Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just This

It's so odd. The blog world seems to be so sad today. For many, at least.
And yet, I've had a most beautiful day. One of those days where moments of perfect contentment have been visited upon me as if I had been standing in a cleared field, ringed by trees and was looking up to receive the softest, warmest rain which could ever fall.
Simple, nothing-to-hardly-even-mention moments but which, in and of themselves, brought me more joy and a sense of rightness than I can explain.

Listen- The world is full of unbearable sorrow. Unbearable, and yet people do. Bear it. They wake up every morning and they harness themselves to the weight of the sorrow and the pain they have been given and they rise up and they do what must be done.
And they do it every day of their lives.

I would hope for them, for those who suffer, for all of us, really, that there are days where the moments of something so sweet can pierce their hearts so strongly that for a moment, that moment, at least, the burdens are lifted and they can experience that peace with something like happiness.
I would wish that.

Here. One more picture of wisteria. Maybe the last. But it's a picture I took of wisteria growing so far up into a tree that it's as if the tree itself were blooming purple.
Whenever I see something growing which is purple, I think of a quote from The Color Purple by Alice Walker. She gives the words to Shug to say and they go like this:

I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it.

Well. I don't know how I feel about God but I sure do know how I feel about growing things.
And here is a picture of purple and let's not piss off God.
No. Let's look at it and think of Madeline Spohr and her parents. Let's think about people we know, both in real life and through this community, whose burdens and pains are great. Let's think about the color purple and moments of perfect contentment with this moment, this world, this life, this place.

There. That's all I have to say.


  1. Maddie was the first thing I thought of this morning, too, since it was the first blog I read. I began reading just a few days before that happened, and I remember finding out from your blog actually, before I found out from hers. What an awful thing; and yet it happens all the time and I can't make sense of any of it anymore. I just know what I know, and that isn't very much. I know you're a great part of my everyday though, and I am grateful.

  2. Great pictures and a great post. Always enjoy reading your stuff Ms. Moon. Owen looks awesome, and I am still extremely jealous of that weather. We get up to 58 today but I will not be happy until we are in upper 60s. Have a good one.

  3. It was good to come here and read about purple, to read about little Maddie and her mother. Thank you for sending me these things: your comment, the purple, solidarity. Thank you.

  4. It is beautiful, at least, in your world. I would be happy with A flower blooming, pruple or not. It snowed here, Ms. Moon, two days ago. It sisn't stcik, but t snowed, it was 35 degrees, and WINDY.

  5. thank you for this. the listening. the sharing. the truly being present and seeing.
    and always, the colour purple.

  6. Thank you. I, too, understand.

  7. You are my color purple. You are beautiful, and I love you dearly.


  8. Once again you have lifted my spirits!

  9. SJ- And I am grateful for you. Don't forget that.

    Mr. Shife- Our weather now is perfect. Warm (even hotish) during the daytime and lovely-cool at night. I'm enjoying your daily posts.

    Elizabeth- And I was honoring you, too, my love.

    Kori- I'm sorry. HOW DO YOU HANDLE IT? THAT COLD? THAT WEATHER? I do not have your strength.

    Rebecca- There's more purple around here right now than you can shake a stick at. It's so beautiful. And I am NOT pissing off God. Believe me.

    Nancy C- And that's why I like you so much.

    Ms. Bastard- And you are MY color purple.

    Lois- And that makes me HAPPY!

  10. Thank you for this.

  11. Nice with the wisteria. Ours is going strong. I didn't have a sad day yesterday but was tired. And rowing with the headwinds coming at 20 knots made for a challenge. But we did it!!!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.