your blog. That's so crazy!

  6. Hallo my dear. Dang I miss you!!! I'm glad you are with The Boy today. Hope we get to talk soon. We are recording today as we did yesterday and are out and about doing a gig with Mr. Peeples this evening. Stuart and Irma are coming tomorrow. Coffee talk tomorrow? Martini talk tonight? Love you so much. Lizzie xo xo

    P. S. Could he get any cuter? I don't think so.

  7. And good morning to you!
    That breakfast smoothie makes me want an orange. Mmm. Off to have one.

  8. Now we can combine the picture of you and O'boyo slipping and slidin on the clean floors. Joyous day! x0 N2

  9. My kids wouldn't tolerate the baby jail either. Not even for 18 seconds.

  10. Well he sure is cute! Hope you two have a beautiful day.

  11. happy wednesday to you two!

  12. What a sweet boy.........The toys that made my kids the happiest were the old cell phones and old land line phones......keep em happy for a long time!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.