Friday, August 29, 2008

You're Kidding Me, Right?

An avid right-to-lifer, a woman with no foreign policy experience, she was runner up in a beauty contest and she has a degree in journalism.
Yeah. That's the best McCain could come up with.
And if he thinks that women who supported Hillary are going to vote for him because of HER, he is sadly underestimating women, which does not surprise me in the least.
This woman is not in any way, shape or form fit for the office of the vice president of the United States which proves that McCain is not either.
That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.


  1. She has that disntictive look, like the head of a woman on the keel of an old wooden man of war pirate ship, and I am sure she will be just as useful to this bunch of old, thieving thugs intent on raping our country for four more years. I hope hillary comes out publicly and denounces this travesty of "figurehead, tokenator" politics.

  2. She's the female Alan Keyes without all the education.

  3. Plus, I just heard that McCain only talked to her ONCE before yesterday! I think he just shot himself in the foot or else (and I'm not an ageist, I'm not - at my age I can't be) this is a sign of Alzheimers/dementia!
    Good point, John!

  4. this decision tells me that Mccain does not have the sound judgment he needs to be president.

  5. I'm just stunned. Not that McCain would pick her, because that's just the kind of maverick guy he is, but because in my little circle of friends his strategy seems to be working. One of them actually said "I feel like Sarah Palin is ME! She stands for everything I believe in! I wish she was running for President." Gag me! I clearly need to reevaluate my friend base.

  6. I can't help but see her as a female Quayle. How are her spelling skills?


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.