Friday, April 23, 2010

Got To Love The Google Images

Just for the hell of it, I google-imaged "purple house, Monticello, Florida."
Here you go:

And oh yes?
It's on Plum Street.
How can you not love that?


  1. I dig this shit. Colorful houses rock. I particularly am in love with Michelle's. I WANT TO MOVE IN!
    Michelle won't mind.

  2. Yeah, Michelle- you won't mind, will you?

  3. I was thinking also that it reminded me of hers! Too cool. Love it. Why would anyone want to make them pain that beige?

  4. NPR is doing a whole series this week on Monticello, Tallahassee's neighbor to the east. Can't remember what show though. Interesting.

    Great house, great street name.

    And that's what I love about the south!

  5. What color are the neighbors homes? Perhaps this is the home of Little Jack Horner...I thought of the nursery rhyme as soon as I saw this picture!

  6. Oh I know what I was reminded of when I saw this! My daughter and her boyfriend where in Mexico and they had pictures of this town that was so vibrant with color it felt like a garden! Every home or building was a different shade or color and it all looked so happy there. The town was on an up slope hillside...they had tunnels underground for the cars or people to us to get to different areas of the town...I should try to google that or get her to share a photo or to.
    I think old homes get a face lift when color is given...newer homes look silly painted too bright.

  7. We have a neon teal house here, next door to a pink and yellow house. People just shake their heads.

  8. very pretty! the folks in my neighborhood would have a shit fit if I painted anything purple.

  9. There used to be a house just like that in Potosi, MO......what a riot. Now, I wonder if that house is still there.....hummm?

  10. i confess it..i love purple..dark purple that is...and i m not ashamed..:-)

  11. I like it. We have a house in our neighborhood with purple trim. Mine is a boring gray, but then, I *like* boring gray.

  12. Cool house and on Plum Street. I like these eclectic little towns!

  13. Kori- People are afraid of color. Need I say more?

    Ms. Fleur- Color and biscuits. Oh yeah.

    Ellen- Mostly white. And yes, that is another reason I love Mexico so damn much.

    Jo- Yes!

    Rachel- Gives people something to talk about, eh?

    Jeannie- No one in the history of the world has ever died from a shit fit.

    Lois- Me too!

    Anonymous- Did you google-image it?

    Danielle- And why should you be, dear boy?

    Lora- Gray can be a very nice color.

    Syd- Monticello is a great mix of eclectic and traditional.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.