Thursday, April 29, 2010


Dear Children,
I think, at a conservative estimate, I have thrown over a hundred birthday parties for the four of you. Do the math.
I have also hosted almost every Christmas and Thanksgiving since 1976. This is a long time and a lot of dinners.
And no, don't thank me, I have been happy to do it. It has been my joy.
But your mother is tired. So is your father. I know you look at us and you think, "Poor Mom, poor Dad. They are getting so old."
But you know what? We are not that old. We are merely tired. No. We are exhausted.

Now don't get me wrong. We are not too exhausted to host these parties. We can go to the store and buy the food and grill it and cook it and bake it and we can tend the garden and pick and prepare the food we have grown and we can provide the linens and tableware and so forth. And condiments. Lots of condiments.
And we want to do that. Like I said, it is our joy.

But. There will be no more cleaning up after by your daddy or myself.
And this does not mean that we will be left with a dirty kitchen.
No. It does not.
It means that between the four of you, somehow, some way, the kitchen shall be put back in proper order before you leave or go to bed, depending on whether or not you are spending the night. And this does not mean that any one or two of you is stuck here cleaning while the others are off gallivanting at your next event.
We realize that your time is important and that you have social lives but you must realize that we are so very, very tired. Life has worn our asses out. We, too, used to have a social life but now we don't because...we don't have the energy. Especially by the time one of these party/feasts has been consumed. And you know I am not a sloppy cook. I wash up as I go and I figure that by the time the meal is ready for the table, I have, again estimating conservatively, washed approximately one thousand pots, bowls, plates, and utensils.

So that is it, dear children. I am more thrilled than you can know that you all still want to come out to party with the parents but I just can't take the whole clean-up situation any more.
And don't even bother saying things like, "But I always help clean up."
I know you do. You all help.
But from now on, you will be helping each other while your very tired daddy and your very tired mother make a drink and sit and bask in the glory of our golden years. Or at least, our bronze years. Okay?
Maybe we can watch Owen. Yes. I think we can do that.

Here's to a great birthday season! See you all (except for you, May and we will miss you with all of our hearts!) on Saturday. And we shall get our party on and it will be fabulous.

Especially for me.

Love....Your Mama


  1. Well then. Let me know how this works out for you. Of course your kids are lovely and kind and will, in fact, clean up-but are you going to be able to LET them? :) Hugs, Ms. Moon.

  2. Perfect! I can so relate to this as I too do most of the family parties...and I do love it but am exhausted after....

    A new lesson taught my Ms. Moon :)

  3. Love it. I think watching Owen while the grown kids clean up is a good deal. But why can't May be there? Is she working? Bummer.

  4. Good call on the Lexapro. I could see you struggling.
    (and the word verification word is crater)

  5. Where is May?? Did she run off to Seattle again?

  6. I get what you are saying, but like the first poster said.....will you LET them clean up? I'm not too sure you'll let that happen.

  7. I can remember cleaning up at my mother in law's home years ago. She got very angry and slammed down a glass in a hostile martyr tirade. I would really like to have little elves come in and clean up after a dinner party. Anyway, I think it's a grand idea stated in your letter. Stick to it!

  8. Kori- I sure am going to TRY!

    Ellen- Good luck to us both in really letting this happen.

    Stephanie- YES! She is working. It's graduation weekend and the restaurant is booked, booked, booked.

    Lucy- Appropriate.

    SJ- Work. That girl works so hard.

    Rebecca- I know.

    Syd- I may be a hostile martyr too. Sigh. I will try not to be.

  9. Knowing your kids, I'm sure they will be more than happy to take this over. It just has to be spelled out like this sometimes, the move from helping, to actually taking over. Just because people stick to what they know, old habits, etc...Now I want to see you actually do it, step back and relax at the end of it all.

    Happy parties.

  10. i'll gladly help clean up if i can join in the festivities... ;)
    have a great party!

  11. I'm waiting to see the responses from your kids.

    Silence so far.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  12. The Passing of the Sponge to the Younger Generation. I think this was nicely put, Ms Moon, and I have faith in your sweet kids picking up the dish towel. Maybe it will help if they get to play their own kind of music during the cleanup period...

    Have a fabulous party! x0 N2

  13. I think this post may be the ultimate step in the Evolution of the Mommy Blog!

  14. Dearest Mama,
    You are right, as usual. You have spoiled us rotten with your unending love, patience, and the knowledge that no matter what we do you will finish the dishes and kiss us goodbye (not necessarily in that order). I wish with all my heart that I could be there to help. Please let the other Bad Children know that, as I can't be there Saturday, I will do the lion's share come Mother's Day, and I will do so (as Phoebe did) with a song in my throat and a smile in my heart.

  15. Bethany- I am going to do it! I swear! Yes!

    notjustafemme- Okay!

    Elizabeth- Oh, they will agree. I know my babies.

    Jo- Such a simple thing, too, huh?

    May Darling- You are NOT bad children at all. And you know- I do have more than a touch of the martyr in me, although hopefully, not the bitter martyr. _I_ have to get over feeling guilty, asking for help when I am tired.
    I can't believe you quoted Phoebe from Eight Cousins. Oh! How I loved that book! Oh! How I love YOU!

  16. Jo- I'm sorry. Who or what is Eye of Dod?

  17. As the adopted family member, I'm staying out of this shit. But when I come visit, I will happily help clean up.

  18. Ah, how functional! I love it! We would hint and be all passive-aggressive around my parts.

  19. I love it! I can hardly wait until I write such letters to my kids, too.

  20. I'm seconding what Rebecca said. tee hee hee!

    Happy Birthday ya'll! Enjoy those martoonies on the porch momma and poppa moon.
    xoxo pf


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.